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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the russian military has completely liberated berdychi in the dpr, the ministry of defense reported this. the village is located in the suburb of avdeevka, on the road along which the ukrainian armed forces group was supplied. thus, the logistics of ukrainian troops in this place are now significantly disrupted. the liberation of berdyche will allow us to move towards novoselovka and be the first to leave. to the volchye river, where one of
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the key lines of defense of the ukrainian army is located. denis alekseev will tell you more. berdychi, a settlement that the ukrainian armed forces held on to for so long, is now under russian control. the second line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces passed here, and now it is penetrated by our units. and the armed forces of ukraine have to move at least another 10 kilometers to the west. today it became known that the militants had abandoned their positions near arkhangelsk. this is absolutely. near berdychi. our area of ​​control is expanding. the ukrainian command concentrated serious resources on the avdievskoe direction, so actively and ineffectively that western curators strongly, by order, recommended saving equipment. and the abrams first of all. just near berdychi, the first american tank was shot down, which is now on public display on poklonnaya hill in moscow. he was lucky. german leopard in addition to dulas. they bent right in the center of moscow, the leopard
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was not destined to become a star in the ukrainian steppes, although such a bet was made on it, but the exhibition audience had a huge interest in it, we looked at how much equipment they destroyed, our guys, well done, we must continue to crush the enemy and victory will be ours. they come to look at the captured equipment foreigners, representatives of the diplomatic departments of nato countries are also welcome here. what happens to the hyped one? with western iron on the battlefield here they will be shown and told without waiting in line, here is another of the fresh trophies of the bradley variety, from there, a reconnaissance and fire adjustment vehicle, our military is already studying it, footage taken a little earlier, there the bmt marder stood rooted to the spot and is burning on a country road, and what else remains after our fvedron hits? as a result of active actions, a subdivision of the group of troops-center completely liberated the settlement.
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berdoch improved the tactical position, repelled 10 counterattacks of assault groups, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 380 military personnel, five armored combat vehicles, eight vehicles, a 155mm self-propelled artillery mount, a galubica 2000 armor made in germany and a 155mm m-777 galubica. russian missilemen destroyed two khaimars launchers with a hit from iskander, footage from kupinsky. about the target, our combat crew was 40 km away, the workshop for the production of missiles and ammunition, the missile and artillery warehouse had also been liquidated weapons of the armed forces of ukraine, this could not have happened without the participation of our pilots. this is just footage of their work, with a high-precision strike hitting the launchers of iris anti-aircraft systems in the kharkov region. footage from the southern group of troops, the crew of the carnet anti-tank missile system shot down the heavy ukrainian copter babayeg with one shot. the drone
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is impressive with a large carrying capacity, that is, most often hung with heavy projectiles, it can cause a lot of problems if not noticed and intercepted in time, but the speed is it’s not the highest, so it’s not difficult for our military to aim and strike accurately, and after being hit by an anti-tank missile, baba yaga’s chances are zero. in just one day, 25 ukrainian drones were shot down, our air defense crews are not asleep, they are responsible for intercepting guided bombs and... active projectiles, and intercepted at least five such french-american -made ammunition flying towards our positions of populated areas. denis alekseev, lead. vladimir putin awarded medals to teenagers who saved people during the terrorist attack in crocus. the corresponding presidential decree is posted on the website of the official publication of legal acts. the medal for saving the dead was awarded to artyom donskov, nikita ivanov and islam khalilov. during. after the shooting in
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the concert hall, schoolchildren were able to get about 100 people out of the building, and after them , more than a few spectators escaped through the same exit. the president also awarded the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodko. according to the decree, the head of the region received the order of courage, including for dedication, manifested in the performance of professional duty. time of heroes is the name of the program that was launched in the tula region; it compensates fighters for the cost of studying at a university and guarantees free vocational secondary education. vladimir putin and governor alexander dyumin spoke about how the region supports the participants in the special operation on thursday. the president received him in his. 60 measures to support participants of a special military operation and members of their families, and this is only at the local level, the governor of the tula region reported to the president about this, as alexey dyumin clarified, we
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are talking about the extraordinary provision of housing certificates for the allocation of fifty apartments for those who, for one reason or another, do not fall under the existing mechanisms, and even...
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they opened one of the country's first centers for training drone operators, it works directly at the training ground of a military unit, so from the point of view of the so-called target environment, in other words, simulating the location and actions of certain
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enemy groups and objects, as close as possible to combat realities. from the point of view of the capital, we are involved in supporting our defense enterprises, and of course, first of all.
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we completed ahead of schedule, now regional projects are being implemented, this is over 900 million rubles and we have already resettled 230 people, but the need remains high, we need to calculate about 300,000 km, work is underway, we understand how to move forward, and this work is taking into account that it is such quite spicy, one of three such key ones are medicine, ecology, emergency housing, therefore...
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sending troops to ukraine in a long interview with the economist, he called a breakthrough of the russian front and kiev’s request as possible triggers. according to macron, other countries also supported paris's position. the leader of the opposition patriots party, florian philippot, called the sharp statements of the french president a new attack of madness from the madman macron. filippo called not to send any soldiers, weapons or even a single euro to ukraine. the third day has ended in georgia protest. opposition against the law on restrictions for noagts. unlike the previous two, the security forces were inactive and
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did not even try to interfere. the demonstrators again gathered near parliament, then marched for about a kilometer and a half along the way, blocking traffic, and then, closer to midnight , they began to disperse and walk around the city. there was no collision this time, but at about 11 pm over heroes square, where the procession ended and even fireworks went off. states have already detained almost one and a half thousand people who expressed disagreement with israeli activities in the gas sector. these are mainly young people with left-wing and liberal views. that is, it would seem that the iron electorate of joe biden’s democratic party, however, it was the president who essentially gave the go-ahead for the harsh suppression of the protest, accusing its participants of going beyond acceptable limits. our correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov, will tell you what the consequences may be for the american election race.
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even the liberal party is tired of the festival of disobedience, which students in the united states have been passing off as support for palestine for the third week now. california. chaos from the height of a police drone looks like this. we carried out reconnaissance during the day, and in the evening, on the campus of the university of ucla in los angeles, a lesson in american democracy began for the inhabitants of the tent city.
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i’m no longer allowed on campus, all my things are left there, we probably won’t even be allowed to take exams, columbia university in new york has already switched to remote learning, it all started from there, and before it had time to subside a little, it flared up next door at fordham university. barricades inside the building, tents staged right in the corridors of the academic buildings at the famous lincoln center, posing in front of the support group, which was located outside, singing freedom to palestine. the participants of the action, of course, consider themselves freedom fighters, but as it turned out, none of them really want to go to deprivation, the protest is a protest, and lunch is on schedule. we are required to provide food because we, as
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students, pay for meals. you don't want students to die from lack of water or food. moreover, none of those who wore bread and water i don’t intend to sit arafatki. their list of requirements includes tasty and healthy food, including gluten-free products. the protesters are demanding a rather amusing list of supplies. they need hot food, and also food that... marked must be vegetarian, also they want lotions, this all sounds like a party, what kind of army of revolution is this? the same bewilderment in the eyes of congressmen, who the day before personally visited george washington university in the american capital, greeted them unkindly. in response, with a megaphone in hand, to the creators of this a surreal picture of turboliberal reality struck republican lauren bobek. queer transsexuals for the liberation of palestine, gays for gaza,
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lesbians for palestine, it’s disgusting , almost every one of them would be destroyed by the very terrorists you support here. if you don't want to make a difference, kiss your federal funding goodbye. the legal framework is ready for this, 320 votes for, 91 against, and the house of representatives of congress passes a bill to combat anti-semitism, as once... we are here to discuss the little gases that have started uprisings on college campuses across america, these little gases are disgusting cesspools of antisem.
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recalls 1968 with its protests against the vietnam war, the peak of the confrontation then was the dim party congress in chicago. 650 arrested, more than a thousand wounded, the chicago seven, this is just about that event. half a century later, there are protests again in america, the
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democratic convention will again be held in chicago. this could be the decisive moment of the election campaign season, just like it was 56 years ago, people will see the chaos on their screens and say: “enough is enough, we want law and order restored.” the republicans have a party convention scheduled in wisconsin, and during a break between court hearings in new york, donald trump rushes there. our party convention will be held in chalky in just a few months, we are really looking forward to it, do you remember the last time biden even showed up at his convention, i think not, some say he was wandering around the parking lot asking where he was, are you in wisconsin , a where is it? at a rally in michigan that his victory could be stolen from him, trump spoke in general phrases, but what really
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frightened the democrats was his interview with the milwacky journal sentinel, in which the republican candidate promised... to recognize the results of the november elections only if the elections are held honestly, otherwise it threatens to raise supporters to fight. trump said something similar on january 6 before the storming of the capitol. biden's supporters are confident that those events, against the backdrop of what could happen as early as november, will seem like a cakewalk for america. in 4 years the ingredients for an explosive political cocktail had time to brew, and new ones in the form of those. there are more and more protests at universities. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria egorova, lead the usa. under mysterious circumstances, the second informant in the case of defects in booing airliners has died. he was one of the first who was not afraid to publicly talk about significant violations in the company's production. previously, another witness was found dead shortly after
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testifying against the corporation. let me remind you that over the past six months, boeing 737 airliners have been hit. in more than 15 aviation accidents. the topic will be continued by emil mirsaev. lead a healthy lifestyle, never complain of illness and die suddenly at 45 years old. this is the fate of the second informant of the boging aircraft corporation, who dared to openly declare problems during the assembly of airliners. and if the previous informant john barnett allegedly shot himself during the march litigation with the company, then this time, as the newspaper writes.
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for example, they use a hotel key card to seal doors, as well as liquid soap in as a lubricant when working with the seal. the same was stated by the recently deceased josh dean. added to the list of his complaints was the fact that for several years, according to the auditor, the mechanisms had been incorrectly drilling a hole in the radar fairing. but management simply ignored this fact and then fired the specialist himself. any company keeps its secrets.
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the price of shares is also falling, according to
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analysts, the corporation may face a long-term crisis, market confidence may hit boeing much more painfully than any quote numbers. today, the global aviation industry has strongly doubted the capabilities of boeing, which... as for further sales, that is, demand for aircraft, i am afraid that now many customers will have to reconsider their plans, first of all , try to reorient themselves to the european manufacturer airbas as the main competitor, the problem is in the corporation with another popular line of aircraft, the 787 dreamliner, they can literally fall apart in the air, a former engineer... one way or another, the investigation of the national administration will end at the end of may, the combatants are now in great difficulty at all echelons. a reminder of perseverance, courage and
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boundless love for the homeland. a monument to the heroic feats of women during the great patriotic war was unveiled in the patriot park near moscow. the prototypes were the volunteer girls from one of the most famous and beloved soviet war films about zora here are quiet. screen adaptation of the story of the same name.
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told by boris vasiliev and stanislav rostovsky, this is a true story, and today near petrozavodsk there is a military unit in which our girls served, i was there, and behind the glass in the museum there are bloody komsomol tickets of those who died defending the sky and the borders of our ... homeland, when we go to the zone of a special military operation , we meet our heroines there too, they are so
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similar to those about whom... on social networks at these hours, users from different regions of russia share footage of the northern lights. this effect on a natural phenomenon is observed in belgorod, tver, perm territory, kursk region, khantemansi autonomous okrug, st. petersburg, moscow region and even in the skies over moscow. forecasters explain this to a powerful magnetic storm in the earth's atmosphere, the third strongest since the beginning of this year. this was reported by the space research institute and the institute. solar-terrestrial physics. moscow vs st. petersburg. csk hosted zenit at their home stadium. the first match of the final of the rpl russian football cup has ended in the capital. the army team is the current owner of this trophy. well, zenit is the championship leader countries. our correspondent, alexander abramov, observed the fundamental confrontation. this was the first episode of the may series in russian football. for just
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two weeks, cska izenica. plays each other three times, two matches as part of the rpl finals in the russian cup and a match in the championship. there are always nuances, there are always details that you prepare for, and you try to use them in the game, there will be nothing unusual in this preparation. if in the national championship teams solve different problems and cska is not a competitor to zenit, then in the russian cup there is a chance for both teams will enter the match for the trophy approximately 50x50. this was how it was before the first match in the cup competition, and this is how it remained after. cska defends its title in the russian cup. what are cska's chances of winning the cup for the second year in a row? we are a good team, i think, so our chances are good, we will do everything to win it. everything is in our hands and with our fans with support, i think we will give all our strength to win. in the first half there was a canceled cska goal, and the main events in the first match of the confrontation took place in the half second. in the fifty-third minute, anton zabolotny pushed the ball into the goal from close range. zenit
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answered with a goal from alexander at the end of the match. erokhin, who came on as a substitute 9 minutes before his goal was scored. for zenit, this was the first goal scored in the last three games. 1:1 who will reach the russian cup super final from this pair is not yet clear. the schedule is not easy, especially the load falls on the guys who play more and psychologically and physically, so of course you need to get out of yourself somewhere emotions, reserves, first of all emotions, because football without emotions probably looks a little different, that’s why well... there are again guys who are always ready to go out, ready to maintain the pace, very high-quality presentation, very high-quality, strongly, you can literally compare this transfer with the dream of a sniper rifle, erokhin, you don’t need to do anything, the ball flew straight to the head, the return match in the pair of cska zenit will be held in st. petersburg on may 15, but the winner of this confrontation will play in the russian cup super final on june 2 at luzhniki with winner of the pair baltika spartak. baltika is in
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the lower bracket of the tournament on the way to the region. rostov passed, kaliningrad won 1:0, only four contenders for the cup remained, and there were only three matches in the tournament. alexander abramov, alexander makridin, sergey kuzentsov and karen melikyan. news.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is
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russia ready to change?


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