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tv   Eyewitness News at 430am  CBS  October 20, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, today is monday, october 20th, i'm erika von tiehl. >> i'm nicole brewer in for ukee washington this morning. here's what we're following today. two gunmen break into home terrorizing local college students. we're live with the search for suspects. also the calendar may say october. mother nature is moving it forward. we could see the first frost of the season later on today, man, you felt it when you walked out the door today. >> absolutely did, little chilly out there. >> unfortunately for carol, she is experiencing it first-hand. good morning, carol. >> yes, and you know, the other thing that i experienced first thing this morning, meet to go finds the ice scraper for the windshield. you may be find that same problem this morning, because we do have frost out there. so, if you put it away last
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winter, never hoping to see it again, you're seeing it again this morning in some locations cents cents. we have 42 degrees out at the airport, 34 in trenton, 39 degrees in wilmington, 37 in allentown, 39 degrees down in millville. then as gee to couple of cooler spots, you have the freezing mark, 32 degrees in mount hole think morning, 33 in doylestown, quakertown, 32 degrees, pottstown, 34, willow grove, 36. cold start to the day. that's why we have this freeze warning in effect for areas to the north, through the poconos, lehigh valley, and also to the south as you get through the pine barens, many of the great farmlands, and southern new jersey, so that is what's going on, there and that is not the only problem. we also haves the frost advisory in effect until 8:00 this morning for the areas shade in the lighter purple. philadelphia and delaware counties, new castle county, not include in the. that will you will be finding little bit of frost even patchy frost, in some of those locations cents, boy, what a drop in the temperatures. we had week of 70s, sunday was
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56 degrees, i think we will start to get on the other side of that today, as temperatures get into the lower zero's, future weather doesn't look bad around here. we have beautiful morning. then as we get to about 11:00, few clouds start to roll n but that's still fine. and temperatures will be warming up. notice what happens at 11:00. we could be dealing with couple of showers coming into the picture, so the weather does change, and it changes relatively significantly over the next couple of days after that. fifty-six in philadelphia. we have 58 at the shore today, 48 degrees in the poconos, so it is going to be a chilly time, 56 degrees, sun and clouds, with our wind out of the southwest, five to 10 miles an hour, so these temperatures really are going to be coming up closer to about 60 degrees. and then tonight the clouds will be thickening, sprinkle comes in here later on tonight, 48 to 50 degrees for the overnight temperatures, so much milder overnight, and as we go through tuesday, 66 degrees, and we get chance of some showers, not just
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tuesday, but wednesday and thursday, as well, but after that, starting friday it, looks great. so we will go for. that will we'll take that. so it is a chill one out here this morning, bundle up if you are going to the bus stop, keep the pets nice and comfortable, as well. we'll head back to the studio. >> thank you, carol. good morning, everybody, we will take it. now i will keep my little doggy inside. we start off right now actually outside on the ben franklin bridge, this is actually from the philadelphia side, so all of these headlights here coming in from the new jersey side, you can see everything moving along nicely, so coming from the philly side headed into jersey headed eastbound you move along just great. we go over and check out the schuylkill expressway at spring garden, and then looking nice sofas well. eastbound headlights coming in pretty much same story headed westbound. we go over and check out some travel times, majors here, so 4776 from the schuylkill expressway into the pa turnpike northbound, clear trip, only four minutes, ten minutes on the blue route from the turnpike into lansdale if you are headed northbound, pa
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turnpike pretty much the same story there, so headed eastbound from valley forge, also, the burlington bristol bridge actually closed for predominant part of this morning until 5:00 a.m. for construction, best bet, tac-pal bridge also in the middle of a opening. so hit some delays no matter where you look, erika, back to you. breaking news right now in philadelphia's kensington section. a man gunned down and killed on the 1800 block of east ontario street overnight. police say someone fired multiple shots at the 27 year old victim, some of them striking the doors and window frames of several homes on the block. fortunately, no one else was cents hurt. right now, authorities are reviewing surveillance video right now for clues. the search continues this morning for a pair of gun american accused terrorizing group of temple students during home invasion. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo live at the scene in north philadelphia where it all unfolded. jan, good morning. erika, nicole, good
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morning. >> this all happened at off-campus housing. police say six temple university student were tied up and one student was even pistol whipped during this home invasion and robbery. if you take a look at the video, you can see exactly where this happened. this happened around 8:30 sunday night. police responded to the 1900 block of north 18th street in north philadelphia. they say two men with guns entered this house and tied up those students who live here. police say they were restrained with zip ties and then robbed. the university sent out alert notifying the campus community of the incident and asked students to be vigilant and stay away from the area. meanwhile, investigators are asking anyone with information to call police. unfortunately, there is no detailed description of the suspects, only that they are two men in their 20's, one of them with facial hair and wearing a bucks county community college sweatshirt. now, medics were on the scene last night, but they tell us that no one needed to be transported to the hospital. in the meantime, it is unclear
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this morning how much was taken during this late night robbery. reporting live at temple university hospital, jan carabeo, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". jan, thank you. new this morning, philadelphia police are looking for the armed robber who held up a 7-eleven in port richmond. officer responds the to the scene on 39100 block of aramingo avenue around 2:30 this morning. investigators say, a man walked into the store with a handgun, pointed it at the clerk, then walked out with about 60 bucks. no one was injured. well, two robbery suspects pull off a brazen heist at popular sports bar in delaware county. check out the surveillance video here from drexel hill t shows the armed suspects entering the side door of chickie's and pete's. police say the mask gunman walked straight to the manager's office and forced her to open a safe. then they lock her and three other employees inside a freezer. >> the important thing is that everybody's physically okay, that's the important thing, nobody was hurt, you know, this type of stuff when it
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happens, you know, is recovering, needs to happen, and i think everybody is on the road to recovery. >> police say they're also reviewing surveillance video from nearby businesses that is may have captured the suspects. charges are expected this morning in the in connection with the brutal beating death after man in a small bucks county community. >> it happened sunday morning in morrisville near the intersection of post road and pennsylvania avenue. police say a 30 year old male victim was ride nag white van, with three others, when attack. neighbor witnessed that incident and called 911, leading police right to that van. >> we get here very quickly, and my officers were able to apprehend two of the people. this is personal. this is not a random act. they didn't just grab this guy off the street. >> two people are behind bars waiting to be charged meantime police continue to search for third suspect as the investigation continues. well, today marks a significant turning point for family members of the liberian national who died from ' bowl a.
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>> the 21 day march dan torrey quarantine ending for the family of thomas duncan. officials quarantined the family. the first person to die from the disease in the u.s. >> been through a terrible ordeal. you got people put in this ordeal through no fault of their own, and we're good at compassion in texas, and we need to help pour it for these people. >> meantime the pentagon is reading a new military medical team that will help contain ebola if there are any new cases, team will include five doctors and 20 critical care nurses, all have been trained in infectious diseases, if needed they'll deploy anywhere in the u.s. within 72 hours. well, there is a legal challenge for the former revel casino hotel here in atlantic sit. >> i glenn straub, florida developer, who losses bankruptcy court auction, now challenge that decision. earlier this month federal bankruptcy judge approved the $110 million deal to a toronto
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based company. it is not known when or if a hearing will be scheduled. one step at a time make an impact in the fight against aids. >> nearly 10,000 people filled the streets of philadelphia for the 28th annual aids walk. officials from that event say they raised close to $300,000. now that money will benefit 18 different organizations that focus on prevention, education and medical care. and hey, another great cause received lots of support in new jersey. the lauren rose albert foundation hosed its fourth annual mothers matter 5k at washington lake park in sewell. the mothers matter program benefits mothers in need throughout south jersey, such as those in cancer units, and nursing homes. organizers say the event raised about $45,000. good chunk every change there. >> great cause. there is much more to cover here on "eyewitness news", a clash with the ferguson police regarding the shooting outside the rams game in saint lou us. >> peyton manning puts new record in the nfl record books. we'll have that info and back
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> clashes, scuffle when fans argued with protesters yelling and chanting about the killing of michael brown, black 18 year old killed by a white police officer. police arrested two women, two people were injured. the us military has delivered weapons, ammunition, and medical supplies to kurdish forces cents fighting isis militants in syria. the us central commands says cargo planes dropped the planes to ground troops in the city of kobani sunday, followed at least 11 weekend air strikes against isis by coalition forces. and, anna has now been downgrade today tropical storm after leaving hawaii wet but largely unscathed. the hurricane the closest the storm got to hawaii, about 70 miles southwest of the
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island of nehow, no reports of injuries or significant damage. back at home feeling the chill out there. >> cold one this morning, and unfortunately, carol's experiencing it first-hand on the skydeck, carol's got the forecast. >> you know, if you are bundled up, you're fine. but we do have come cold temperatures out here this morning, and you may need your scraper on your windshields if you are headed out first thing this morning before the sun can do the work for you, as we all know the sun is getting lays year and lays year this time of the year, and sleeps in. so let's take a look, see what we have. storm scan3, there are couple of clouds. those clouds are what might save a lot of people from even more frost than they would see. because those clouds will cut down a little bit on just how coal we can get this morning. temperatures can still drop, though, right through 8:00 this morning. so just know that the coldest temperatures may not yet have been reached. we do have a lot going on this morning, though, with the coal temperatures, 34 in trenton, we have 37 degrees in allentown, 38 in reading, we're end circled in the
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philadelphia area with temperatures in the 30's, 42 degrees exactly in the philadelphia area. and then as we head to the north, and also through mt. holly, you have some temperatures right at the freezing mark, quakertown, three it, and mt. holly, 32 degrees. so, some frost is definitely out there. and this is a lot colder than it was yesterday morning. 12 degrees colder than it was yesterday morning at this time, in philadelphia, 16 degrees colder in wildwood. the chill is definitely on. but it doesn't last forever. yesterday our highs were stopping in the 50's, with 32-mile per hour winds, today the wind will be down, and the temperatures up slightly. so we should be getting into the 60s, the low 60s, then we start to watch for a system coming through here it, will move slowly, then redevelops off the coast, so we start to pick up chances of some showers over the next couple every days. but in the shorter term, looking just for some clouds that come in around the noon hour, and then as we move on through, say, 11:00 tonight, dealing with couple of these other showers, and we could be finding some of these showers around, on tuesday, as well.
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sixty today, not bad, tonight we drop down to 48 to 50 degrees, not bad either, and sprinkle maybe. otherwise, look for temperatures tomorrow, 66 degrees, with chance of some showers, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. erika, nicole? >> carol, thank you. eagles play the cardinals in arizona sunday. and this past weekend was cents their bye week. >> of course. without even playing the birds dropped out of the first play in first place, rather, in the nfc east. they didn't have to play. that's because of course the i would boys won it, tony romo through for three touchdowns, demarco murray through for 128 yards, cowboys beat the cowboys. starts off the season, broke 56 year roled held by hall of famer jim brown. now cowboys are six and one, leading the eagles by a half game. and hey the eagles opponents next week, arizona cardinals won again yesterday. carson palmer through for 253 yards and two touchdowns
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to lead the cards over the raiders yesterday. the cards are now five and one on the season. same record as the eagles. if the cardinals best start since 1976, well, should be good game out in the dessert this weekend. well, hey, peyton manning's second quarter touchdown pass to thomas put manning in the top spot for all time touchdown passes cents. it was his 509th which topped brett favre's records actually. after the play, broncos players played keep away with the record breaking ball. manning finished the game with 510 touchdown passes, his broncos beat the 49ers last night 42 to 17. and, our eagles had the day off but the linc was still quite busy over 3,000 young football fans attended the eagles kids club halloween party. check out those costumes. they came dressed and got candy of course, they also cents had a chance to visit the eagles lockerroom. >> that's neat. >> fun time for all of our pint sized eagles fans. >> i can see through the parents dragging kids, let's go to the lockerroom.
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no, candy, common. >> different priorities for sure. i just love to see little ones dressed up. the cutest thing ever. still to come, apple pay launches today watch is i it and how doses it work? >> first, what's coming up tonight on cbs-3.
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break being news thomas the headlines this morning, police searching for the gunman who shot and killed a man along 1400 block of east ontario street in kensington. this happened about 2:45 this morning. his girlfriend told police he went out to the store and never returned. authorities are investigating the robbery after 7-eleven on 39,000 block of aramingo avenue in port richmond. investigators say the gunman got away with about $60, just before 2:00 this morning. and today the family and relatives of thomas eric duncan will be allowed out of their quarantine. duncan is the man who died from ebola and his relatives were isolated by 21 days, the
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incubation time for the virus. no one has exhibited symptoms. 4:50, time for check on business news. >> wendy gillette joins us from the new york stock exchange, good morning, what can we expect on wall street today? good morning, very volatile week. stocks lost grounds after a lot of ups and downs. but friday's session helped make up some whatever was lost. the dow gained 263 points, the nasdaq added 41. today we're going to see several big companies report their third quarter earnings, including apple, ibm, has cents bro and halliburton. nicole, erika. >> hearing a.m. sell launching new service today. what exactly is it? >> yes, we have heard a lot about it over the past few weeks, it is apple pay, the new apple iphone six, and six plus, include the mobile technology to allow customers pay in stores with the tap of their phones. apple has signed up for three major credit card networks, not that many retailers just
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yet. we'll have to see what casino of attraction is it gets. >> sounds pretty efficient. thanks, wendy. still to come traffic and weather together on the 3's after the break. we'll be right
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let's get traffic and weather together. good morning, jess. >> good morning, just waking up, going to head out the door, we go outside, we will show you what new jersey looks like. we will head on over here. forty-two, creek road. you can see hardly even headlights coming in. actually headed northbound toward 295, the surrounding area bridges. so we can see also moving along nicely, pretty much the same story headed southbound. to 95 at girard now, pretty much great opportunity to get out the door. so headed southbound toward center city, headlights are
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coming in, relatively early so we know it always gets heavier and later on in the afternoon commute. moving great, as well. going over to the maps now, the burlington bristol bridge, still closed until 5:00 a.m. that will will be closed for this the next couple every minutes for construction, meantime if you do have to head out the door, avoid any residual delay, take the tac-pal bridge as well. over to check out the pa turnpike, some construction eastbound between ft. washington and bensalem two. left lanes blocked. be prepared to squeeze by to the right-hand side. over to some travel times check out the majors, so the schuylkill expressway currently still clear headed eastbound from the pa turnpike to the blue route about five minute trip 202 looking great from the schuylkill expressway into route 30, about 12 minute trip there. the blue route still going great so far from the schuylkill expressway headed southbound into 95, 17 minute trip there. i think we head on over to carol who is outside for either a little touch off, flight. >> exactly, on all accounts. you know, jessica, we are looking at very cold start to
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the morning in every single location, may even be frost on your windshield. make note that the ice scraper may be something that we have to put back in our hands. we're looking at storm scan3, couple of high clouds over us, which is good, we love to see that, on a night that's really cold, because that will tends to limit just how cold it can get. so we will hang onto every cloud we can possibly get. still dealing with some cold temperatures out there. they are in the 30's, for the most part, except for philadelphia, at 42 degrees, but that's out at the airport, 44 through center city philadelphia. we have number of areas where we have temperatures that are right at the freezing mark, quakertown, mt. holly, just two of them. calm winds, one of the reasons we're finding the frost out there, and the chill this morning, because nothing is mixing up. it is just allowed to get cold like your refrigerators, no winds blowing through your frig except when you open it and grab something. that's one of the reasons it gets to stay that cold. we still have the freeze warning until 8:00 this
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morning. the dark purple, lighter purple, where you are seeing the frost advisory for many sections of our viewing area. temperatures today, warming up by noon, 66 degrees, by 3:00 p.m., 06 degrees, certainly not as cold as it is this morning, or as cold as it was yesterday morning either. so enjoy these temperatures that will be getting into the 60s today, tonight, we get down to about 50 degrees, then tomorrow in the middle six 60s, but i'm afraid we have to pick up chance of some showers, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, erika, nicole? >> carol, thank youment coming up in the next hour of "eyewitness news", children a cents cross the country getting the wrong medicine when they are sick at alarming rate. the most commonly misused treatments, and how often it is happening. >> plus a big rig makes a mess out after neighborhood. so why are the residents calling out local police instead of the driver? we're back at the top of the hour.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> man gunned down, they found the 27 man shot in the head, east ontario street, and returned to the hospital and later pronounced dead. authorities also say gunfire struck several nearby homes, but, no one else was hurt. plus, college students tied up and robbed at gunpoint inside their off campus home. we're live from the scene with the latest on the hunt for those gunmen. first, my goodness, folks across the area including right here in center city philadelphia waking to up some seriously chilly temperatures this morning h to break out the scarf for the first time. >> i felt it this morning, that's for sure. today is monday, october 20th, good morning to you, thanks so much for joining us, i'm nicole brewer in for ukee. >> i'm erika von tiehl. we head out to carol ericson out on the skydeck. you had to bundle to up break
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out the coat? >> everybody is going to have to break out that coat >> if you're standing out at the bus stop or walking around or walking your dog, make sure everybody is nicely protected against this cold. because it is chilly out here this morning. nos as cold this winter, storm scan3, not much going on, except few high clouds. i welcome them on cold night. sometimes when they start to move in, they can limit just how cold we're getting, and finding temperatures in the 30's this morning, and some at the freezing mark, and of course, we still have the frost and freeze advisory, and they're going on until 8:00 this morning. areas to the north, with that freeze warning, areas through south jersey with that freeze warning. and then a frost advisory for everybody else. even some patchy frost, cannot totally be ruled out through the philadelphia area, where we're not even in the frost or freeze areas. we have 41 degr