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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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ocean city, any of the situation would be to rearrange something that'd be, i guess we've missed a sec, let the deputy head of the security council. we can, we can take couple of these minutes as well. but we wanted to avoid these and give it to 100 percent of what you need to do for everybody to come down. and i'm sure that if we run a survey today, 99 percent of slowly population and not only slower if you would like to leave the question for someone to the page. interior minister might ask you, um you presented a portraits of the suspected gunman as a man who is supportive of the opposition's policies and an opponents of the government policies. but his social media profile suggests he's not sure about the place. so to finance the pizza in his youth, particularly his pro russian views as links to this uh, battalion's power minutes. you guys have just wondered how you could onto the apparent contradiction that. but i also wanted to ask of the defense minister if i
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made a, there's a lot of talk today about the need for com. so, so, so i said that this, you know, also have talked today about the need for com. and the suggestion of the opposition and media here have been inflaming the situation. and so if i can create some tensions, i just one that given that missed a piece that himself often uses very confrontational language, inflammatory language himself. would you agree that he is at least, or the government has at least partially to blame for the tensions instead of exercise you right now by a company called to be? yeah. so the, just the, the, the, to pass the question of the, of the system was the 1st of all that you probably became the victim of the information. but we are appealing to be an estimated because you pretty much name people. that's enough. what we try to get some information. i don't think it is that there is one revision interaction about 8 years ago between the shorter than
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me. but i'm $7030.00 most at the end of the slow the entire military. and obviously maybe 535, right. how's it will get involved and i'm not sure about the political use this up and out of the real truth and effect of the as well in the move, the association of fire against violence and the liberal gratiot rainbow 9 came up the reactive games and the venue so these the power really jury put a group where he wanted to accidentally deliver that boy many foods and to appeal to them to stop using windows and health care. i believe there has been some confrontation i've been told and visually personally, but if you found the pacific pacific, just taking a moment to after 8 years of receiving information that you believe, then you presenting as a, as a factor. so you based it on the information as
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a verified souls, as many as copy page change shot from a peaceful man to a person, to the point of view, an express his disagreement with the government, what will be and the night or she and i to do it in the worst, most brutal way. can you tell you know, this is and take off. i'd be happy to shop the v l. yeah. that example, the tech support example of the as of the piece on the bus and turning through your medical. i mean for my d in to load it in a killing machine under the influence of information, which is not certainly it could be supported if you made it really the goal and i week are we kind of expect that for me, robust fee, so he's not a new policy show, but he's been the only thing they put together. i'll keep this thing, so give it to 1992 and i'll ask you to do that. so that's better for the to use
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uh, go ahead. okay. and for many use audio, a theme maybe um, now have you heard that on you was one of the most sought after by media kits that are funny to lot being pulled by the ones who may come to get in the government. and some, it was under a tech. what did you get to me those things as foundation in 25 years ago i was this name will be, but i need mad yet. if not a little bit of an echo. we didn't have the same opinion with the selected media than the treaty for the system get, you know, the view this find the place that criticism we still one electrician was on the 20th and then there was a frequency violation. how can we criticize them? is the one the election, a successful female placement. so i tried to play hot and uh, they'll say this on the way the thing to say to us it weighs you don't. when you get rid of 3 is between the 3 to 5. let me explain this night when, when the 3 they were there was a lot of all efforts to for retribution to abuse the criminal, the,
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the female code he was on the form of government. it was being 4 times, but not for corruption, which he was often often child accused of. but as for obviously expression limits of guilt and the comments on the supreme court ruling. second time to both of the creation was full is the logic of presenting presents. we're going to run out to our lift, weighing the whole they'd be the banker's, the state. so time it was for him to go by sending a protest. imagine that you in your training office during a protest i was about to you have to come over before is beginning the photo around organized by a position that the police came in. and i pointed to the long and of the rest that he will be, it's right. and so he went voluntarily leave it. oh,
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would you feel that the leader of opposition gets arrested shortly before loving any post on the child's name? you know, he mentioned it. okay, and that's about the 2 other positions. he said, the, the, the tech's crime, but he's not which one of them has told me to just get off of and this is when he was a kid who's a home full time at anybody. i would also for the expression of his opinion on april the if this didn't succeed and that's where the run you through with all of these the up the could out. we had all the way to pick it up to some he, when elections for the full time, the government. so the frustrated, she was supposed to auto political, the media, whatever. when they 1st started in the 6 months and you go in every name, i'm think of them, but we would we see what happened yesterday. i'm not pointing any feelings that
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that'd be fine. also for me a question and you phrased it the way so that you it suits your question, your argument even seem it but not the book for me. piece is most important. when you come back to me to the discussion with me for the car, then we're going to base it for many years. and i love it. remember that it'd be split the, but i would have held any animosity to what would seem to be honest. we shook hands today and we have to come back today the normal week. now the scores with different opinions more than almost a for the for i am a to lawyer for those. uh, i have kind of, i didn't mention the neighborhood traitors. yeah. that was not a member of any who radicalized the group number. the only group he was member of these was the me about the association of slow, like right to it. so he's going to be on his. he was not left. all right. and he's,
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he was interested in bully things, usually individuals, but please as well as i can always seems to be see you represent b c. yesterday i read an article which you wrote about this event. and i'd like to receive the complete us. we'll use it to, to verify the frequency, right, about not just drawing our information from the other one, but it will be news of political commentators. i know i tell you why, but i don't know who it was even when we ordered a little bit. but bbc present any information about real estate. so he was formerly a lift, but i, we can go to different school today. is that right? i mean, since he bought the leaving for the defense, i'd like to let you know that the privilege of yesterday. so the member of the government, the head of government with 2 disorders will not on the left wing of bodies and when like a national body moist hole. no, he's not the chairman of my but he lives to being bullied in. you also writing about getting all these involved, but he is already clients things though, and he's against the zip codes. i'd like to remind you that 2 weeks ago we had
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a celebration office at all. that was the only thing. what do you see so, and know how to change those? very proud members, although he is also a newly elected president, clearly declared membership of philadelphia in the nato. also the government is again, both assistance, the upgrade, and let's see again just got assistance for non rain b b. so now, i mean, i'd like to like to have a lot of the aisle how heavy you know, and the bbc federal government are you weeks ago now before this moving, it's got the government making with the ukrainian government where we talked about specific i can sort of see over the systems that i'm the only thing we refuse to send weapons to is i think you have to promote the things rescuing. so in a fairly open enrollment fee. so mean, again say you know, g, b, d, i'm simple, buy a new customer using this only to show me all the definitely just one single span. anyway, the, him a whole program simple it against these. on the contrary,
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i would like for you to say that based out of government is put on page 2 foot boards. i was saying that the rights in terms of heal, documentation, inheritance is, and so one of a weekly summaries to verify your information to you as bbc told me to send me an 8 about. so take care of it. because basically as i must say, the amount would be the same as lying, and i'm really sorry about the need for my see. i'll send you over the the, i understand that you may not have verify this information or from colleagues. and some of it may be in this room that wouldn't bbc road was i, there was no, it was a lie. if you can, i'd like to ask you to make it official correction. 3 last question and somebody called monkeys, aust, i'm sorry about the can i let you come back into the that them to the tech is so all from you said that it was, it makes you more pleasurable protection and you don't see any failures at all. but not photographing your whole. another way of seeing photographs of to this in the
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spawning categories give an see when you stick with the on the, the table, the parent really 3 is to put your body to google and we use ma'am, and think of them in quotations. twice it was presented, gina is present the both sides of the government, lima, and veto to the one month ago that he's afraid that it will not hurt some women, but maybe, uh, who are you able to target? just maybe somebody with the cable. so in, for my face, the great outcome by me some of these mentioned people by the way, what must be leaving the secret service? we don't have any information on the board because even less during the year, the tactical commodity resulted fairly small group of one of the almost like one thing as a he says or with the you listen to what the deputy prime minister in the middle was talking about just wanting to be done. so do you know why he was in the meeting 80 years ago, the lady that he was not a member of this group on the way it was a he tried doing assistive. he tried to convince the what's down there around all
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of it is. and so then you question doesn't make much sense. well, he wasn't the front of grab, this is a mom. if there was more, he thought i'd say it again. you think we, i don't think we need to money to own productivity, so hold people with and growth is 30 prototype. we do thing. it is correct. based on the modern mall only to bodies, the refund that has betrayed. is it possible securing the risk? can you imagine of any problem in place, but i'm the one that you don't file them in 3 d b. so i think that would be treated as a security risk link because i'm interested in for the if you will just as a logical thing where we, once we do that, he was known to you as a new member of this permanently 3 room when he was right on the honeycutt, i'd say to calm them down and what you love, and you asked me about something that the morning 3, my old new people at the ending process are you are you, is that going to be by your show? you understand what you are asking in bulk of the honda. i don't want to have a conflict. i mean, if we're going to mistake, let's just, nichols, i just want to continue the comes over the discussion board based on not the,
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my ridiculously so need these scenarios. even if someone who disagrees with governments police like this. i just, i showed that the feedback which was most due label is the one question where the security forces are availed. i'm telling you clearly they have not. i see it as of and once again, we'll call you myself please. let's calm down your speech agreement to walk. let's go to doc. let's look at the last name of things that are correct. is that true? but excessive base, things that are covered by your questions. the only 2 things can happen already. and then we will either because i think nancy a close old position in a golden cage, it will be called but we will continue doing what it was to be who i was, what i care me to work with the citizens to deal with the real problems and in this discuss your difficulty and this is where you increase the risk. i could do other people, but let's face adult about that and go with us. it looks like that he feels the interest that i get. this may have a tragic and what did you do then?
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the money go to maybe on some level. yeah, that's the thinking let's you know, i don't want, i don't want to be the basic guy here. you can look into monitoring, putting talk, able to get access of the responses by media in the general public to tell it to control something is all i wanted to. there's a new motion adult to see if, you know, we cannot allow the for you to close us, but in the changes and everything will, everybody wouldn't be predicted. then we will never find out what people was problem as people really have lights on it and move back dyslexia that we all remember when people, when afraid to walk along the streets, i think you will ask the questions. just got the funding metrics television evening . so it'll be 3 weeks. uh, so the slug governmental told me to you to some of the things the district when you come to the decision being made on the contents of restricting the contain. velma, so now we just didn't use because in the past it was very strong for those people
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that you rely the learning and it is there any pressure implications to sort of reuse them campaigning is that will be m v p 3 assessment. i'm gonna think i'm finding all the campaign and so, but i don't think that much dismiss manually we will be changing how difficult it is and it's deep, but it's not totally updated. but it will, this cassandra, the policy which are always promoted, which was a direct dialogue with the, with citizens only the in the move in the front of me. and he says, has not been on the new quote. it'll be meeting at the condition of the series, and we really didn't have any thoughts about that to see about the main menu. most of the other issues of the we only help the situation with improve louisa. and we will inform you. and since we have a check television, here is one of the things which i always wanted to say that sometimes if you guys
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who don't, cuz that's what we're here on the check tv. let's. let's have a balanced of information. even the, you know, any of you know, what i'm talking about is to me and i said we will certainly them kind of acting out campaign activities for the upcoming period. and i mostly talked or these, but i also think i'd like to appeal to other 5 asian to do so. let's see, but it's all in, as i say it in terms of coming down and it goes rather me, but also you may we, what am i going to be a way we can get appeal to the tv a lot. see and able to just look for that girl that go into my visa as i lots of for them. i'll be spent on programs on to be confrontational again, to the latest, the spend that kind of thing, stuff, confrontation. i can clearly whether i can commit on behalf of the hopefully the capacity of the envelopes keep on. we basically the end of the be dusky semester, but least the betsy leader of how long that will take the lead. the candidate for you election has received some freights, so he will not be able to personally attend to talk to the teachers know the
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position as well. that is no time before this will do for disagreements. we need to do this together with the position from activity i would like to ask the budget to do about the case would have to be the one who is the sim, supervised by prosecutor from the former personnel specialist do the vision with him. i'm not sure which a prosecutor is in charge of the investigation. a good on the prosecution office deluxe. those are the issued information i'm about to go. i'll be late and then i'll go with the general prosecutor's office. we trust the general prosecutor's office and he's done is obviously she didn't, isn't one of the most independent body to somebody out loud and even to move to about the yes got to be the most to look out. he is free of any,
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any political. but if you have it, you know, 15 for is caesar like 30 miles looking technical by solomon? yeah. you see some people may know black some of his decisions on, but this is life and i don't know who is a little bit of supervising, prosecute, and i have a they my full confidence panel regarding the, the check will there be any, any personal consequences drawn on should some people have took a leave with enough? who does this is not a musical memorial for the competition way away. the who may have gestures pretty button, the from isolating. the only other thing is we will talk to somebody posted, but review the situation and the most importantly, the it'd be how cool and everything will take the video united you hold on. let me
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show, asking by the director here, do you know where he was yesterday and moving. he wasn't having the lower document . we'd like to have him do you know which suitability of he was he had he was covered with blood, but it might be double because just like people who will give one of the people he platform, he will be on the minds. he wasn't going to be, he was next to the problem in the end, since he joined sydney always. he wrote everything in a while, not going to close me. i don't need to buy electricity because the way that you don't joke and i've got to put my the other way that the leather seats for these and 3 or 4 o'clock. and i make sure that the, the receipts on, on your shipment or the x as the training, or is it going up or just the opposite end? i mean, to the general, you know, we mean, we don't need to worry about who we will be looking after the use, of course, the shuttle representative. they say that the right hand is not to come with blood to the v, like the, the auto body of who you, who you talk to,
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and media and who present themselves as experts. think every day what's up to him to help them. okay, well welcome, welcome back to the studio in most go. we've just been listening and alive to brought us lava, a slow back administers to address the media. this comes a day off to the plumbing is to robust fits, so it was short multiple times and it attempted assassination. and what we had the from the slovak defending submit is the deputy prominence. the on the interior minister was really an appeal to the media to it. no false reports to wait for an official information from the government office. and the rid of was addressing down rarely to the media who the interior minister accused of contributing to the polarization of society. multiple times he mentioned the risk of civil war. the defense minister said the priority right now is to calm down society. within
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slovakia the interior minister even going as far as to choose the b, b, c, all the law yang and the which he said his contribution to this uh, this po the why is ation that we see and slow back to. so i think the main takeaway really from the press conference was about the suit to himself. and susan has been charged with pre meditated mode at mode, which has been close to 5 as politically and motivated. the suspect stated himself that he was influenced by reports in the media at the end, and he had attended anti government protests over the past year. the mind apparently didn't know to agree with the actions of the fits so government, which included still paying the supply of weapons to ukraine. so the ready was a sense of a turning point for some of vodka. so back here within this press conference and
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also the weather slip back, it was a safe country by one of the reports as the and serial minister, poignantly replied, slovakia also yesterday is a different country. and while the defense minister quoted an attack on democracy, so there really is a sense of a turning point and the condition on the problem is the fits so it's still very serious. it could be a very long recovery if, if he does survive this attack, like i said, he was short multiple times yesterday. i stay with us as we continue to cover this now. so the kids in syria, minnesota said the suspect was against governmental policies including stopping on supplies to ukraine because i've listened for also but it's a lot of the fees. i'm happy with the situation that i disagrees with the government paid. uh, i agree with a bully from an older special persecution. he doesn't. i agree with still being a assistance to ukraine. it was that many
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a key points did not press conference. let's discuss it with on guess. non greg simon's independent research a in sweden money. thanks for joining us on a program today, really appreciated as so distance of the press conference the, the interior minister has confirmed one of the reasons the most evey to pursue so was fits. so his policy towards ukraine will take on that. well, i mean the us as getting desperate of the board of the arts vessel states. so i mean. busy your crime is. busy to be an embarrassment for the us presidential elections that i have trying to hold off the name of the face of populations, which is a very strange policy. but this is what they try. so the people like pizza and the whole bomb and others who oppose that put this. busy busy in jeopardy, does this plan? so, i mean, this is problematic for them,
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and that this could well be an attempt to create tomorrow at night with the above legs. uh sorry, this idea of this fall right, raised in a rush. it comes up again. uh and these different media accusations which. busy the biggest thing, the slovak, you and the volume and, but that's of the deliver of some information more. and then of course, let's say it's example of a european latest the stand up for self interest, the countries rubber band. some us g r political guy is interesting how the and syria minister that really pain points say it's the, the media as being responsible. low contribution. he said, for the polarization of society. and this assassination attends on department is to the timing might be relevant as well. as 3 weeks before the european parliament
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elections do think there is a link as there is like. so it is, it is, i mean the, this goes, uh, just the dot com is like, i mean its, its priming in mobilizing audience's. uh and if it did this uh to really uh people would. they gave him a pause to do this. uh uh, an election there is going to over the weekend. so this seems to be a very deliberate timing in terms of the contents uh versus the estimation of jammed the media information more and the, the, the election the, the country's president, a leg cities necessary to interrupt, to mute the campaign before the european elections. how would you react to that to? well, i mean that a huge will not like this, of course, because uh,
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i mean that they uh, increasingly seen it is not sorted legitimate across europe because of what men doing so that they won't list for sides of the things go on and business as usual, and i need people to go out of the volume. and from this i try to create this narrative that the is eligible, and that is a is have some kind of importance in your account for these, which increasingly many, it's so small, you know, a didn't, don't notice has to be in syria. minnesota mentioned multiple times the risk of civil war within the slovak society, how much of a risk is that? do you think we, we will see more political violence in the next few weeks? well, i think, yeah, this, the civil war is much easier to provide. and to organize the
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pages. so then we just look but say, begin georgia at the moment when the product is there for it started from the outside. so i mean the, the, the, you know, the teams of course would be to get people back being the best thing to be a fight. ready policies and try to push back what they told us. populism versus values a you skip books and values. these stand up to the filed and dangerous policies of the late to the visuals i've been to life cycle during the press conference. the in syria minnes deceptive. rather severe dressing down to the b b. c. report in the room and telling her it was having the baby see where it needs to be more careful with thoughts even going as far as to accuse the bbc of lying. and at that moment the bbc actually stopped broad tossed to the press conference. what does he make of
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that? well, i think he's right. i mean the babies, he is a shocker. i mean they continually get pulled out. i mean, the, with the worst lowest form of propaganda and misinformation, uh, which is supported by a very deeply russell 5 big and uh, well left off to the us and the good guys site. i'm not surprised that the bbc got sold out. they should be pulled out much more off of um its a bit. let's talk about the desousa and what we know about the street. you at this point um, he was a 71 year old mine a shooting a legitimate, the elected prime minister. well, they send shock waves through the rest of europe, the defense minister, the making a point of saying, oh no, i think was the in terry minister. the said this to so he was not less leading. he was not rightly named. he was
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a man who had attended onto government protests over the past year. crucially, as a man who didn't agree with the actions that that fits. so governments which included still things supply of weapons to ukraine. when essential quays. do you think of as well, i mean is the, the warrior, the hallmarks of the mirror at the noise? i sion, of european politics even further. and i think the intention is the shit saying the shock waves, because the degree i the sky and the b a. because if you have public in the, then you have a public which tempest here and then tell us a, which can be much more easily manipulated than by can be live today, things which are against their own interests. so i mean, the shades that there's a change by solving media to portray them is right, is probably russian. all of these been all this little democracy with this appeal to the media.
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which means both, you know, in so on the accidental or media to ignore pharmaceuticals. wait for official information from the government office to expect that to be hated. don't you think it might be interpreted as a crack down on freedom of the press? well, freedom of the press these be exercised with the responsibility mainstream. liberal media is anything but responsible and. busy not be up to the people. busy they have to influence people politically in the direction that. busy not being of the people but benefits the rob, rob use of the political system and all i'd be ology that much will fight. this is on the audiology of liberalism, then the practice of democracy. this is on as many thanks for speaking to us today . really good to hear from you. we've been spoken to greg simon's independent recession in sweden. thank you.


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