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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the drive, the car maintain positive, extended maintain between the russian and china is that, i guess is do, i know is a senior russian officials deputy probably messes defense this as phone calls on finance message that you spend about a show up orientation thanks to our mutual efforts in our relationships thing, any growing stronger, wider when testing. so corporation in the energy increments around sphere. let's do a little focused developing design and club binding soldiers that helps maintain global c major political stability us and international relationship with it. so seem to suggest it. so yeah, this yeah, good, that's good. now does it says 75th anniversary,
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since it is that most furniture delicate people's republic of china because got just didn't have a shy, nice driving for this folder. and as ation that price of addiction, they see mobile as actually developing the products of forces w, just news quality, giving new indicators to get a global economy for the dresser. and china is that the permanent members of the u . n. mutant security council looked at it just so that you could just give so much history. michelle's trends on the summer page, i guess the corporation zillow, the, why the name to get to school for boys to and why things are interaction for me to buy me from the company after allowing me to meet just google, a bodies that work in, in favor of multi paula world selected on the globalization union. and the comments are certainly some of the shipment that are associated pro solutions of this one. i think target to turn on the company executives 0 institutions for is 90 on the ticket. and i see on the time when you get to the line, they're the ones that are in the strategies that i'm in the work and doesn't present go towards the wellbeing jabbar to the countries that she may not go to mr . president and ready. so it's
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a shame to work with you on new plans of cooperation. she's in all directions. thank you. this was the images interface. is this in the midst of a dream? a experiment to friend steph, colleague's uh, video or something. that's how i have narrow for macintosh, evenings we had the very constructive but with nationwide and defense all the my utah account, the most important aspects of our corporation. genius, thank you for your invitation. that was the sort of my allows us as a lady in the front door. mad 70 shall cover all issues. that's our mutual interest . and let's just uh, shoot, she needs to be this year. how countries are celebrating a sentence if, if any of us are a good someone spent on this one, i just relationship spend next really? yeah. well, they need to be that let's go to some pricing and have a landmark anniversary b, h save using anniversary electricity. and that's why you had to take more than a couple on the we're really interested these 2 bucks,
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even if i'm reading in tennessee and rushes in china. really small sample or cooperation of strengthening us in those regards. some of the issue julia was this type of less less. certainly just the key business that i corporation. i'm on the heads of 5, it's a government all these commissions. but can you see 0 and a 2 subcommittees and we're closer. you look up on the look up, let me send you some sort of very good and all encompassing mechanism, global justice, i have, i mean, if i pay the whole number of documents including showing statements, we do have some states like gifts covering the key aspects of operation, you lose the whole package, you do the 3 minutes left with computers. please read all these documents. then if there's a specific steps aimed at the for the ring hour, i see you francisco cooperation about russia and china is that you look, i'm going to have you joined to the goals in national development. but it's we,
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thing and nothing was even though it was ensuring say, for us pirates a on principles of good being to the neighbors, to is a shape that has already been said over the last 5 years. despite the key, the nichols that i'm used to this part defends that make the problem is and that's the service and they're sort of the actions and that's the whole thing back color develop and do it. i see the search, i actually really should the traits, her number between russia and china. it is growing dynamic way. suddenly that's a good face needs to copeland. so you will have a portfolio of a 2 joint investment project in most interesting areas. and you, instead of go, i took of it, all right? so even, even this mistake, all right, timely, let's be sure into that. i should say that when you tell you the looks of men moving by the actual settlements and national currencies, you decided, right effects for no trade and 90 percent of all settlement. he's done and robo and
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you on williams. actually, i've just been discussing this machine further. so to do this, the directions of our corporation told in the interest is basically rushes in. china is economies is opinion when the and i'm sure that all the then is it will be held. thank you very much. i and i'll go back to the cd a here at us is that as know who else who just works in the present decision thing present. the lot of the puts in exchanging that basically the funds. so we know that they've gone ahead and find a number of documents, or this could be recap, some of those. uh, she's, you've been told about how important global geopolitical security was. and that the facts between the 2 kinds of input on foot and went on and talked about. a lot of companies are going to be bringing all the details throughout the day here,
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the russian president of both and has officially met as the soul. that with his chinese counts about us even in the satellite took place. in fact, in front of the great hall of the people in the fault of phasing out of the 2 countries as the website during the event, as well as the traditional russian song most go evenings. also the reception the to need is headed to the main thing we just witnessed about that both lot of inputs the anesthesia even praise the historical from the friendship between the countries . a relationship was in june, a through international hardship there mr. season been to a friend of a year later, a very happy to be here in china among our friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulate tre address for my be re elected as the president of the
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russian federation. and thank you very much for your invitation in march last year, immediately after you were elected the head of the people's republic of china, your visits moscow. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our respective countries, which is a true sign of the importance that must go engaging late on consistent development . so if i let you all ties, nolan, confessing partnership and strategic cooperation to present to to in is my great friend a welcome you in china on this stage, visits a couple days ago, you officially stalled. so the 1st presidential term, once again my congratulations to you and to all the people of russia. i'm positive sect you are going to lead russia to even regions achievements. and it's national development. all calls on a goes on,
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i was i the welcoming ceremony with the chinese and russian need is let's take a look. we are in central badging. behind me is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance, the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greet the 2 leaders here. you can see the, on the god, everything is very, very solemn. you can see there's actually both men and women represented in the front rows of about to meet both vladimir putin and shooting pain. in fact, we have pretty much the front row seats over that you can see the motorcade probably in the distance you have the motorcade that is bringing both leaders here . they are pulling up shortly. they will be stopping by the cub. obviously we can see very well of luxurious sedans pulling into the square here right
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next to the problem. and we about to see both lead as latimer food and then changing things. sure. to the police motor k to were there as well, of course, but yeah, they have just pulled in. it is happening again live as i speak, a whole lot of the this is the 1st 4 and visit since his 5th, you know, duration as the russian president. clearly, i use very symbolic events here for a lot of my food and food china as well, given how much effort, western nations, the us, nato, and the you have put into isolating russia versus the very reception here clearly shows. uh, the level of respect and the rod at the level of size that both russia and china being george and we can hear the orchestra right now. they have just to then obviously the ceremony has officially kicked off. we actually could hear because we
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have been standing by for quite a while. here we put here the orchestra, which is just below the if we could hear them practicing fountains, the russian and the on the chinese to believe is, are over there. you can see flat, i'm a product over the shaking hands with the chinese delegation. they have a lot to discuss just for you, just for context. a lot of my food in is anything but traveling alone here. a huge red 2 of ministers advise is a businessman, all of them, a company vladimir putin, including both the full amount on the current defense ministers of russia. circus showing, go on and right below, as of respectively the he and they will be the expected to meet together with latimer coating with shooting pain. so clearly the issue of ukraine is on the table as the russian leaders trust and an interview to the sink, while news agency,
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chinese news agency, he believes that the chinese piece initiative for ukraine could be in the foundation of the eventual agreement that well, sooner or later, rather the latter uh will be signed between moscow and key if but in fact a lot of put in his stress that the chinese approach is very, very preferable here. and over the, the ceremony continues. but again, the, the ukrainian, an issue is just to $4000.00 and the is just a 4th note on the agenda of today's visit, as i've mentioned, or both countries, they are both elite as broad as they are accompanied by large delegations. so it means a lot of documents out on the table. many of them are practically all of commercial nature. so is that there's a 6 stack of papers about to be signed and whenever you arrive to be joining the
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chinese capital, it just, it, it, it has this feeling to it the, the opportunity is around every corner. the big money is around every, the corner. we are a little bit torn here between looking into the camera and just witnessing the sermon, which is happening, listening. listen, if indeed we could hear square at the same time. wiring canada just it was simple. it's very solemn. arranging here that frankie i haven't quite awhile and we can see over the. ready god just indeed it looks like the ceremony. ready but it only means that the big drummed is just starting that because we have
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a whole day at home negotiations between russia and china. again to remind both nations have for the, for what the political, diplomatic, in business a heavy weight sent them. what i say heavy weight may not lead yet while it is discuss what was going on now with. so i'll take all intuitive causes. all he's doing is from fighting cough that was quite a big time to get it. well, who lives opening so many that all those colors and until then don 0 i'm, i'm, i'm, i mean, it was quite a magnificent. what was it that mean? is that a normal thing? i mean, does every state need to get something something either or is that something quite a special about the friendship between these 2 need is, i mean, it was quite a spectacular. what was a lot? this is the odd strain of the multi polar world. the china and russia is martin 70 by 75th anniversary of their establish and diplomatic type use of course. so the
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union was the 1st country to recognize the people's republic of china. the relationship has is up and downs, but today in 2024. the relationship has never been better. and this welcoming ceremony really shows it is, you know, here's a to cut. the thing is, you know, i met full ts 40 times in 10 is when you see something like that. what kind of messes you think? especially because, you know, you and i spoke about this yesterday, we had blinking it in china just in, quite recently for the influence of russia. so it was china to, you know, maybe touch his back. but we have a brotherly love here. it seems that these 2 countries have a tie, is that go back to 75 years. as you said, i mean what kind of messes is it send to people like blink them and uh,
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really soon i go macro on for that matter as well. the blanket wished you had those kind of resets in the china. you fax, the book whole blanket visit, which i know is coming and going is very low key ad in particular because he went through china to the lecture, the chinese leadership. whereas latin reporting is coming to china to work with the chinese president season paints. it's a, it's a quite different context. and, and boy can actually threatened china with more sanctions, 4th, 5th floor having continually maintained continual normal relationship with russia. and now china is, is responding to the us thread by concrete reactions to show that yes, china will maintain relationship with russia because that's china as legitimate. right. and this is in the interest of both china and russia to maintain a friendly relationship. yeah. call, you know, we had some do eggs,
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ups of speak is for both present and put in i'm present to see a couple of things that sort of cool my i was how the president puts it into a little bit about how important the ability is and he kind of hinted that should take away emotions from business and the deal was best for the people. is that the sort of messes up the brakes, or the seo or, or, or organizations like that it shouldn't be looking at the future is, is that the essence all the most people in the world it is? yes. you fax, the brakes, and the multiple are weren't present salt lake alternative to that unipolar moment of american 5 per powers stocking all over the clo, the rigs, multi brick. the brakes and multi polar world is about
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a formation of sovereignty. china and russia are one of the few truly sovereign nations in the world today. they can stand up and say no to us and nato. yeah, you know, 2 years ago he told you that i talked about this before. 2 years ago, the russian and tai and data is declared 8, no limits partnership for all views of what, what does that mean? write a note is, does that mean? does that mean? i mean, what does i mean? you tell me, you tell me that means this guy is the limit is that is when linked to come, calling them right in china with sanctions. if they don't break of russia as high as china was seldom know. thank you. you can go and then they roll off red carpet for president boat and the next month. this is how the multi pollen world is all about is about not having to is not about subjugating
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every one under a western gemini, especially a gemini stanfull washington is about each country pursuing their own national interest and is actually in the national interest of both russia and china work together because there are neighbors, they have a long history together that have lost the world as long as border 5 beast, 2 countries working together by itself. you preserve state villa, t in much of your ratio. and this is the state ability is not something, it's not the full day of the united states, in fact, is quite opposite the us has been spreading. this is be destabilizing factor around the world. and whereas us and china is both china and russia is providing the alternative and to show that yes, cooperation is possible, a mutual respect is possible. yeah, it really is a chocolate and cheese moment is what we see the, the west where they sort of. so chopping change,
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the decisions are very emotional in how they make decisions. whereas when we see china and russia is all private, classic is about the growth is about moving forward. and even if she told about the driving forward in more than i, they shouldn't how russia plays a key role in that, which is really quite interesting to this. and so i want to little bit about the call. i want to talk a little bit about trade now. uh, the president puts it until until about i reco number. i was surprised. guessing $223227000000000.00, but it has got to be so i'm quite of choice. we had a lot of input in to about and his latest to speech. the 2nd they go into a c news sexes of business corporation. i mean, this is quite impressive. is it not?
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and it's only going to grow very much, sir. it is already working on building the power and side barrier, a gas pipeline from russia to china. the will type the, the dash from the far, the arctic gas field of young peninsula, which would what have gone to europe, the north stream. if north stream wasn't blow up in, not a terrorist incident, now that gas that would have gone to europe would now travel to china. and this is a new geo political reality to china and russia will be buying it closer than effort. this is in the united states have tried again and again trying to break up this, russia, china ties but volume they, because the russia and china tyler, based on mutual interest, russia is one of the main commodity producer and china is the commodity importers
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didn't choose size economy is very much complementary and their economic relationship, but, but it's only such a grow, especially when washington is trying to sanction both countries. you know, one of the 2 of the world's largest economies that the western sanction now is not having the fact of isolating russia or china. it's actually building a wall around the united states is vast. so space in europe is, is us since been increasingly isolated from the rest of the world. right now. you're making some excellent points that i'd call, you know, this thing, europe of some of the european countries even turning around to the late as i'm saying, you know, lots, i think you'll, decisions were quite wrong. we need to start thinking about a bigger picture. but before i let you go, you know, both the lead is actually as i saw today, very similar to age, 1771. i'm not going to say which ones older, but uh, they're currently brothers. i'm, they clearly have
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a deep friendship. what was the future look like for, for these 2 countries? a, i'm b for bring. so one of the bricks, countries. yeah, yes. both, both leaders are very experienced. they have both list through the cold war. and they have witnessed the collapse of the soviet union and the, the, the immediate aftermath, which was the agent. so us unit boulder, power rampage throughout the globe. and both are now working together. reverse then damage and in constructing a been a new, multi polar were ordered and, and i think this is positive for not only for russia and china, but for the state ability across the globe. all right, um, so i wanna have to leave things out unfortunately uh to continue to call as always a pleasure. talking to you,
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sir. thank you so much for your time. thank you. so it will be continuing, cause i've covered all what is fit in china as the russian the that is and so i did have a busy schedule. i had to day with an essay to follow up. it's the all right, let's change gears out slightly. the prime, this of a slow bracket is no longer in life. so listening condition, altering shots multiple times, a senior official may that amount for the, for an urgent surgery on the p. m. robot fits, so as long as these say the assassination attempt was politically motivated for more details, let's go to live now. so uh, st. paul, minnesota. yes. and i can, he is in the slow buck capital process while we got us in the to see interesting
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times and camera is up to speed on what we know so far. please. a 1st and foremost, we spoke to some locals who provided us with some updates regarding the solve our leaders condition. they suggested he is currently in a stable condition that he is still in intensive care. however, he is responsive. the nature of that, of course, remains unclear. however, despite the assassination attempt, it looks like the sub prime minister just maple through. and of course, the early hours of the attack did suggest a number of different reasons or motives behind the attack. but listening to select leaders, sorry politicians. they suggest that the attack was in fact politically motivated, listening to deputy prime minister role. that's cutting a key suggest as acts as the attacker essentially just as effective. so back later as a result of differences in policies, he explains how comes, uh, it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with
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a political background. you all know that very well, and i can't cope with that internally on the plane for the initial information that we have suggested. there was a clear political motivation and that the decision was made shortly off to the presidential election. cut out the court. we are standing slowly on the edge of a civil war heritage. hateful comments are being made on social networks, so please let scope to some mediately. and that is the attempted. assassination of the prime minister. there is an explicit confirmation of the general sacrament throughout the country. is shared among the people and politicians throughout the entire political spectrum. we understand that the opposition party was planning in one form or another to oppose a number of policies that was presented by the slovak government. and as a result of the attack, they have decided to call off the organization, the meeting or the protest in solidarity with the slovak states. but what we're looking at right now is a number of policies that could have provoked in one form or another. this attack,
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as well as the general stance of the western block, specifically speaking about nato and the your opinion. we understand that all that said, so is that the only european leader within the block that has served 3 terms in office. we understand he served term and terms in 2006, the 2010, as well as 2012 to 2018. what makes this term a little bit more important is of course, before his election and before he assumed office in 2023 of october, he was quite ottomans, been vocal about putting an end to supplying ukraine with weapons and essentially financial aid. as soon as he goes to office the still, the government did actually follow through with that promise and immediately halted all weapons as well as financial support to the key version. and this has been a matter of discussion throughout the european block, but it's also been a discussion within the country as well. and this is why many assume that society here in slovakia is essentially split or divided into 2 different parties. there's
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the pro western party and the pro russian party, as many would like to call that. but the for the leadership of the country suggests that it's not a matter of taking sides or taking a stance against one then with the other. but it's a matter of neutrality, as well as ensuring that the country can for pursuit of suffering foreign policy, independent from the european union as well as nato. and this is an important matter because so lucky is a part of the european union and is a part of nato, which is why it is currently in an important position, taking into consideration ukraine and the concept ongoing. there. the pressure from the western block against lock your leadership to in one way or another, force it to accept the ukraine into the nato alliance. however, the so that leader has been quite vocal. he's been adamant in his opposition to that, suggesting that this could be a calls award, which is why he says that he will oppose any direction any incentive that would
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suggest you to claim to join the nato alliance saying that he would also oppose it in parliament. and not ratified the session of the ukrainian state. but moving on, there's a number of other issues that we have to take into consideration as well. we understand that the french president's a menu mccord has been quite vocal entitlements and suggesting that she may be interested in sending troops to ukraine. this is where the slovak leader essentially says that they know does not have jurisdiction in ukraine, considering ukraine is not a nato member states. essentially continuing to focus on its neutrality, focusing on a sovereign form policy that is not in line with the group and block for the most part. but we're also looking at is of course, the disparity and political alliances as well. we understand that since he took office and 2023, he's had a little bit more of a traditional role. some a role that has been far from the policies that have been pushed by brussels. and this has been a matter of concern for, of course lock you, but brussels and the european block as
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a whole. but we understand that this very given moment is that these statements provided by the slovak foreign minister, resonates throughout the country more so today than ever less lenders to the year of the stock and say, okay, and i, it will lock you his other and bigger problems than ukraine, we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the e. u, and support everything for peace and ukraine and efforts to start these think associations on ukraine. we finish all the initial step 13 at today's meeting. it became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister of ukraine. above all, it is a view of the war and ukraine. i retreated that i did not to leave you in the military solution to this complex system asked for my done you in 2014. after the my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian present order the use of military force and ukraine? mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene, including the present and government under full russian control. now imagined mexico joined and military organization with russia place
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a decisive role. what would you do this argument, these russian on your credit is not sovereign and it's entirely under us control. discussing the implications or the reactions throughout the world has been essentially condemnation. there been wishes of great health to the sidewalk in prime minister. but what we're looking at is within the early hours of the attack, russian president vladimir puts an express, expressed his condolences for the selection prime minister. there's been also reactions from hungary sect arbin, service arctic sound, the root judge. and this also stands out to the un secretary general and they're having a great deal of reactions as well more so the russian for and secretary, sorry for ministry, spoke to embody, is a hold of us also condemned to the attack. wishing that the prime minister does, of course, nurse himself back to health and a speedy recovery. but there's also been a great deal of rhetoric as well that the spokeswoman has discussed in a statement. and what the focus here is of course there's been


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