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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, amounts...
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the sons became an ordinary police psychologist, you 'll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she's digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, what else, maybe yes, they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 3, 1841, new zealand officially became a british colony. before this, it was considered part of the colony of new south wales. today it is one of the states of australia. but london issued a charter making the lands of the mauri, the indigenous people of new zealand, a separate subject. great britain, but
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the majority of the population here were already european settlers; after 15 years, new zealand had its own parliament, and the colony moved to self-government. the capital was moved from auckland to wellington. now new zealand is an independent state, although formally, its head is considered to be the british king, charles ii. he appoints a governor-general, who is really involved in ceremonial and social activities. the country has become very progressive, it was here that they were provided for the first time. voices to all women back in 1893, the world’s first law on resolving disputes between employers and trade unions was immediately adopted, and in 1987 the country was the first on the planet to declare its territory a nuclear-free zone. in new zealand it is prohibited to use nuclear energy; they cannot even enter its waters. enter ships with nuclear weapons on board with nuclear power plants. on may 3, 1908 , he appeared in lebanon. a new place
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of pilgrimage for christians. on that day, 25 km from the capital beirut, on the top of harisa hill, its height is 600 m, a huge white sculpture of the virgin mary was installed. now she is called our lady of lebanon or the blessed virgin of charissa. the 8.5 m tall statue was cast from bronze in france. it stands on top of a tower, inside of which there is a functioning church. there are also monasteries and churches on the hill. pope john came here in 1997 paul i. here, from where all of beirut is visible in full view, he blessed the lebanese people. lebanon is one of the most christianized countries in the middle east. and the only country in the arab world where 40% of the population is christian - about 2 million people. lebanon's largest christian community, the maronites have long-standing ties to the roman catholic church, but they have their own patriarch and liturgy and customs. according to the constitution. and even the president of the country is always
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chosen from among the maronites. on may 3, 1947 , a new constitution was introduced in japan. her approved by parliament, the emperor and the people, who expressed their opinion in a referendum. the document turned out to be very advanced for japan. the constitution limited the power of the emperor and approved the refusal to use military force in resolving international disputes. the equality of men and women was enshrined in the basic law. according to a number of historians, under the influence of the ussr constitution, which, together with the us constitution, was taken as a model. the role of the emperor was reduced to a nominal one, and all powers were concentrated in the hands of the head of the cabinet of ministers, responsible to parliament. the ninth article of the constitution excluded the use of war as a means of resolving international disputes and re-establishing the armed forces. however, it was soon broken. self-defense forces appeared in japan. de facto, this is a real army. the militarization of the country
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is in full swing; in 2015, parliament even passed a law allowing the use of these troops outside the country. on may 3... 961 , a soviet agent and part-time officer of the british mi-6, george blake, was sentenced to 42 years in prison. amazing man fate of amazing courage. georgi bihar was born in the netherlands. as a young man, at the height of world war ii, he moved to england, changed his last name and volunteered for the navy, but he was declared unfit for service on submarines, and he ended up in the mi-6. he was a resident of british intelligence in the south. korea, it was there that, having seen the brutality of hostilities up close, george blake changed his worldview on his own initiative and began collaborating with soviet intelligence, free of charge, and passed on a lot of valuable information, including about secret tunnel under the border between west and east berlin. blake was discovered and
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arrested in britain; he was betrayed by the polish intelligence officer michal galinewski. the 42-year sentence to which he was sentenced was the second longest in british court history. production, but 5 years after the verdict, black managed to escape; friends helped him secretly move to the ussr. he lived in russia until the end of his life under the name georgiy bekhtor, working as a consultant to the kgb while remaining a convinced communist. this is what this day in history was like. dear friends, i want bring to your attention our new release of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called. when the eyes are bigger than the mouth. i hope you will understand why we named our program this way. i believe it will be interesting, i’m looking forward to seeing you. the american ford knox
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is rapidly emptying. more and more countries are deciding to take back theirs. stocks from a storage facility in the united states, which for decades was considered the most reliable. cause of concern about the stability of the united states economy. according to official data, the value of the reserves located in the united states is $657 billion, of which the states themselves own the metal in the amount of 429 billion. the rest is the property of other countries, which historically stored it there for the sake of security, as well as to increase liquidity, because the largest transactions with ... the value of the metal was dictated, in fact, by two key reasons: firstly, for security reasons and the second point, which is also important, is due to the fact that the cost of gold after the abolition
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gold standard, the ae was low, and maintenance costs were significantly higher than the price of the metal that was needed. the wave of gold repatriation from the united states began in european countries; in 2013 , the german bundesbank withdrew 300 tons of the precious metal from the country to return it to storage in frankfurt am main. in 2014 , the dutch central bank returned 120 tons of gold to amsterdam. in 2019 , turkey completed the export of reserves; these were bars weighing 28 tons, 5% of the country’s total gold reserves. repatriation resumed this year with renewed vigor, for the first four. month , the decision to evacuate their gold reserves from the united states was made by saudi arabia, ghana, cameroon, senegal, algeria, egypt, south africa and nigeria. each country represents important regions of africa and the middle east, raising questions about the future of the us dollar as the world's primary reserve currency. china is one of our
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largest repatriates, which is now taking gold. and why he does this and why other countries do this is also understandable. everyone has learned from the russian story, how... when our reserves located in the west were arrested for the united states, this means that gold on its territory is becoming less, less of it will be included in the reporting, as if investor confidence will also decrease. so, according to experts, the new wave of repatriation is associated primarily with the west’s decision to confiscate russian assets totaling approximately $300 billion. this move undermined confidence in the united states. another reason is
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the signs: first, that central banks have been purchasing gold in record volumes in recent years, including china, india, russia and poland. these countries responded to doubts about the value of dollars. perspective, the fears signaled a perceived decline in america. the second sign is the popularity of cryptocurrencies. stradas are beginning to lose interest not only in storing gold in the united states, but in investing in american government debt. last june , the saudi arabian treasury divested $3 billion of united states treasury bonds. in total, since the twentieth year, he has reduced investment in them by 40%. american securities are also being sold in china. last year, beijing sold $11 billion of us government debt. investors are alarmed by the constant growth of american borrowings and,
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as a result, the loss of the highest credit rating by the united states. last year, the fitch agency lowered it for the first time in 30 years and changed the forecast to negative. where are you from from the eleventh b? no lie, i’m from the eleventh b. we are also from the eleventh b.di in the eleventh b. i only need one boy, this is him. i had to come all this way to watch this good film. yes, why are you so lucky, very i liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, expressiveness, all this, all these emotions were there, it was very cool, this was the first film, which i was absolutely delighted with, humor, good, i need to get into school 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but it’s not like that yet, i wait, i hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if... ask any questions, how could i even be here turn out, what a meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes
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you want to laugh, super, oh, like that the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future 100 years from now. let's pull, let's pull! these containers have a rich past; almost a third of them are made from recycled materials. recycled plastic has received the right to a second life, and what kind of life, to serve in good faith? the plant where they are produced has recently opened its doors. what solutions are there for businesses that are involved in waste management? is it possible to learn a culture of consumption? who wins? the approach within the industry itself has really fundamentally changed, it has gotten back on its feet, i
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i wash plastic bottles, plastic containers, i try to remove the label, environmental friendliness is fashionable now, fashion is also fashionable, so that at some point it is relevant, at some point it loses its relevance, let’s put it this way, there are things that are fashionable, but there are basic things, this is the basis, we agreed, it is important to build a system for... rational waste management, its further processing, for this purpose the circular economy initiative was launched; secondary resources are subject to recycling and from 2030 will be prohibited from disposal. this morning in a coffee shop, i asked to pour my tea not in a disposable cup with a plastic lid, but in my thermos, and they even gave me a discount, a small step for a person is big for the environment. today , a comprehensive circulation system is being formed in russia. with municipal solid waste, thanks to the ecology national project
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, waste sorting complexes and waste treatment plants are being built throughout the country, and infrastructure is being created to make it convenient for people to sort waste. since the start of the national project, 250 sorting facilities have been created waste disposal. as a result, more than half of municipal solid waste today is sorted. in 2018, this share was only 7%. the goal is to be the largest in the country, built in less than 2 years. at two complexes with a total capacity of 1,800,000 tons, secondary raw materials are converted into
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alternative fuel, industrial soil into granules, from which new plastic products are also produced. how profitable is it to produce from garbage? without government support measures for this industry, we, of course, would not have taken on this huge construction site we spent almost 12 billion rubles. and the construction of this plant. 7-8 years, in this case, is a reasonable period. as it seemed to us, european suppliers, sleek, powered, who told us how wonderful everything would be, how everything would be built, and somewhere by the end of march we had no more suppliers left, we turned to our mechanical engineering and many accepted this challenge, they created that equipment , the third and fourth line, in general, in principle, it is almost completely localized and is russian. a registry was created in 2022
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domestic manufacturers, as well as suppliers, equipment and technologies for the industry. the share of imports was... halved over 4 years from 60 to 30%, and foreign equipment in production lines is already approaching zero. when they offer me a package in a store, i say, i don’t need the package, yes, take it, it’s free, i say, yes, i understand that it’s free, it’s just that the fewer of them i take, the less of them they will produce, the fewer of them in the end thrown out. alexander pugin knows what he’s talking about, for 15 years now he has been together with his childhood friend alexander, he also develops and produces.
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they promise higher salaries for them than we do, so if the state came up with some kind of support measures for people working in the industry, that would be great. the plant in tver produces equipment that is supplied throughout the country abroad to kazakhstan, belarus, and south asian countries. automation is capable of distinguishing plastic from paper or glass and even sorting it by color. in practice, separators are classified into two types: they are based on neural networks, that is this is machine vision on...
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it will immediately be possible to select from my container and the corresponding bunker at the accumulation site and make something useful out of it. it all starts with primary sorting, both in everyday life and in enterprises, and this is the most important stage on the path to responsible waste management. developed countries have spent several decades working with waste on this topic. we have made a breakthrough in 5 years. 250
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waste management facilities have been built in the last four years. 400 tons are purchased here monthly waste paper, they recycle it and make money from it, we’ll find out exactly how right now. question about something that was embarrassing the day before yesterday, i discovered the world of second-hand stores, in moscow there are fantastic ones that look like a boutique, and second-hand stores where t-shirts are kilograms, uh, i haven’t become so enlightened yet, but i admit that this too will also happen. every schoolchild in the soviet union collected waste paper. dmitry gutman is sure that this is back in trend, newspapers, cardboard, paper packaging, waste from
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enterprises, all this comes here and is turned into a new product. on which you can really do a lot, this is, for example, a coal box, it is a transport package on one side, but it is tricky, we remove the label on top, push it into the hole, which is actually a chimney, wait 15 minutes, here they are ready coals, where vegetables, fruits, eggs in packaging made from former cardboard and paper cups are more often found on supermarket shelves, the process is similar to baking, first the dough is kneaded, from which the products are literally baked in molds, the parking lot has been dried, that’s it, it’s ready, it’s interesting that at the initial stage it contains only 1% paper and 99% water, now, of course, there’s only paper. well, if it were unprofitable, we wouldn’t be standing here, perekotepol would be rolling around here, we’ve loaded up this industrial site, we’re developing a second one, we’re thinking about the next one, we’ve rolled back a little since the beginning
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of 2022, when we weren’t able to sell for export, but for now we we can’t do this, we concentrated more on the territory of russia, released about 120 products 5 years ago, now there are more than 200 clients they no longer say: it’s waste paper, they say: oh, pulperton, we heard, we know, this is actually a story about the fact that... they came up with this word, so again, pulperton, pulp - this is what we will see now, this mass, we - last year, on behalf of the head of state, launched a reform of extended responsibility of manufacturers and importers, we do not provide for penalties, on the contrary, environmentally friendly coefficients for those who use packaging, for which there are many recycling cycles, that is, the more recycling cycles ,
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we talk about the category of goods and what kind of packaging might be more acceptable for them, yes, what kind is unacceptable, while on the shelves of supermarkets there are still more plastic products than in paper, there is also polystyrene foam, one of the most difficult waste to dispose of, that is, to say that with packaging like this, we no longer accept goods, you can’t, unfortunately, here we really can recommend as much as we can, we can’t compose, there was no such fear, or maybe anger , of people who...
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the system is not only monitors exports. and here this is 70% of the costs, with the help of these algorithms that we developed, we managed to reduce transport by half, we started as an ordinary startup, we had four people, now 300 in revenue, it
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was 10 million there, now these are billions, the state has support now in terms of numbers, but it is colossal, but these are also just numbers, if you are included in the register, you receive huge tax benefits, they are often asked not to highlight this as... they have developed an application for consumers, earn money on the trash you can will be simply by sending a bag of recyclable waste into the bin. we put cardboard in a bag, we tie it, take the qr code, glue the chiponik, yes, then we take our mobile application, go into it, click, they put waste paper in it and after that i understand how much money i will actually receive 3875 rubles accumulated . waste
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can be not only raw materials, but also art, this art object is in some sense a metaphor, if you don’t change the attitude towards sorting and recycling, the real cows will have to make room to give up the emerald meadows. here such relatives, plastic, paper, glass, all this can and should be recycled, it is very important to throw away correctly, you do not sort the waste yet, then we come to you, and you visit us on social networks using the qr code that you see right now on on your screen.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow; a meeting has been created, which is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion relationships, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste, and today there is a spiritual battle going on around inside the monastery. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next. stand, who are they? new guys, this
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is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, you can, you can sing somehow, brusey, she’s alive, we don’t need names, you can’t touch her, or what, it’s not a trifle, it’s not yours, well, you little crumb, the light of god, what should you do, commander? that's it, shoot, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, no, this is my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's for sure.
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do you dream of realizing yourself in a creative profession, but what if you are just one step away from your dream, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage and digital art specialists artmas, declare yourself! get funding and implement your project, become in demand. creative industries are waiting exactly you. i want too. leave an application on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artmas.
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training in denmark to fly snow. when will f-16s with ukrainian pilots in the cockpits appear at the front and what will happen to them? the zelensky regime and western politicians are announcing attacks on the crimean bridge with renewed vigor. they lie that this is a military facility just to justify a new terrorist attack in kiev, why now? fighting for gender equality with a metal detector in hand.


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