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tv   News  RT  May 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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this when you bought it, when you said, oh, it's in the, the near the, the wash me, i oh, i the militarized. did the impress misleading, caused by the way media r t gets rare access to the conflict written cast me a region is local cast. the balance of media is the general election, also ahead the police detain thousands of public opinion demonstrators at the university of california and beth as the us house of representatives, actors. and the address of it is an awareness bill, which will make it harder for protect us to pull out these roles,
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portales remembering the pain and decade of good today. i'll post this to people, web, burned to live and to solve. and you can read in city of with desa cost to the oppose between kia russia, a valve. the type of trade test will be brought to justice, the by the 6 pm in moscow. welcome to our, to international, reaching you from on use center. i have michael porch and now we stopped this program with the will. the biggest democratic exercise in our special coverage of india is general election. the to now this election is the 1st time the test to be
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a reason has been involved since its special autonomy state as was rescinded in 2019 of the dispute of the election of the region rama is claimed by india as well as neighboring pakistan. and find out to now the indian got been stripped the territory efforts to pass on status after classes with, with practice founded for this, resulted in dozens of ministry casualties on both sides of the province was also shaken by a separate these protests. but in more recent years, locals of tubs to balance, instead of bottles. as artes, roger shaw meyer reports. the gosh, muse haven't no, gosh me also what is the most militarized zooms in the world? have legal link of full conform due to political intentions? you know this 2019 the marine, the more the government stick a boat decision,
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the drivel very good across the nation. and the world. abrogation of all to go 370 . and for the 1st time since john, one gosh, me is 14 pop. how about a job? we people want the elections both at central and local levels. we want to vote, we want to express ourselves through voting and x sensor. if all the wills with this election, we will see a changing customer here. that's what we want. that's what we expect. does a 1000000 region has been a flash point between india? i'm focused on since 1947. gosh me who has enjoyed a special stages of independence in most areas accept defense, external files and communications. 5 years ago, during the multi built 70 years of his suite, direct control of the state official ment of his elect. donald trump is most during his trauma and images nationally, but the valley is known to be to be strong code. they are contesting only 3 of the 5 parliament receipts hills came to the beach if he has no ground in custom. yeah.
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they have not filed candidates because they know they will get nothing to go by jump on to go 370 was our identity. think took it away, they betrayed us. the contests here it is essentially amongst 3 regional bodies, b, d, b, j, k, a, b and c. i speak with the national conference looks about by a run candidate from so you know, they're going to do in c. elections 1st because you mentioned it is happening off the 2019 and the decisions that were taken on august 2005, 2090 august i 2019. the entire shape of doing crush me both politically and constitutionally that will change on august size has deep effects, not in the on the,
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in the functioning of the state. looking at the psyche of the people of german crush me. we have the sentiment that this is not we this no, to why we exceeded to the union of the year. we exceeded off on certain principals and we excited for senior don't know if certain constitution guarantees and democratic rights and all those principles of working on that day. the dignity that the people have to move quickly to the constitution of india that he enjoyed or smashed the democratic rights of the people to snatch the status of the state of georgia. she was degree dictators do i did. and all this happened to the doctor related visual difficulty because we and the process was completed on democratic unconstitutional. so this is the 1st opportunity for the people of human human crush me to express the means of democracy that opinion about those visions. and i believe that people are the ones which we do not subscribe to, that, those decisions,
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this historical elector landscape in india's only muslim majority state, is it going dest not to marry a valid but of identity of years of conflict at, and allowed to go to the 70 in the last few years, millions of to roost have blocks back into the valley, making the livelihoods of the local visa and their wallet stuff to wood with this neil sound again, there's also a lingering sense of loss bought. it's a waiting game loss versus gain data suggests the low down stone felting gulf views that are incidents have gone down drastically since i'll have to go $370.00 going to your son in law. jordan, could you meet also lifted on some 50 films? was shot in the body, they'll steal. why should my people on my youngsters know times the same privileges as they get to know the parts of the country. second one was one of them having to
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have or just send them on. probably a laptop for that they didn't not have the luxury of what you you're sending one like you and i did sitting in jail more it would cost me what i need when it arrives. also call us directed to impress, misleading for me to the end report to us by the way the media has classes that she was also about beauty, art and culture hub for him. the crafts during his 1st visit to the region in march . this yard officer imposing direct, soon living the more do you know the projects, what? $774000000.00 to support the locals. he also bought a have splunk brush mino, shown from a local office, and literally just show but one the whole to the industry that's been heard by yoseph militancy and on steve below. and although well invested in these valuable
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support from m and the goal and majority come, i know and the support should have gone into properties to proper people. so that this over to engine on when said why, in the land of leaks know kept beaks and south from for you the promise of democracy collides with the spectre of conflict. as cushion these woods, the eyes of the world are on this trouble to barrow dies. ridge and sharma. audi srinagar. now with several more weeks to go with the well as largest election based saw special coverage here in our international the right. that's been a dramatic turn of events. that's one of the campus protest in the us after police
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moved in to try to break up the demonstrations of the university of california, the a dozen sub pool palestinian demonstrators where detain, while reports claim a professor was also arrested additional police units where dispatched to the various campus demonstration sites overnight. the overdue use of wanted to protest as to leave, threatening a move or rest. if the disobey now office is moved and then entered one of the campus buildings after the students defy the previous order to leave. now this 4th, it shows how the demonstrate does, how to set the barricades as to prepare to hold them the grounds that but the students will masks to protect themselves from gas and pepper spray. people had been a mass on slide for days. now the pool policy, now raleigh's,
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have broken out the universities across the united states and with a major focal point to be the, the new york city. that the demonstrators have been calling for an immediate cease fire, a gas. and they also claim euro has been committing genocide, many other stand offs between the police and protest as a board over in developments. wow. the now the projects come as the us house of representatives approved and to submit to some awareness act on wednesday. it still needs to be passed by congress and sent
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it to by the president of the act. why didn't the destination of what a to submit is an s, but some claim, it's an attempt to stop all the criticism of these really a trusted fees from a professor arrested at the campus. a project in new york dental shall believe that attempts are on the way to stigmatize the students movement of the riot police from the n y p. d. along with n y, p, d. helicopters and drones descended upon us at columbia university and that city college of new york. hundreds and hundreds of ryan police surrounding us professors and students who were hand costs for around 5 hours. we were held overnight at one police plaza, many sustained different injuries just and this year. for believing that palestinians have
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a right to dig into the life and self determination. i received many, many death threats and been docs has been censored by social media has been shut down. i've been fired and now arrested. so this is the quote unquote democratic west where they can brutalize us incense or us just because we believe that all human beings are we say we're against the genocide. they say we're anti jewish. we say that we want peace. we want palestinians to have the right to exist, to, to build their own nation. a. m s n b c, cnn. fox said they were anti semitic. there's no hatred of jewish people is a sort of genocide, this age rate of colonization. this hatred of any quality is ation of a part time. this hatred of ethnic cleansing, everything that is real,
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stands for design is trying to establish a monopoly, a dictatorship over what it means to be jewish. and that's why they're weaponized miss using this is totally bogus. missed definition of anti semitism. that's the true intended effect to, to georgia. now, the web parliament has canceled a hearing to discuss the implementation of the so called for an agents bill that has cost and oper all along. the opposition now fires in the streets. what a cannon deployed and bloodied spaces as police class was demonstrate, as all lies on lawmakers who had been set to hold a sudden final review of all the bill before protest as tempted to stone. the parliament building here was a recap of the latest events that have sense of the nation's capital into a state of chaos. the
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of the eu has quickly chimed in on the developments in tbilisi with its commission suggesting that she knows best to want the citizens of georgia. i want i am falling into sedation in georgia with great concern and condemned to violence on the streets of billy c. the georgian, people went to europe in future for the country. georgia is at a crossroads. it should stay the course on the road to europe. for more on this less cross live to archie, contribute to rachel mazda rate. it is good to have you join me now. lots of violent discontent among the protest in georgia. what, what can you tell us about the messaging from both sides as well as cleaners?
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sort of underlined, actually knew what you're a p as long as that loan georgians. maybe the establishment wouldn't be headed for so much trouble with these june elections coming up in the you. so let me get this straight yours. defacto queen. ursula vander lined the box top and elected bureau, crowded, sticking her nose into george and domestic affairs. to argue that georgia doesn't need a law to prevent for knows, is like hers be stuck into its domestic affairs. but because she want to make a case for georgia law makers being wrong, then she got them at least pretended to find out instead of serving as exhibit a. but here's where you get to off and figuring that they have a right to tell georgia what to do in the 1st place. it's one of the countries seated at the u. candidate city table. with paper plates, plastic works, animal balloons, and a condescending need for constant pair. and apparently, you officials considered georgia to be good enough for an association agreement so you can sell it stuff, but not good enough to be admitted to the club right now. if ever,
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on the books leaders, it seems to say that still gives them more than enough reason to dictate what georgia should be doing domestically. by dialing up the threat of eventual non you admission, kind of like slapping the kids as a line by denying the desert the blocks teach diplomat, joseph burrell scolded georgia for ruining his disney princess. like vision of europe as is tranquil garden. i strongly condemned to violence against protestants in georgia to a peace when i demonstrated against the law and foreign influence. georgia is an e u. candidate country i call, and it's a for the just to ensure the right to peaceful assembly use a 4th. this oppressive is unacceptable. interesting to you. officials like burrell and ponder line don't seem to be nearly as concerned with crackdowns on campus protesters right inside of europe right now, advocating for gases civilians against israel. they don't seem to be as interested
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not as they are with what's going on inside non you, georgia. go figure that any quote unacceptable forces were also seems to always be against causes that the just happens to support. and in this case, the really hates the george and governments idea of retiring organizations in the country to register as for an agents in cases where they get 20 percent or more of their funding from foreign source is something that the georgia prime minister actually considers to be fully in line with what you expect of the country. if it pass everything and we will certainly possibly slaugh, they'll be several days of discomforts. however, it is a long time when will ensure the country i gaze polarization and brides of colors and for years. if we do not break the close, so a couple of polarization and brides of colors and it will be very difficult for us to become a member of the repeating union of all right, so why would the georgia prime minister be scratching his head over to use or position to this particular law. maybe because brussels itself unveiled similar
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legislation last december against foreign influence. citing the need to bolster democracy with the need for organizations and individuals to formally declared their activities and funding in a public register under financial pendant penalty for non compliance. now, where did the you get this idea? well, from washington's for an agency registration act, farrah act. so of course, washington would be all in favor of the george in law. right. this legislation in georgia in dreams, anti western rhetoric put georgia on a precarious trajectory. the statements and the actions of the georgia government are incompatible with the democratic values that underpin membership in the you and nato invest jeopardize georgia's path to euro. atlantic integration use of force to suppress peaceful assembly. and freedom of speech is unacceptable. and we urge authorities to allow non violent protesters to continue to exercise their right to freedom of expression. yeah, let george's pro meddling,
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supporters protest. it's not like the modeling is russian, right? because is that or the case? they be off for a lot to prevent it. so, if it's not russian modeling that the west is opposing t wonder who could possibly be, must be one of life's great mysteries, really one to there are to contribute to the rates of mazda and thank you for your insight on this. thank you. the moscow's flags, but ukrainian nationalist who carried out the definitely off and the attack on our desk executive 10 years ago. today we brought to justice, almost 50 people were killed when the trade union building as they were trapped inside, was set on 5 to day remembering the victims of the bloody massacre in odessa. we believe that sooner or later, every perpetrator and mastermind of this barbaric crime which has no statue of
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limitations will face justice. we believe that it will not be long before our just of will cost of the oppression of the present day bend to rights and become a truly free city where people of different nationalities will live in peace and harmony. other speaker, although rough and set it has called for a war crime tribunal against the key of authorities pledging that he would include the odessa austin to attack are these, these sweeney has been looking back at the grim events of that day. maybe 50 people at the end july by phone like you create new policies in here. so if i do union house masika the nobody is being held accountable survivors and the families of the victims fight for justice. despite keeping them from day one who was responsible,
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whether it was gonna be sending to you once shudders at the memories of the terrible tragedy in odessa, where peaceful protestors were brutally murdered, burned to live in the house of trade unions. the criminals who committed that atrocity have never been punished and no one is even looking for them. but we know their names and we will do everything to punish them, find them and bring them to justice. in fact, the only people that are being charged so full of those who were attacked, we used the do a good a of the stairs video footage on the subject available to everyone. we know the names of those who shot at people jumping from the burning, building, creating a sore, just have opened a criminal case against those who were burned by the entire world community stenciled, we progressively minded following the u. s. lead has shown no interest in the situation at all. just talk to us by my code, which i will send the cranium present. 100 foot bust into a desk of the night before come from us will protest body,
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which will support this body to join the provocative mulch. you will please review the wrench in the in april and even earlier, begin to send through people through the recreation center. this and that's only him near a desk. there were a lot of them. there were a lot of them in the adult in odessa. they were there by the hundreds, is a delta. there were about 300 people at one of the basis. but they were already preparing an alteration to shut the miles of people in odessa. it happened because this operation was planned by the as blue. they decided to beach a desk, a lesson to shut us up and make example of odessa and to show you green, who's the boss and the house pro kept forth. is that part of the tents as an incumbent, driving pro russians interview with us? if i do union building, the police will not merely prosecute biased unders, they will soon find him that guns into the union building. many were trapped inside his crowds below. oh, shante. the boat in colorado burn
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a reference to the pro russian colors of the ribbons, being by some of the protest is the of the for a total through the building. ukrainian that's a lot of them was sung by this guy that outside told thing the trump people like burned to death. the nazi ever slogan slobber, you craning, which is now used like you have the west and supporters with shuttle to those people were dying inside the building, which was told with swastikas. good. my point is that it wasn't just a succession in the building. many people were killed with a head shot. this was not an investigation, but a travesty of an investigation. it was all about drawing this investigation in a puddle of flies and i'm to, they say that we're looking for consensus. so were you looking for consensus, or were you looking for the truth? they were saying that they had no data that there would dest, you do outside interference. no one has been held accountable for the atrocities.
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right sectors. they would show yas, whose organization claim responsibility for coordinating the attack even became a candidate for the cranium presidency unlike to an m p. he was never investigated by you quite any and also or to use, i think, was not alone. bravo, a desa, let these devils burn in hell. this day when down in history, colorado stockpiles illuminated. alexa going to, i think of who took part to me with this. a protest was late to elected to the counselor of use parliamentary assembly. the use of this article, democrats sparked by the west pro care falsely, to seek to raise the vent from memory a new cranes west and buckets of oil. so as to what to down play the role of fall, right? you create new forces. cool. so i cannot draw attention to the massacre or make who is responsible to do so with blow a major hold in the narrative, that the owner of foss you sold me or not. so using ukraine, which that you have is a beacon of freedom and democracy. the victims are being lost if it goes in by the
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west sacrifice of poems in its proxy war against russia and the bond, and by those who claim to stand is sold a die would say, with the people of ukraine. this is the security group. ukraine is in service state that has taken its entire population hostage. there is no hopefully green. that's for sure. 100 percent. i have talked to many from the o. s. c e. one person told me that there is little hope that anyone will do anything. so the only hope is if the military operation ends up as plans. well, joe biden mistaking this. why impact ross? i'd find that india and japan saying that their economies training in america is wake and for the us president. the reason these career, one of the reasons why our economies growing is because of you and many others. why? because we welcome immigrants. why is china selling so badly economically?
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why is japan having trouble was russia? was india because there is in a public, they don't want immigrants. immigrants have what makes us strong is what assumes the us public doesn't quite. she abiding optimistic outlook latest polls show that americans believe that the president has done more harm than good for both economy and immigration. during his tenure in the white house, the consumer confidence fell last month to its lowest level in more than one and a half years. a republican congresswoman says that a public's reaching breaking point at over $34.00 trillion dollars in debt with millions and millions of people invading our country and economy that i don't even know how is staying afloat. because every business owner, i know has been suffering americans do not want to spend their hard earned tax dollars to find the murder in killing in foreign countries. they're fed up with it and they're screaming it as loud as they possibly can. now the presidents rose
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tinted outlook contrasts with full cost by the international monitor fund, which predicts us slowing growth rate. while one of the major global ratings agencies fits has caught its us assessment from triple a to double a plus. the i, a math again says that the us economy would not be able to sustain current levels of production for much longer. what they cannot make outlook shows the global economy converging back to a rather weak trend rate of growth. yes. do you use e, the us economy still looks like it is firing on all cylinders, but that is sort of like it to last for more on this less cross live now to per box feet. a social scientist also, and professor of the chinese you the. busy city of hong kong, purpose of boxing is good to have you join me now. you know,
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thank you for having me. thank you. now by doing has closed out the courts. a of countries whose combined population is over 3000000000 people as being xenophobic, claiming that sentiment is why they are training the us. it can only carry what's your thoughts on this claim? well i think um, i'll start by um, seeing that in each one back. a few things here. um we need to look at the timing of the statements when it's been issued, you know, as well as the significance of it. if you look at that, the, you know, this actually came out at the time, then updating the america is mocking. and then on the start of asian american native hawaiian invest that the island are headed to each month. i'm considering the statement was made against, you know, 3 asian american nations. i think it's pretty reading the fact that it was made against, you know, to key a, quote, a line countries as riley, you know, with, you know, australia, america, you know, in japan and india being the others. you know, i, i think it's ready to begin calling medical treats it's partners plus the,
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i know there's lots of things wrong with it. like if you look at the factory, the contradictions in the statement itself, you know, india and china in the next 5 years alone, according to i, m s. and you know, why they cannot make for them reports, you know, would basically be contributing twice as much as g 70 countries combined. you know, with india and china, accounting for, you know, turned off that in the world. so if you look at that, you know, look at how you know, america is doing right now. it's doing his darling, you know, it's, and it's $34.00 trillion dollar in debt. if you look at rushes economy, you know, it's actually booming despite the sections, you know, and the geopolitical directions. you know, it's dropped outpaced both the us and europe increasing about 3.6 percent even in terms of its oil and gas revenues. you know, it's, it's earning has search, find here the 50 percent, then what it was in 2023. so if you think about all of this, you know, america's kind of statement on that,
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it just doesn't make sense. if you look at the integration aspect of it, you know, russia according to the word migration report in 2022, is the 4th largest in the country saving nations. if we look at india and the recent in the recent boston of a implemented and implemented c a at which is the, you know, citizenship amendment act. and basically, um, you know, it's very common to immigrants based on the, on the fact that people do persecuted on valley just off. i'm. so if you consider all of that and see, you know, how, by doing this correctly, you know, the, the, he said he's facing in the, in the us right now is basically because of his, you know, immigration policies, on a recent survey that basically suggest associated the said in the wash and survey. it basically, you know, suggested that to a parts of americans disapprove, of might intimidation policies. 68 for some people in the us. um, disapprove of you know, the policies and 48 person think it's extreme by them is extremely or very responsible for those policies. in a few.


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