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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  May 14, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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the focus of the conference isn't what people are demonstrating against. plus its call san francisco home for more than 170 years. now, it's decided to move out of union square. the decision by shreve and company to move its flagship location, then play ball, the wnba expansion team revealing its new name, the nod it's making to the golden state warriors. >> this is ktvu fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon. thank you for joining us. i'm andre senior i'm
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garcia mikaelian happening this noontime. >> hundreds of pro-palestine demonstrators have descended on google's main campus. there voicing opposition to what they say is the company's sale of ai technology to israel, which ends up hurting or killing civilians in gaza. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary live in mountain view with the latest on what is a developing story. jesse garcia. >> good afternoon to you. and the protests that you mentioned that had taken place this morning have for the moment stopped. we're standing at the entrance to the developers conference. this was blocked by protesters just a few just about an hour ago, maybe a little less than that. but they have moved. and so now this is an exit where the entrance has been moved down to my left. this is all taking part during google's developers conference. thousands are attending in person and even more than that, virtually. let's go ahead. take a look at our web. look at our video. this is the view for attendees this morning. starting around 9:00 in the morning, multiple pro-palestine palestine groups
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blocked the main entrance to the i o conference using bullhorns and banners. they used the attention that's being heaped on the developer's conference to draw attention to their demand that google stop using ai tech to israel for use in its war against hamas. >> now there is nothing that would bar the israeli government from using these cloud services for military purposes. >> google is becoming more and more aggressive in their blatant endorsing of and decision to profit off of israeli military, settler, colonial, genocidal violence. >> as these are the same demands that led to protesters occupying the office of google cloud ceo, approximately 50 googlers who participated in that and other demonstrations around the country back in april were fired by the company. today's demonstration impacted people's ability to go to the keynote this morning. there's a developers note, a keynote this
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afternoon that happens around 130 in the afternoon. now, google has previously said it is not sending or using its project nimbus. this is what they're talking about when they talk about ai to israel. the project nimbus is not using that. sending that to the israeli military for use in its war on hamas. the protesters don't believe that, obviously, and that's why they are out here protesting. we have reached out to google with two emails. we're waiting to hear back from the company. we'll have an update on this story online. and of course, 4:00 this afternoon on the floor. we're live in mountain view. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news gasia andre will head back to you up in oakland. >> jesse. thank you. the clock is ticking down this noon for pro-palestine protesters to disband that encampment on the university of san francisco campus, a deadline to clear out that encampment is 3 p.m. today. ktvu james torres has more on that. and the meeting between protesters and leaders at usf. >> the tents on welch field at the university of san francisco have been here for two weeks.
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it's finals and graduation week here. and students we talked to walking by the encampment say it doesn't bother them. >> they haven't been really too disruptive. >> it's been pretty hectic. there's been a lot of stuff, like a lot of i've been hearing a lot of different things about people just having their different sides. but i think it's wonderful that everyone can speak their mind. >> university officials say they've gotten word some lines have been crossed. president paul fitzgerald wrote in a letter to the school community that reports of discrimination against jewish students and faculty is troubling. he and other members of the administration met with the protesters for three hours monday morning. monday night, students told us they walked away without a compromise. >> one of our demands is to publicly condemn the genocide of palestinians, and he did not agree to the term genocide. >> and a statement from the university to ktvu says the university is continuing to prioritize communication and de-escalation with the protesters. our conversations have been shaped by the
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expectation that protesters recognize the need to balance free expression with safety and respectful dialog. this morning, those protesters said they did not have time to speak to us on camera and then interrupted our conversations with students, not part of their encampment. >> well, listen, we don't consent to any of this being put out there. >> oh, do we? >> we don't consent to any of this. >> the university says the encampment is violating student code and hopes it won't interfere with graduation plans. at the end of the week, if students clear welch field by 3 p.m. today, they will be granted full amnesty from any code of conduct violation. if not, they'll face consequences which students outside the protest would rather not see. >> i don't see why i don't support that. >> yeah, i'd rather not the university to kick them out just because i don't think that them's sitting there like it's they're not harming anyone. it's pretty peaceful in my opinion. >> students here say they've gotten an overwhelming amount of support, including a number of jewish students who have joined
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their cause. they say they are planning a rally at around 330 this afternoon at the same time that the university has set its deadline reporting in san francisco. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> a united airlines flight from singapore to sfo was forced to turn around less than an hour into its trip. united flight 28 was scheduled to arrive in san francisco at 9:00 tonight, but shortly after takeoff, that aircraft declared an emergency. now, just a short time ago, the carrier told ktvu that the plane experienced engine trouble. the aircraft turned around and landed back at the airport in singapore. there were 197 passengers and 14 crew members on board. customers were rebooked onto another flight. we now know the name of the bay area's newest pro sports team, the president of the wnba golden state valkyrie says it's a perfect fit. >> when i hear the golden state valkyries, i think of power. i think of community. i think of achieving the impossible together and showing the world what is possible.
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>> valkyries originate from norse mythology, their mythical warrior women who fly. the team's logo includes the bay bridge to symbolize the tie between oakland and san francisco. the valkyries will begin play in the wnba next season. fans are invited to a valkyries block party at thrive city in san francisco. it's this saturday, may 18th at 2 p.m. the event features appearances by artists e-40, goapele, kehlani and p-lo. a jeweler that's called san francisco home for more than 170 years, is leaving the city. shreve and company announced it's moving its flagship store from post street in union square to palo alto. the company has been in san francisco since its founding in 1852. shreve and company says the move is part of a strategic retooling of the company's business plan. san francisco location hosting a public liquidation sale starting this friday, may 17th. one of the largest remaining stores at san francisco center has announced it's leaving. american eagle outfitters says it plans to close july 12th, according to the san francisco chronicle.
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that's four years before its lease is up. 52 employees are set to lose their jobs in september, the parent company of american eagle filed a lawsuit against the former owners of the center, westfield, for allegedly neglecting security in management duties. >> federal highway safety regulators are opening another investigation into a self-driving car company, this time mountain view based waymo. the inquiry involves 22 incidents of crashes and traffic violations reported by waymo. no one was hurt in any of these incidents since last month, federal regulators have opened at least four investigations into cars that have some type of self-driving capabilities. cruise announced it will start testing its self-driving taxis in arizona this week. for now, those drivers will have safety drivers on board. this is seen as a major step for cruise to resume those driverless rides. the company suspended operations last fall after an incident involving one of its cars in san francisco. the state revoked cruise's license to operate its self-driving cars in california
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after cruise allegedly covered up information of that crash. electric vehicle maker tesla is being accused of violating the federal clean air act. the ev car maker is now being sued by the nonprofit environmental democracy project. it says tesla has violated the clean air act hundreds of times by letting its fremont plant emit harmful pollutants, according to the lawsuit filed in san francisco federal court. since 2021, the plant has exposed nearby residents and workers to excessive nitrogen oxides, nitrogen oxides, arsenic, cadmium and other harmful chemicals. tesla has not yet commented on the lawsuit. >> analysts say already high gas prices in california are expected to rise as we get into the summer months. the average price across the bay area for a gallon of gas is $5.45, $0.59 higher than where we were this time last year. california vehicles have overall better gas mileage than those in other states, but many drivers say they are frustrated with what they're paying at the pump. >> people that are running the
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state right now and the regulations associated with the gas prices, and i just i don't like it. >> the statewide average price for gas is $5, $0.27 a gallon. the national average is $3.61. the state excise tax per gallon is $0.57 right now. that'll go up to almost $0.60 a gallon starting july 1st. meantime the biden administration unveiling a bundle of steep tariffs, increasing on $18 billion in imported chinese goods. griff jenkins reports tariff hikes from the biden administration will focus on certain hallmark products of the chinese economy, including electric vehicles, batteries, steel, semiconductors and medical products. >> it's no secret that the president, this entire administration has been concerned about unfair practices by the prc that harm american workers and businesses. the administration is keeping tariffs put in place by president trump while adding others. biden officials maintain his plan is different because its measures are targeted and
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combined with domestic investment. >> the last administration, when they did the trade deal with china, what it did is it failed to increase american american exports or boost manufacturing. >> some republicans say these tariffs are biden's solution to low poll numbers on the economy. >> he's worried about donald trump also having more confidence from the american people on how to confront communist china. that's why they've announced some half hearted half measures on chinese tariffs. >> these tariffs on cheap chinese electric vehicles and batteries come as gas prices are surging in parts of the country. in some pockets of california, gas prices are more than $6 a gallon. a carbon tax to reduce emissions could add nearly $0.50 a gallon next year. >> all we're doing is squeezing the middle class and the low income families. we're punishing them because they can't afford an ev. we charge our car at the same time, let's say 5 p.m. it would completely shut down the grid of california. >> triple a expects gas prices to remain steady as we approach
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memorial day. but the bad news prices may creep higher for the summer as the cost of oil may fluctuate with the wars in the middle east and ukraine. in washington, griff jenkins, ktvu, fox two news severe weather across parts of the southern united states, a look at the damage and the extreme weather that's expected to last throughout the day. >> plus. >> secretary of state antony blinken makes a surprise trip to ukraine. i'm rebecca castor in washington. on how the timing of the visit comes at a very critical time for the ukrainian military. >> anna barry weather a cool start for your tuesday morning. still some lingering clouds out there hanging out near the coast and right around portions of the bay. we'll
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farm workers was heading to a fruit farm in central florida when the bus and a pickup truck sideswiped each other. the bus veered off the highway. we see it went through a fence and landed on its side. eight people on board the bus died at the scene. the other 45 people were taken to a hospital. at least eight are in critical condition. now to france, where two prison officers were killed in an ambush on a van carrying inmates. a witness on the bus captured footage of fellow passengers crawling in the aisle
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to escape gunfire. french police say several gunmen ambushed the van to free a convicted drug dealer known as the fly, as he was being transported from a court hearing in normandy. two prison guards were killed. three officers were injured. french authorities have launched a manhunt for the inmate and the attackers, with russian troops making significant gains in northeastern ukraine. >> us secretary of state antony blinken is in kyiv to reassure ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky. he still has the united states support as rookie, kaster reports. blinken says more u.s. weapons are on the way to the war torn country that will make a real difference on the battlefield. >> in a surprise visit, secretary of state antony blinken is in ukraine tuesday to reaffirm u.s. support for its ally at war. >> we know this is a challenging time, but we also know that in the near term, the assistance is now on the way. some of it's already arrived. more of it will be arriving, and that's going to make a real difference. >> the additional u.s.
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assistance comes after a months long, grueling debate in congress over how much aid to send. but last month, lawmakers finally approved $60 billion for ukraine, and the timing couldn't be more urgent, as russia claims it's overtaken at least nine ukrainian border villages. >> we're trying to really accelerate the tempo of the deliveries, recognizing, as i said before, the delay put ukraine in a hole and we're trying to help them dig out of that hole as rapidly as possible. >> i wanted to thank you from all my team, all ukrainians, to, crucial package for our, forces, for our warriors. >> but ukraine's president zelenskyy says even more aid is needed as ukrainian troops are quickly depleting their ammunition stockpile amid russia's intense attacks. >> we want to make sure that together, as along with many other partners, that we make these next months successful, that we deal with the challenges that you have, and that we push through all of them and we do it
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together. >> later this week, russian president vladimir putin will travel to china to meet with president xi jinping, a partnership u.s. and ukrainian officials are watching closely. in washington, rebecca castor, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, intense storms are slamming parts of the south overnight. at least two people died in louisiana as tornadoes left a trail of damage across the state. the storms are affecting communities from texas to florida. more than 100,000 people are without power right now, the national weather service warns that strong winds, hail and tornadoes may likely return today. >> it's a relatively calm day here in the bay area. ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo joins us now. are we about where we should be for this time of year? >> yeah, somewhat below average in some cases across parts of the bay area. garcia. yeah, so definitely a cooler start to this morning with lots of low clouds and fog out there. and as we head into the afternoon hours, almost feels like a summertime pattern out there with the clouds clearing back to near the shoreline. so coastal clouds, it's warm inland temperatures you can see throughout the afternoon hours. the profile. the warmest
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locations will be back up into the lower 80s. here is the satellite. the overall weather pattern. you can see a big circulation out here in the pacific in this area of low pressure down in southern california. we're kind of in between those two systems. so as as a result, it's not extremely cold and it's not extremely hot as well. we just have lots of overcast to a deal with for the morning hours. and here is the satellite imagery as you can pick out filling the bay earlier this morning gradually clearing back to near the shoreline. and we still have some lingering patches right around half moon bay out toward the marin headlands, out toward bolinas, and also right around the golden gate bridge as well. of course, that that cloud pattern is having a big impact on temperatures where it's foggy, it's on the cool side. half moon bay, 55 degrees, but where it's sunny, it's warming up into the lower 70s out toward livermore and san jose. around 70 to 72. oakland 62 degrees. and the winds are transporting that cooler marine air across the bay. we'll show you some of the current wind reports right now you can see nothing too major. around 7 to 13 miles an hour. in
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fact, calm winds out toward mountain view and in san jose. still nice to see the green hillsides out there, but we have a drying trend, so no rainfall to speak of for us, with the exception of maybe some drizzle for the morning hours. so here is the plan. coastal clouds for today. warm inland tonight. partly cloudy and breezy. the extended forecast. it's a dry weather pattern and still a sun cloud mix with no major warming trends headed our way. temperatures just kind of remaining steady in the 60s. 70s and the lower 80s. so here's the forecast model this afternoon. 3:00 it's picking up on some of the cloud cover out there near monterey bay, near half moon bay, near portions of the san francisco coastline as well. and then tomorrow morning, once again, we'll push the clouds back into the bay, maybe some drizzle. first thing tomorrow morning, and then pretty much the same story for wednesday afternoon. so no big changes headed our way over the next several days and temperatures. as you can see, this almost feels like june with temperatures only in the low 60s for the coast and then inland. we're talking about some low to mid 80s for concord, antioch and
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livermore. so i guess you could say it's comfortable weather to get outside. remember last week we were talking about the warm to hot pattern? not the case this week. here is a look ahead. your five day forecast. it's pretty much the same story for wednesday and into thursday. maybe a little bit of some warming and then may making plans for the outdoor for the upcoming weekend. temperatures will be, we'll call it nice for friday and saturday and then we'll increase the low clouds and fog first thing on sunday morning. so not the most exciting weather pattern, but still a nice weather pattern to get outside over the next several days. >> gorgeous mark. thank you. coming up, the man known as former president donald trump's fixer is taking the stand against him again today. the latest on michael cohen's testimony in the former president's criminal court proceedings. and now his account speaks to the very ux of he
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as eric shone reports from manhattan. his former lawyer, michael cohen returned to the witness stand for day 17 of the trial. >> in a show of solidarity, house speaker mike johnson joining former president trump when they arrived at his criminal trial in new york city. >> this is the fifth week that president trump has been in court for this sham of a trial. they are doing this intentionally to keep him here and keep him off of the campaign trail. >> trump is facing felony charges related to his alleged 2016 hush money payments to star stormy daniels, so she would keep quiet about their alleged affair and not affect the 2016 presidential election. they paid
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a lawyer a certain amount of money. >> we marked it down as legal expenses. >> returning to the witness stand for a second day, michael cohen, trump's former lawyer and fixer. on monday, cohen testified for more than five hours, telling the jury that it was his former boss who directed him to make the payments to stormy daniels. >> i think that he has done a lot in terms of advancing the case, and i think if he maintains his cool and his the demeanor that we saw yesterday, i think he owns what he did. i think he's going to do just fine. >> next, trump lawyer todd blanche will also have his chance to cross-examine the prosecution's key witness. but cohen's credibility expected to be attacked given his past convictions for lying to congress, tax evasion. and he served time in federal prison. >> he's all over the map. he's he's hard to pin down, but i don't think that's problematic for the defense because when he speaks, he usually, steps in it with the former president under
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a gag order, he's enlisted some republican allies. >> house speaker mike johnson and former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. among those attending the trial in new york. i'm eric shawn, ktvu, fox two news, us airlines are suing to block the biden administration from requiring greater transparency over fees they charge passengers. >> american delta united, along with three other carriers, accused the transportation department of going beyond its authority by attempting to regulate private business operations. the lawsuit also argues a new rule would confuse customers by giving them too much information during the ticket buying process. the white house says it will defend the rule as part of an ongoing crackdown on junk fees. california is moving closer to requiring warning labels on new gas stoves sold in our state. the state assembly approved a proposal that would require a label on gas stoves or ranges, warning about pollutants they can release that have been linked to respiratory illnesses. as supporters of the legislation say it's needed to make people aware of the risks of childhood
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asthma and other respiratory problems. the bill now heads to the state senate, just ahead of june's pride month celebrations. the fbi is warning of possible danger, the groups, the feds say, could be targeting the united states and lgbtq themed events, plus writing muni without paying the fare. the staggering number of riders who are cheating the system, and what sfmta says could be cut if enhanced fare enforcement efforts aren't successful
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on view. some blocked the main entrance and delayed access for conference attendees. the protesters are demanding that google divest from israel and end its involvement with the israeli government and military. they also say they're against providing ai and cloud technology to israel. >> there is nothing that would bar the israeli government from using these cloud services for military purposes. >> google is becoming more and more aggressive in their blatant endorsement of and decision to profit off of israeli military settler colonial genocidal violence. >> last month, google fired 24 employees for protesting the company's work on its cloud
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computing service project nimbus . google says it's not sending that tech to israel. still, the protesters say they don't believe the company. google has not yet commented on today's protest. san jose state has become the latest university where pro-palestine protesters have set up an encampment against the war in gaza. a professor who's a faculty advisor for the protesters says they want the university to be more transparent about its financial investments and fully divest from any investments connected to israel. >> the administration, though they send lots of emails about their concerns over wars or natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes, have yet to send one email out about the genocide that is happening against the palestinians. and we're in our seventh month now. >> the university says while it respects freedom of speech, its main priority is to keep the campus safe for learning. it also said the encampment violates school policy. >> for people in san jose have been displaced because of a fire at a buddhist temple. it
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happened last night around 6 p.m. on foss avenue near interstate 680. it took around two hours for firefighters to get the flames under control. the fi affected both the temple and the house right behind it. for people living there have been displaced, but no one was hurt. the cause of the fire is still under investigation, but firefighters say it appears the fire began in an outdoor cooking area. a family in rio vista is asking for help after a mother of three was killed in a car crash late friday night. jessica hay was heading home from the concord drive-in with her boyfriend and three children. california highway patrol say they were driving on highway 160 near sherman island road when a driver crossed into their lane, causing a head on collision. he died in the crash. her kids and boyfriend. they're being treated for major injuries. the family has created a gofundme to help pay for medical expenses and funeral costs. >> they had just had their baby and they were so happy talking about getting married and, it's all just been taken away.
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>> however, the driver that hit them died as well. highway patrol says alcohol is believed to be a factor in the crash. >> an east bay family is asking for help in finding a loved one who's been missing for several weeks. they say 25 year old dennis chow of hayward, was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia. family members say he has not been seen since april 23rd. they say he doesn't have a phone or any money. earlier in april, chow wandered away from his home. they found him at one point, but say he ran away from a hospital. >> we found him at dublin bart station and when we found him, his feet were heavily blistered. and the day after we drove him to the er here in hayward, where he was able to get seen for all of those blisters he had on his feet. but to also get a psychiatric evaluation from the doctor. >> family members say they're frustrated with law enforcement and the hospital for not preventing his escape. they say they think chow could now be in monterey county. more relatives are arriving from vietnam to help with the search. >> the u.s. supreme court will
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allow the state of california to be sued over a deadly outbreak of covid 26 prison inmates and one prison guard died after infected inmates were transferred from chino state prison to san quentin back in 2020, attorneys claim the inmates were not tested or quarantined. federal courts denied the claims by the state that it had qualified immunity and said state prison officials can be held liable for harms caused by dangers the system created or failed to prevent. the fbi has issued a warning involving this summer's pride celebrations in the u.s. federal agents say foreign terrorist groups may attempt to target pride parades and other events celebrating the lgbtq community. the warning issued does not specifically mention any bay area pride events, but the fbi is especially concerned isis may now be planning an attack on u.s. soil. next month will mark eight years since the mass shooting at a gay nightclub in orlando, florida, that led to 49 deaths. isis praised that attack . >> san francisco says it's doing its part to combat
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disinformation heading into the november election, but officials say that more needs to be done. at a hearing yesterday, the city said it's working with the california secretary of state and the office of elections cybersecurity throughout the election cycle. the problems are seeing now deciding what messaging is allowed and what isn't under the first amendment, many types of election messages are protected. >> i think getting a memo from the city attorney's office about the constitutional landscape that we're operating here would be crucial, so we know what we can and can't do, and we don't waste our time, and we don't end up in court with the city attorney having to spend a lot of time figuring it out. then on the back end, the city says it has many safeguards at the ballot box as well. >> says the voting system is not connected to the internet. the software system is reinstalled and tested before every election, and manual tallies are taken after an election. to compare against the results, the biden administration is holding events this week to mark the 70th anniversary of that landmark supreme court decision. brown versus board of education in 1954, supreme court decision declared the racial segregation
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happening in public schools was unconstitutional. just this morning, members of the new orleans four were honored by the justice department in washington. they were six years old when they were the first black students to integrate schools in new orleans. they were greeted by death threats, racial slurs and taunts. attorney general merrick garland says schools and the law have come a long way, but there's still more work to be done. >> the court's decision in brown made clear that the responsibility of this department to uphold the rule of law and to adhere to the constitution often means protecting the right of every child, regardless of the color of their skin, to access equal educational opportunities. >> on thursday, president biden plans to host a meeting at the white house with the plaintiffs from the historic case and their families here at home, a new plan to target fare evaders on san francisco's muni system. the sfmta says it will hire dozens of new fare inspectors to monitor riders, as ktvu christian captain reports, officials have a plan in place
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to keep the new task force safe. >> muni carries more than 440,000 weekday riders through the streets of san francisco. while the majority of passengers pay their way, muni estimates that as many as 1 in 5 riders doesn't pay. passengers say that doesn't surprise them. >> yeah. you know, in san francisco, everybody's trying to get their way out there on the bus. you go any other city, you got to pay sfmta says before the pandemic, about 12% of passengers didn't pay. >> now, the agency says about 20% of riders skip out on paying the sfmta says it is in the process of bringing two dozen new fare inspectors online who will hit the road july 1st, riding transit and making sure everyone has proof of payment. >> what we've seen in the data is a very, very strong correlation between the presence of fare inspectors and people paying their correct fare, the
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sfmta says. >> fares account for about a quarter of its income. >> we can't sustain muni service without people paying their fair fare, it is about a quarter of our operators salary. if we're not able to bring fare compliance up a bit, we will have no choice but to reduce muni service to keep the new fare inspectors safe. >> they work in groups of three and can use radios to call for help if they see a potentially dangerous person or activity. >> the fare inspectors are a huge part of our safety program. they're very presence on the vehicle helps to make sure that everything stays chill, the sfmta says seeing people not pay can make other riders think they don't have to pay either. >> but the agency says a lot of those riding who don't appear to be paying have in fact paid for their rides. if they have the muni app, for example, they don't need to tag in like clipper card users. and remember, there are a lot of those who ride for free, like the kids, the elderly, and the disabled in san francisco. christien kafton, ktvu, fox two
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news. >> runners are getting ready for a bay to breakers this weekend, and bart is gearing up as well. the transit agency will run four trains with limited stops before regular bart service begins on sunday. the special trains will get race participants to the embarcadero just before 7 a.m. the 12 k race starts at eight sunday morning in downtown, and shreek closures will stretch all the way across the city. ridership on san francisco bay ferry just hit a new post-pandemic high ferry officials said. more than 2300 people a day used the ferry last week during the morning commute. that number was boosted by a big jump in riders using the oakland route. the ferry service recently announced plans to add new routes, including ferries to redwood city, foster city and further inland to martinez. pittsburg and antioch as well. tesla has restarted rehiring some members of the supercharger team two weeks after ceo elon musk gutted it. chief among the people who have returned is the team's north american director. it's unclear, though, how many people so far have been rehired
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out of the nearly 500 who were laid off last week. musk pledged to spend more than $500 million on growing tesla's supercharger network this year. >> red lobster is set to shut down some of its restaurants across the country, including two here in the bay area, the rohnert park and fremont locations are two of the 48 restaurants that will close nationwide. there will be an online auction featuring kitchen equipment from the red lobsters that are closing. red lobster could be considering filing for bankruptcy. more tech layoffs announced for bay area workers now. job search giant indeed said it's cutting 1000 jobs. about 8% of the entire workforce . in a letter, the ceo said this will impact several departments, but many of the cuts will be at the foster city office. the ceo says cost savings sparked the layoffs. walmart is cutting hundreds of corporate jobs and requiring most remote workers to return to the office, reports say. walmart is also planning to move workers in small offices around the country to its headquarters in arkansas. we expect to learn more about walmart's business strategy
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moving forward on thursday. that's when the retail giant releases its quarterly earnings report. >> it's a story of second chances. we'll introduce you to the immigrant who has gone from gangs to graduation, and the program that helped him do it. >> and in merriweather, here's our live camera looking out toward the low cloud cover out towards san francisco. looks like it's going to be cool for the coas and warm nland. nd
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and alberta. strong winds have pushed heavy smoke from northern canada across the border into the u.s. smoke has now filled the skies in montana, the dakotas, minnesota, wisconsin. the canadian government is warning the situation could worsen over the next two days. >> the next 48 hours will be a challenging situation for the northern rockies regional municipality. given forecasted and ongoing westerly winds and extreme dry and volatile fuels in the area. >> just last year, dangerous levels of canadian wildfire smoke drifted over several major us cities, including new york. >> we're introducing you to a uc berkeley graduate committed to bringing hope to this community after facing extreme challenges. >> the new cal grad is an immigrant from southeast asia who spent 20 years in prison. krystal bailey reports he's working to help others like him turn their lives around.
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>> something danny tomsic. >> as danny tongs walks across the stage at uc berkeley, he's graduating with a bachelor's degree in sociology. >> to me, i felt like, wow, this is one of our dream come true. >> born in a refugee camp in thailand when his family was escaping a war in southeast asia, tong's family emigrated to a low income neighborhood in stockton. when he was just a little boy. >> a lot of kids end up in gangs like myself. so what had happened was when i was 17, my older brother was murdered by a rival gang, which led me to a deep depression. eventually >> tongs retaliated, ending someone's life and sending him on a journey through the prison system. >> till this day, that i'm still living with the guilt and shame. and i think that part of my education and my academic is a transformation of that to ensure that, you know, that other kids don't make the same mistake like
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i did. >> while serving his time, he began going to church. >> there was, a preacher that came to my cell and just share about love and forgiveness. >> that's when his whole trajectory shifted. he got his ged, then his associate's degree, and was granted parole. he worked as an advocate for the asian prisoner support committee , a nonprofit organization helping members of the aapi community reenter society. but his immigration status was at stake. facing deportation because of his felony in 2020, governor gavin newsom granted him a pardon after hearing about his advocacy work, and that freed him to pursue higher education at cal berkeley through a program called underground scholars. >> and one thing that i noticed about danny is that he's using his life experience to inform his research and the work that he wants to pursue. >> the program began as a club by a formerly incarcerated student in 2013, danny murillo, who wanted to help others like himself. >> now it's expanded to every uc and community colleges as a prison to university pipeline
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run every year. >> now we get $4 million from the state budget that gets divided by the nine undergraduate uc campuses to serve formerly incarcerated students and system impacted students in the university. >> at berkeley alone, underground scholars has 40 graduates this semester. >> he has 18. >> yeah. thank you so much. yeah, we did it. tongs is one of them. >> and on his big day he offers these words for dreamers like him. >> here i am. you know i mean it's not too late. if i could do it, anybody could do it. >> tong's plans to apply for grad schools in the fall so he can continue working with marginalized communities and supporting formerly incarcerated individuals in berkeley. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> a true story of how you can turn your life around, even after going through such a hard time for yourself. all right, let's turn things over now to meteorologist mark tamayo, who's tracking today's weather. and, mark, we started out with foggy skies over the bay area. still a little bit foggy in parts of the bay area right now. >> yeah, definitely a cool start
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to remember. last week we were dealing with the heat and starting off today, at least with lots of low clouds and some cool conditions out there. no big temperature swings over the next few days. we're kind of locked in this pattern 60s, 70s and 80s. so we will continue to track the clouds out toward the coast. it's warm inland. there will be a bit of a breeze. you can see the temperature profile throughout the day, and by 4:00, probably the warmest part of the day, low 60s to the low 80s, you can see what's happening, the overall weather pattern. there's an area of high pressure offshore, and then there's an area of low pressure to our south. and we're kind of in between these two systems. and as a result, we'll have some cooling influence here. and then the mild influence here with the warming temperatures inland. here's the satellite though. as you can see, lots of low clouds and fog from this morning. you can see throughout the morning hours. this is the 8:00 hour gradually clearing back to near the shoreline. and we still have that onshore breeze that will help transport the clouds back into the bay once again. as we head into the evening hours. current numbers out there san francisco is 61 with some 60s for santa rosa. concord. the warm spots right around 70 for
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livermore, 72 in san jose, checking in 70 degrees as we show you. the wind reports for the 12:00 hour. the winds are not too bad. they will likely pick up, though by around mid-afternoon you can see right now winds at about seven miles an hour out toward sfo and san jose reporting calm conditions. so outside right now, as we do, have some relatively clear skies up above, if you are away from the fog bank and forecast headlines for today, coastal clouds. it's warm inland tomorrow or actually tonight. partly cloudy and breezy. and then the extended forecast. no big changes headed our way. it's a dry weather pattern with a sun cloud mix. so here is your forecast model. this is 4:00 this afternoon. the clouds hanging out near portions of the shoreline. a nice pleasant day inland. so no major heat to deal with. and then this is tomorrow morning for 7:00 wednesday. lots of low clouds and fog and maybe some drizzle first thing tomorrow morning, especially near the coastline and then into the afternoon hours. no big changes and we will likely repeat this forecast over the next several days for thursday, friday and into the weekend. take a look at the numbers for
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this afternoon. temperatures ranging from the low 60s out toward pacifica. bring the sweater or the jacket out toward the shoreline. lots of 70s around the bay and the warmest locations. we will bring back some 80s for concord and antioch. here's a look ahead. your five day forecast. no big changes as you can't see into your wednesday forecast. lots of sunshine for your thursday. once again after some low clouds and fog. and then if you're making outdoor plans this weekend, you can go for it. we're not talking about any major heat out there. no rain clouds to worry about overall. as you can see, it's spelled out here for a couple of days. it's a nice pattern as we head toward your bay area weekend. all right, mark, thank you so much. >> chatgpt is upgrading its voice assistant with a new ai language model called chatgpt t04. it will make the voice assistant more expressive. it will also be able to look at what your phone's camera sees and respond in real time. >> so what's the first step i should take to try to solve this ? >> the first step is to get all the terms with x on one side and the constants on the other side.
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so what do you think we should do with that plus one? >> okay, i'm going to try to subtract one from both sides and then i'll see what i get. >> great idea. perfect. now what do you get when you subtract one from both sides? okay >> so yep it's getting real. these latest capabilities will be available for free for all chatgpt users. >> the oakland zoo's newest resident now has a name. following a poll on social media, the young giraffe will be named nuru, which means the light in swahili. the oakland zoo welcomed the 13 month old calf from the audubon nature institute in louisiana as part of a species survival plan. didn't have a name, so the zoo turned to the public. nuru is said to be adventurous and is quickly adjusting to his new home and heard, are you ready for some football? >> while the 49ers will play week one of the nfl season at home for the first time in three years, who they will take on at le s tadium
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♪ (ominous music) ♪
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come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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died because of drug overdoses in the city. the latest data show 3026 people have died from overdoses since 2020, in san francisco. doctors and others at the gathering say there needs to be a greater health response to help keep people alive. >> with the right support, they can continue progressing. i have yet to encounter someone with addiction who truly desires to remain trapped in that cycle. >> experts at the gathering are calling for a deeper investment in prevention, treatment and community based solutions to address the rising number of overdose deaths. >> the city of san francisco plans to make some major improvements to two busy streets in the south of market neighborhood. community members joined city leaders for a
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groundbreaking ceremony yesterday, marking the beginning of this major renovation project . the work will take place on folsom street between second and 11th streets, and on howard street between fourth and 11th. construction along folsom street will start this year and is expected to last for two years. the work along howard street is expected to take a little longer and last almost three years. comcast is launching a new streaming bundle with a big discount. peacock, netflix and apple tv will be included in the three way package. pricing for the bundle has not been revealed just yet, though, but the cheapest cost to get all three streamers separately right now is about $23 a month. disney and warner brothers announced a three bundle with max, disney+ and hulu just last week. >> a legal victory now for the oakland a's and the team's planned move to las vegas. the nevada supreme court rejected a proposed ballot measure that would have allowed voters to overturn a public funding deal for a new ballpark along the strip. lawmakers have approved $380 million for the billion dollar project. the group,
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schools over stadiums has been gathering signatures for a referendum that would allow the measure to be decided by voters. >> i think the public is tired of their politicians spending time on these kind of endeavors. while essential things like schools, housing go either unfixed or unnoticed, all we are trying to do was ask nevadans, do you want to pay for a billionaires stadium with public money? and that's it. >> the nevada supreme court upheld a lower court decision that found the language of the proposed ballot measure was confusing. schools over stadium says it will try again to place a measure on the ballot. tonight, the giants will host the first place los angeles dodgers at oracle park for game two of their series. last night, the dodgers beat the giants in extra innings, 6 to 4. l.a. catcher will smith hit a two run double in the 10th inning to lead the dodgers to a64 win over their longtime rivals. this was the dodgers fourth straight victory over the giants this season. 35,000 fans attended game one of the series at oracle
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park last night. it was a lot of dodger blue in san francisco mixed in with the orange and black. ticket agencies estimate dodger fans will fill more than half the seats at the giants home ballpark during this three game series. >> i'm a big fan of ohtani. i'm a big fan of yamamoto, so. so i'm first time seeing them both play ever. so i'm looking forward to that. >> we're thinking about jiang hu. we hope he gets better, we're tired of seeing yastrzemski out there, giants, baby, we're coming back. we're bringing up all the kids from sacramento. we got to play young. we got to play fast. we got to play smart. the giants are in fourth place in the national league west, nine games behind the dodgers. >> well, happening today. it's the start of the wnba season caitlin clark playing her first official pro game. seeing her team, the indiana fever, will take on the connecticut sun in front of a nationally televised audience. clark's popularity is driving up ticket sales. tonight's game is the first sellout for the connecticut sun since its inaugural season back in 2003. the average online ticket price is about $300, with the most expensive courtside
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seats going for several thousand dollars each. the 49ers will play week one of the nfl season at the home at home at levi's stadium. for the first time in three years, the niners will host the new york jets at levi's stadium on september 9th. in the season opener, they'll face the jets and former cal quarterback aaron rodgers in a prime time matchup on monday night football. the full 2024 nfl schedule is expected to be released tomorrow. >> 17 year old says she isn't done learning even after graduating with a phd this month. dorothy jean tillman walked across the stage last week after successfully defending her dissertation. she earned a bachelor's degree at the age of 11, her masters at the age of 14, all while being homeschooled. tillman completed her doctoral degree at arizona state university. after being accepted into the behavioral health management program in 2021. >> learning more about the world around me, learning more about all of the different things and fields and spaces i can go into. all the different things i could possibly do with integrated
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behavioral health. just researching and learning and exploring. >> the teen doctor says she credits her village of supporters for her success, and she reminds people she is still a teenager and thus excited to go to prom this week. >> congratulations to dorothy jean tillman. she is accomplished way more than many people, even me. well what did i do with that? >> i know what was i doing in 11? >> not that. yeah, nothing like that for sure. all right. now to this we're watching. thank you for watching ktvu fox two news at noon. quick reminder that you can stream our newscast anytime. just download it for your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv. we'll see you again (upbeat music) (audience clapping) - [tammi] can you guess what this is? if you guessed sumo wrestler, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary". our first celebrity captain can deadlift 800 pounds, but can he pull his own weight on "pictionary"? it's wwe superstar, big e. and with him are jason and his wife kristin. other celebrity captain is a wwe grand slam champion.


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