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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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maternity capital has become larger, new conditions have appeared in the conditions of its purpose and rules of use. we'll figure out what has changed in 5 minutes in this release of the instructions. let's start with the amount of maternity capital. from february 1 , it was indexed by 7.4%, that is, it increased the amount of actual inflation. for the first child, 630,380 rubles will be assigned. for the second - 833.
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who can apply for maternity capital? now it is assigned to a child who has russian citizenship by birth, and the recipient, mother, father or adoptive parent, were already citizens of russia at the time the child was born. an exception is provided for residents of new regions; they will be provided with state support regardless of the time frame for obtaining citizenship. yes, fathers can also receive maternity capital, which is why it is also called family capital. let us remember the other conditions. mothers can claim capital if they gave birth to or adopted a second, third or subsequent children since the beginning of 2007, or a first child in 2020 later. fathers have.
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you can read about this on the website of the social fund of russia. another innovation this year, matkapital funds can be used for funded pensions not only for mothers, but also for certain categories of fathers. the law gives this right to sole adoptive parents, and those whose the wives died without russian citizenship. fathers to whom the right to it was transferred from the woman, the owner of the certificate, because she died or was deprived of it, will not be able to transfer maternity capital into a funded pension. another innovation concerns the reconstruction of housing; townhouses and other capital objects with a separate exit have been added to individual houses, but there is a condition: maternity capital can only be used if the area of ​​the house increases, and
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no less than by the accounting standard for the area of ​​residential premises established by law. to compensate for costs with the help of state support, you must provide a document confirming the implementation of the main ones. works the changes also affected monthly payments from maternity capital, and specifically, the period during which you can apply for such support and receive money for the entire time since the birth of the child. if it came out this year, the family can apply for a monthly payment within six months and receive funds, including for previous months. if you apply later than six months later, the payment will be established from the month submitting an application before. this application period was only 3 months, in our telegram you asked what maternity capital is required if twins or triplets are born, we clarified it in the social fund. as for twins, triplets, twins, triplets, if at the moment a mother
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gives birth to twins after her twentieth year, then she receives immediately, if she did not have children before, and the amount of maternal family capital is increased in the amount of 833,000 rubles. here we get 630 rubles for the first child. thousand rubles and an additional payment of 202,000 rubles. if the mother previously applied for a certificate at the birth of her first child after the twentieth year, she then had twins, then she simply receives an additional payment in the amount of 202,000 rubles. let us repeat the most important thing: in february, the size of maternity capital was increased by the amount of actual inflation. under the conditions of his appointment, an important requirement appeared: the child must... be a citizen of russia by birth, funds can now be sent to the funded pension of the fathers, but only under certain conditions, and it is also possible to compensate for the mother’s capital costs for the reconstruction of townhouses, in addition, the period for applying for monthly payments from
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maternity capital has been increased to six months. if you have any questions, if you want to know how the state can help parents, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will definitely talk to the ministries. it is profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners a free sberbank card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch. sber presents a loan with 2% cashback for you. even more opportunities have appeared, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new
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morning in the village of taman, krasnodar territory. the cossacks go to the church for the protection of the blessed virgin mary. this is an unusual orthodox church. in the history of our country, it was built in 1793 by the black sea cossacks. lord,
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lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, bless. the army of loyal black sea cossacks was formed to participate in the war with the ottoman empire, to protect new borders in the south of the country, during the brilliant century of the empress’s reign. catherine the second most important result of catherine’s foreign policy was the annexation of the territory in the south of the russian empire, that is, tamania, crimea, and the entire right bank of kubania. this made it possible to weaken the position of the ottoman empire, which for centuries was one of the most important competitors of the russian empire, to increase trade relations, access to the southern seas, southern trade lines and, in principle, to strengthen the borders, because it had already been the crimean khanate for many centuries, decades. posed a threat to russia, as a result of this foreign policy, the crimean khanate, in fact, its territories were included in the russian
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empire, and became one of the peoples living on the territory of our state. peter i managed to decide access to the baltic sea, catherine ii, who considered herself the successor of the work of peter the great, got the decision to access the black sea. clashes with the ottoman empire began much earlier; the crimean khanate was on its side at that moment, which had reclaimed the ottoman empire. russia had a situation the most... turkey declares war in 1768, dissatisfied with the strengthening of russia in poland. and it is in such conditions that catherine the great acts brilliantly. catherine ii thinks absolutely imperially. russia does not have a fleet in the black sea at this moment. and then the empress decides to send ships, an expedition from st. petersburg to the mediterranean sea. the expedition was a very successful one. this is a model of the flagship, the commander-in-chief. russian fleet of general anshef, count alexei orlov. it was orlov who developed the plan for a military operation against
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turkey in the mediterranean sea. for victory in in the chismensky battle he received the right to be called orlov chesmensky. in this battle, russia destroyed the turkish fleet. this was followed by a number of other victories, including those under the command of suvorov. the kuchuk-kaynorji peace treaty was very beneficial for russia. the crimean khanate is now independent of the ottoman empire, the new crimean khan is loyal to russia. but without the support of russian troops, his position is precarious. later, in 1783, catherine decides to annex crimea, and without military action. the sale of slaves has stopped, that's it. africa, europe and so on. these are russian laws, that is, inclusion in the general and economic space, because new
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territories had to be populated, and catherine begins politics. and settling them and inviting colonists. in this era , porcelain figurines and table decorations were in fashion, with the empress in the center, surrounded by dignitaries and representatives of different nations, good subjects. under catherine, both the territory of russia and, naturally, the population increased. it grows with people whom the empress invited to live in sparsely populated areas. germans, greeks, serbs, bulgarians, swear allegiance catherine, it was beneficial for them to live in russia. these are other peoples, crimean tatars, jews.
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in 1769, catherine gives her respondent, the great philosopher voltaire, a fur coat made from russian sable, but in the greek style, a gift with meaning. catherine planned to push the turks out of the balkan peninsula and create a new byzantine empire here under a russian protectorate. voltaire fully supported this idea. the project was multifaceted,
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but the main thing was that in the 17th, 21st, and early 20th centuries, russia. provide passage through the basphorus and dordonelles to the mediterranean sea. this issue could have been resolved in the first world war if the russian empire had won it. the main ideologist of this geopolitical project was his serene highness prince grigory potemkin. if the byzantine empire were recreated , an orthodox cross would be installed over the church of hagia sophia. according to catherine’s plan, her youngest grandson, born in 1779, would become its ruler. here are his portraits from the hermitage collection. his.
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says that he was one of the smartest, wisest cossacks, people in the black sea army, had already attended the imperial reception of catherine ii back in 1774, as a zaporozhye cossack, so it was he who was chosen to convey this idea to the empress, the idea of ​​​​relocating the cossacks to new lands. in the krasnodar museum reserves named after felitsin there is a historical document, the grant of letters from catherine to the cossacks, which allows them to begin resettlement with the condition of protecting the borders. it was presented on june 30 , 1792, along with this gilded silver dish with a dedicatory inscription, and the cossacks set off. one detachment of cossacks. and the household members walked here on the taman around the sea of ​​azov for 2 years, this detachment was led by koshevoy ataman zakharia chipiga, and two other detachments, where there were unmarried cossacks,
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came here by sea on ships, they were led by the koshevoy ataman, sava bely, according to legend, that they landed in a smoky ravine behind me. this happened on august 25, 1792. having moved, the cossacks, according to the charter, received land. in the west is the taman peninsula, in the east is ustlabinsk, in the north yeisk. they founded 40 roots, 38 of them were named in honor of the zaporozhye ones, two new names were berezansky and ekaterinovsky. the cities of ekaterinadar and taman were founded. in taman, this monument tells about the resettlement of the kazhaks. the cossacks were supposed to protect the sea from the passage of turkish ships, which with... raids, bandit raids on the crimean peninsula, which at that time was already russian, the cossacks began to cultivate the land, go about their usual business,
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fishing, well, they guarded the border, the troops of the faithful black sea cossacks in 1860 renamed the kuban cossack army. before us is the anniversary banner of st. george, granted by emperor nicholas ii in 1896 to the kuban cossack army. on the front side is depicted the holy noble prince alexander nevsky, who was considered, is considered the heavenly patron of the kuban cossacks, but the real one is presented on the reverse side of the banner. kuban cossacks were heroes of all wars; in the first world war, every third kuban cossack received the st. george cross. here are rare chronicles of 1916, showing his majesty convoy. the guard unit that guarded the emperor, its main core was the terek and kuban. in the highest presence , a church parade was held for the convoy, hundreds of whom are in line to serve in combat at the front. st. george's crosses and medals on the chests
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of many cossacks clearly spoke of a glorious campaign. most of the kuban cossacks did not accept the power of the bolsheviks. de-cossackization began in kuban. some of the cossacks emigrated, taking with them these rarities. in the 1990s, kuban cossacks began to return to traditions and teach. ancestors, boys teaches flanking, dzhagetovka, circassian coat of black red cloth wears on holidays. i know my ancestors, up to the seventh generation, my ancestors served in the slobodsky, izyum regiment, these are generally one of the first cossacks who came to serve the kings, but the main thing is to serve the fatherland, many left here from the temryuk region and indeed from the kuban for a special military operation, the rest are carrying humanitarian aid, from ataman andrei richard.
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in a sense, we are waiting for our moment, our conscription, we are waiting for the order of our president, and the rarities that were taken away by immigrants, cossacks, returned to krasnodar in 2011 from america. the descendants of the cossacks made such a decision; their conditions were to return the name ekaterinodar to krasnodar, to recreate the military temple to catherine, which was blown up by the bolsheviks, and to return the priority to the krasnodar museum. the military cathedral of prince alexander nevsky was restored in 2006, and in the same year a monument to catherine the great, recreated from old photographs, appeared next to it. this monument to michael mikeshina repeats his own monument to catherine. in st. petersburg, at the feet of the empress, the characters who played a significant role in the history of the russian south and the resettlement of the black sea cossacks to the kuban are his serene highness prince and
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field marshal grigory potemkin, the three first koshevoy otaman: sidr bely, killed near ochakov, anton golovaty and zakhary chipego.
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so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course,
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a film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, it moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, it’s cool, wonderful, that’s it , love, romance, that right now, yes, i ’m going to cry now, these are tears, world-class, but the whole film is just in one breath, we’ll meet very cool, i’m proud, it was something, in the future, 100 years in the future.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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the russian military has completely liberated berdychi in the dpr, the ministry of defense reported this. the village is located in the suburb of avdeevka, on the road along which the ukrainian armed forces group was supplied. thus, the logistics of ukrainian
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troops in this place are now essential. violated, the liberation of berdyche will allow one to advance towards novoselovka. the first to reach the volchye river, where one of the key lines of defense of the ukrainian army is located.


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