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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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acquired knowledge is accumulated, how is it distributed, how is it taken into account in the requirements for certain structures? look, all the experience gained on the battlefield when using ground robotic complexes is collected by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, and further it is distributed to all troops that can also be used in the future, use these ground robotic complexes, and thus they then these needs and things will be taken into account in the next production. generations, extraterrestrials robotic complexes. we have several samples of foreign production, there are well-known estonian robots, and there are new platforms from other countries. this experience is also taken into account, are there any things that we can integrate there for foreign solutions into our platforms? since the direction of ground robotic complexes is quite new, in this you'. all experience is calculated, it
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can be both foreign developments and our developments, it all works in a complex, so the more experience we have, the faster our developments will develop and help divert the military from the battlefield, but how is the new type of troops, unmanned systems, affecting these processes now? do you have contact with the new leader, or is there an understanding of where to develop specifically in ground robotic platforms? the new type of troops is a very, very serious initiative, we already have contact with the leader, of course, because we are a joint initiative, so as the new ridvoisk will use the ground robotic complexes that will be provided for them, it will be just right still all this experience will be used and implemented in the new development, so of course it will be a very big post in the future, mr. vladyslav, thank you very much for the explanation, for your work that you ... do
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for our defense forces. let me remind you that this was vladyslav kosyanchuk, the head of the ground robotic platforms department of the brain one technological cluster. this cluster aims to ensure that our army receives technological solutions as soon as possible that help save the lives of our soldiers, and at the same time effectively perform those functions that allow you to destroy the enemy on the battlefield. these were the main results of this day, and. more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. we will discuss many interesting topics, no language law, we haven't heard why in educational institutions, by the way, not only in kyiv teachers continue to use russian, but we now have english as the official language, you can try to use english. a small government with a big prime minister. as
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shmyhal wants to reform the cabinet of ministers, what will be left of it and where will the dismissed people go, or will this all be just a fiction again, and the situation in zaporizhia oblast and zaporizhzhia, we will start with this, we will discuss other political topics later with people's deputy, she will be inna sovsun today, and because this is actually a very important topic for conversation, we mean language not in the sphere of everyday life, not in the sphere of private communication, but in ukraine actually. well, everyone can communicate privately at least you can speak chinese, swahili, you can also speak esperanto, but we will talk about the official sphere, but we will start by talking about the situation in zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region alisa sasoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, ms. alisa, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, today there is a lot of news from zaporizhzhia, from the zaporizhzhia region, let's start with the fact that in one day the enemy made 360. eight attacks in the region, 11 houses
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were destroyed, and you know, when you read this, the thought arises, what is what from the series, simple they hit everywhere, destroy, burn, leave nothing, this is with the understanding that the enemy continues to try to regain control over the robot, broke through to the productive area in the berdyansk direction and somewhere in principle there are no successes, expected, let's say, on the battlefield, so here is this chaotic or not chaotic shelling of civilian infrastructure, please tell us about the consequences. the security of enemy attacks in the region, in the city for the last day, well, the most important thing that we can say is that there were no casualties or deaths, this is true, well, considering the realities in which we live in, this is good news, because every day, the russians are shelling the zaporizhzhia region, i don't remember when this number, at least it would be at least a double digit number, you see 300, more than 300, well it's on unfortunately, every day they destroy. due
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to the fact that, of course, some cities, such as goliaipol, orihiv, they are currently almost destroyed, but also of course, there are shellings on the zaporizhzhia district, and therefore the situation with... remains difficult, and the fact that there are no victims or dead - this is the most important thing, but of course they also fix destroyed houses and institutions, and if in the zaporizhzhia district people can still apply for a reconstruction program, then in the walnut grove we understand that nothing is being restored there now, so we just have to watch how our cities are wiped off the face of the earth, russians, and by the way, today we did not have the opportunity, maybe tomorrow we will talk about the situation on... the enemies are trying to take, there is no secret here and, as they say, they are frontal and enter from the flanks, as they are used to it, there remain 682 residents in the city, which is literally at the front, and so on
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it is clear that the road is shot through, take the military out of there, even with their logistics they risk, but the military actually risk their lives by going to the army, but they also take risks by taking them out... regarding the zaporizhzhia region, are there places where it is extremely dangerous for people to be now and the question evacuation, or again someone stays and says: i will not go, forced evacuation, well, forced voluntary, if there are children, which settlements are there, are there really such critical, critical points on the map, like, let's say, let's say time went by daughters of course, what is there, of course, even these cities that we talked about are orihiv, walk the field, we know that now the orihiv direction is one of the hottest spots, where exactly the fighting is going on, but nevertheless, in the villages people stay nearby, and
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volunteers and journalists also come there, and people are taken out who agree to evacuate, but unfortunately, there are very, very few of them, everyone who had the opportunity has already left... it’s been a long time, currently there there are still people who, well, who say that they will not leave, mostly these are of course people of old age, there was a forced evacuation of families with children from these areas, currently there are no families with children left in volyapol and orichov, but there are people who are mostly old, who stay there for various reasons, some hold on to their farms, some say , that he has nowhere to leave, well, someone says that here already... i will die, and that is why people stay there, but for the most part of the day they are forced to conduct investigations, because there is constant shelling, and of course they have been more than once cases when providing aid to these people came under fire, and volunteers who distributed humanitarian
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aid, and journalists who went to film the crimes of the russian federation, so this is, you know, a very painful issue, and of course everyone asks why people don't leave, but not everyone, not everyone... has the opportunity or the desire, we are informed that they are provided with housing, that there are appropriate shelters, but there is a part of people who want to stay in their homes under shelling, by the way, i read that in zaporizhzhia the number of shelters will increase specifically for the displaced persons, those who arrive or from extremely dangerous settlements in the zaporizhzhia region, or maybe they come from other regions, maybe from kherson region, maybe from donetsk region, well, i hope, of course, that these well... as places of safety and shelter, i hope that it, it will help , i know that we are done with the topic of security, let's come to another very important topic, i read that in zaporizhzhia, if we talk about the region in general, security
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measures will be strengthened during the easter holidays, this is again related to the fact that that ballistics arrive quickly, we saw it in zaporizhzhia as well, we saw it recently in odesa, especially cluster rockets filled with cartridges of ammunition, it just covers a kind of... everything that is there, well, either gets injured or dies, i mean people, and a dog died there, too , unfortunately, that's why they won't reveal any secrets there, as much as it will limit people, because we understand very well that our people are wonderful, beautiful, indomitable, very often there are holidays somewhere to talk, to go to the godfathers, to the in-laws, to the brothers , to see my mother, somehow, but here it is clear that sometimes a flight can arrive faster than it sounds air signal. anxiety, how to deal with it? that's right, mr. vasyl, unfortunately, despite the fact that for two years there has been a full-scale invasion of zaporizhzhia constantly under fire, but every year on easter there is a crowd of people, people still go to churches, go to consecration and service, our zaporizhia has already addressed
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bishop kotiy, who called on people to refrain from going to church and to observe safety measures, but churches will still work and... we were informed that the curfew will not be changed, but will be strengthened, security measures will be strengthened and there will be more, we will catch up immediately, ms. alisa, and are there churches? which call themselves or position themselves as or act as churches of the moscow patriarchate, and there may be abbots of these churches, who may also be mentioned by kirill, i simply do not know, i am asking whether this is the case and whether it could lead to some different actions, because of course, you know, the moscow language and the moscow church are already, as they say, at the throat of some people, and for some it's fine, mr. vasyl, that's the topic of today in our country. main moscow's pipluka, he received suspicion from the sbu for inciting religious enmity,
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so now we are watching whether we will proceed, he was the main one, only cyril was praised, and he was already known for his and pro-russian statements on several occasions, even you know, there was a situation , when a rocket hit the house that was located opposite the moscow church where he holds services, where people died in this... house, and when he was asked to comment and say that it was russian aggression, he stated, that he is not an expert in ballistics, that's why i didn't see any statements from the moscow patriarchate, even to the point of observing some security measures, against our ukrainian orthodox church, and as i said before, that the metropolitan addressed the faithful and asked to protect himself. thank you very much. we didn't have time to discuss all the issues, but there will still be time, i hope, take care of yourself and with
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the coming holidays, because it's obvious that we won't see each other until the big day, unless we write on facebook. alisa sesoeva, journalist, a deputy of the zaporizhia district council, was in touch with us, there is another problem of the zaporizhia region in that the enemy has set up sites for launching drones on the territory near the nuclear reactors of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, and these reactors fly simply, and these drones fly simply over the reactors , and these are combat drones there with resets. plus , the route of the shaheds, these iranian ones, or those already produced in russia, also runs for some reason above the reactors of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, obviously so that they are not there shot down, and we also perfectly understand how cynical the enemy is, because they don’t only have rockets falling, it’s unknown where, they also have a barrel that can fall, it’s unknown where, and any destruction of a nuclear reactor, even a minimal one, is, well, minimal can lead to radiation leakage and damage to the cladding and so on and so forth. there, of course, it is not so easy to damage that reactor with a drone, but still, still, the enemy does this, and it once again shows that he is completely indifferent not
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only to the safety of the zaporizhia region, to the safety of the continent, because the zaporizhia nuclear, let me remind you, this is the largest nuclear power plant in europe, but there is a monkey with a grenade sitting there, no, not a monkey, monkeys are beautiful creatures, the russians are sitting there not with a grenade, but with a much worse weapon, and we continue, and now the topic itself, which i voiced, he moved with us, the people's dept... of ukraine, lady, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, well, let's start with the topic that my colleague oleksandr morshchevka and i discussed, we made a post on facebook, and then people began to write that there is a lot of this, the russian language in ukrainian schools, secondary education, and graduates, and not only graduates, and there were a lot of comments, it is interesting that people write about this , what do you see, it is just the way it is, especially individual subjects and what to do with it, and it is not only in ... there is a law on language, it has been in effect for several years, and how to react to it, and how
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to write, write complaints to mr. kremin in the language obbutsman, or how, and why this is happening, again, but here we have to look for various situations where a violation of language legislation may occur, well, the first is when the teacher is directly leading the lesson in the russian language, this is a direct violation of the law, if it is not... a russian language lesson, which is conducted there in accordance with the approved program, so if the teacher there conducts a lesson that should be conducted in ukrainian, then it is of course, a direct violation on the part of the teacher, other situations are possible, situations where, for example, the teacher leads the lesson in ukrainian, but the children answer in russian, but here it is a more difficult question, because here, on the one hand, we understand what it is to complain about a child, it definitely not no let's say... it won't solve the problem, even if it solves it on the legal level, then it can create the opposite reaction in this child, that is
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, there should obviously be a response at the school level, where proactive parents should still encourage the directorate to to minimize such cases, well , of course, i would say that perhaps the most common problem is the use of the russian language between lessons during breaks, this is, unfortunately, a problem that i also face at school. his son, where, well, a large number of his classmates speak russian, and so on refuse to switch to ukrainian, despite efforts to convince them of this, well, well, here i... it seems that there should also be a clear instruction from the school directorate, and from the management side, here, well, and i think that too working with parents and explaining why this is important, because, well, here you need to act in such a way as not to cause, let's say, the opposite reaction, but clearly and clearly explain to parents, yes,
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including appealing to the experience of ukrainian-speaking children, yes, why should they face russian language. in their lives, they did not sign up for it, they are not ready for it, they should not be in an environment that forces them to learn the russian language, that is, there are, let's say, different situations, i think the way of responding should be different, in fact, there is a bigger problem, an even bigger problem with teaching in russian, and this is present in universities and colleges, and there this problem is caused by the fact that we have today, i can clarify, these are universities and colleges. individual areas, again, i do not now, without saying that somewhere we have russian-speaking people, somewhere russian-speaking, and everywhere we have ukrainians, i only want to see if it was somehow tracked, where it is more, where it is less, i am only asking about this for the purpose of understanding where it is necessary to work, well, legally, with legal actions in the legislative field with people, to simply explain why it is not
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necessary, but it is still necessary to act in accordance with the law of an independent state, which is waging a full-scale war with the enemy for the third year, and so on. .. well, actually, with the russian enemy, you see, with the universities, the problem arises on another level, the problem with universities is that, unlike schools, which are constantly provided with new textbooks, new educational materials, which teach according to unified programs, universities do not have a constant update of the library fund, teachers teach according to the programs they approve, and rightly so, it is actually part of the university's pedagogical autonomy. but because of this , we have a situation where a large number of universities simply have textbooks only in russian and ukrainian textbooks on certain disciplines were never published in principle, and well, this is the problem that, in principle, no money was invested in this for years, and the university environment was very loyal to it, you asked
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about the regions, this is a very correct question, because one might think that this problem is more... peculiar to the eastern, southern regions, but i will tell you that in kyiv, in the western regions of the country, children who have completed 11 years of school, studying mathematics only in ukrainian, can, well at least until last year, could come to university and in the first year to receive a textbook on higher mathematics in russian, simply because it was not reprinted in ukrainian, or the university did not purchase it, and when two years ago, my colleagues and i... passed a bill prohibiting the use of russian-language educational literature in the educational process, then this stirred up the academic community, where they wrote to me that i want to kill mathematics and physics in the country, because if textbooks in russian are banned , there will be no reason to teach mathematics and physics, that is why this bill was accepted in the first reading,
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they are afraid to bring it to the second reading because, well, because it was so stormy, let's say negative. discussion of this initiative, but now we are somehow surprised that they continue to teach in the russian language, or whether it is used in some form in the educational process. you know, here it is also important, and it is clear that the ukrainian language is rich, much more equal and much richer than russian, artificially created, and it is clear that there were wonderful ukrainian mathematicians and physicists, there is ukrainian terminology, of course, there was once this a discussion about physics, and in my opinion, stovko vakarchuk and his father were a well-known scientist, a physicist in particular, he said that there are books written in ukrainian, on physics, on nuclear physics, even read, study, in fact, everything is there, it's just a matter of , that it was not available, but the question is how to do it so that after graduating from universities, even where it is possible there are certain teachers who want this, teenagers, young men, children, they used ukrainian,
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that's how responsible business did it, and i i am talking to the company now. who makes a driver's license there, and it's kyiv, too there are many russian-speaking people, and i’m grateful that she speaks in ukrainian, i haven’t started a conversation yet, she immediately speaks to me in ukrainian, and these are companies, i won’t just advertise here now, but there are companies in the service sector where responsible business is simply not something that forces but motivates people, or do you speak ukrainian in the field, well, at the workplace, you receive a white salary, you have a guaranteed job, but please, ukrainian is the state language, everything and people do it, well, no problems at all, no fault. here it's just important how to act, well, at least approximately so that after all, outside schools, outside on the street, relatively speaking, well, at least the youth, although teenagers now really use ukrainian, or the official language, we still have... english can also be chosen, and with teenagers it is the most difficult, i would said that with teenagers it's the hardest because everyone else can theoretically be forced with teenagers when
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you're working if you try to force them, and anyone who is a parent of a teenager or has ever been a parent of a teenager knows that they can get just opposite reaction, that is, it is very difficult to find such a correct toolkit here, but what i am convinced of is the toolkit of proactive, very active... such ungentlemanly ukrainization, and proactive ukrainization through the creation of ukrainian content, the creation of cool, interesting ukrainian content so that children find it interesting and they were interested to see it, and ukrainian music, it actually also helps a lot, and these quotas, which many criticized at the beginning, when it was introduced many years ago, well, they actually changed the musical landscape in country, and we are certainly not satisfied with the fact that a large proportion of young people still listen to the russian language. but this is not compared to the share that listened there 10-15 years ago, before these quotas were introduced, that is, here, it is necessary to support the creation of ukrainian
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content, adequate ukrainian content, interesting, cool, not boring, so that children there was something to discuss, here in the ukrainian language, but with adults, of course, there are legal instruments of influence, and here there is stricter control over textbooks, well, here you just have to to invest in... the production of textbooks for higher schools and universities, including in the ukrainian language, you just have to do it, allocate money for it, translate some textbooks, prepare them, so that there is no excuse that we have or russian or no textbook, of course, you just have to invest money in it and do it purposefully, well, with teenagers, you really need to be a little more careful so as not to discourage this desire, not to get the opposite result, really, at least we could limit the music, if we ... it's about this kind of music, spreading more ukrainian content, it's enough, i listen to apple music, but enough ukrainian cool content, i'm not a teenager, not a young man, but it touches me and it's
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cool, books, a lot of very teenage literature, by the way, in ukraine there is also, well , the issue of distribution, the issue of access to the media, the issue of access to serious platforms, and it is , of course, not that restrictions, and maybe somewhere even restrictions on russian content, this is normal, we, look, restrictions on russian content, it's really important, you just have to find the right ones. tools, but, for example, not the possibility to watch some youtube channels or something else that are obviously russian, well, this possibility is theoretically available, you just have to do it seriously, and here you don’t have to be afraid of accusations in, well, there is no i know censorship or something else, we are in a state of war with this country, here, and here you have to understand what they use, including content aimed at teenagers in order to undermine there trust in the ukrainian state, there love for... ukrainian language, ukrainian statehood as such and so on, well, well, in a state of war, this must be recognized and it must be done, well, because there will always be more russian content than ukrainian, well, and we need
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to find different methods to overcome it, well, i don’t is a categorical supporter of such harsh methods, because the russians are not averse to harsh methods, and we are trying to overcome them with gentle methods, well, it will not work, especially during the war, you know, before russia crept into the ukrainian... i remember when i was quite young and there was a tv series called crime with father it is unknown according to ivan franko's novel, the foundations of society and the elite there, well, lviv was there, of course, but i think it was filmed there on vremenskyi street, these events took place according to franko, but when the elite communicated in ukrainian, it was a wonderful series, in my opinion, there were 10 episodes and then there was a lot of ukrainian content and tv channels and presenters spoke ukrainian . in ukrainian, the elite, as they say, and then russia came, which showed that the elite spoke russian, and there was a serf, some kind of underling, some kind of pushover, that
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ukrainian, still such a distorted ukrainian, and it shapes people that it is not ukrainian, someone recently wrote to me in the comments, well, ukrainian is a simple language, i say this for whom it is simple, well, you will learn it, you will learn the synonym series language, for whom it is simple, or was it imposed on you, well, these are all points, but again . i hope that there will be progress in this, and precisely those people who defend and popularize ukrainian, once again soft ukrainization, so be it, with russians it is necessary to be tough, but with ukrainization it is necessary to be soft, this by the way, it gave its result at one time even in soviet times, even at the beginning of the soviet union, when they wanted, as they say, to lure ukrainians, and this mild ukrainization bore quite a lot of fruit, although later it was all destroyed, this ukrainization, as they say, but that, and if you don't lose it, don't lose the focus of attention. on this, it is very important not to lose and not to be afraid, and of course, that it will not be 100% noticed that this is time, and this is a certain time that must be spent, but this, but this is important to do, i will ask at the end, eh. ..
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whether to write to people, well, again, in which cases would you advise people to write letters to taras, well, to taras kremen, there to the obbutsmen of the language, or to the office of the authorized protection of the ukrainian language, or sometimes it is worth speaking yourself, well, without any aggression, because people are generally aggressive now, there is a war in the country, everyone understands, well, look, i would say that of course, that it is best to try to solve the situation on the spot. and in any case, you have to understand that all state bodies are overloaded, they have appeals a huge pile, there are few people, there are not enough, and therefore, of course, it is necessary to minimize, well, in principle, democracy works best when it is rooted on the ground, so it is best to try to solve the situation at the school or university level, and if it doesn't work out, but in such a case you can write an appeal, well, the only thing i would still encourage to write an appeal
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is when it comes to... two persons, when the problem arises at the level of a teacher, teacher, and the directorate, well because regarding education seekers, i still think that it is necessary here well, work at the level of a school, university, or college, because otherwise it won’t work, and if you see the stubborn unwillingness of the directorate to solve this issue, then you should apply, this helps, let’s say, to fix the scale of violations and types violations and if there is a better understanding of the types. violations, well, for the example of the same russian-language textbooks in universities, when we raised a debate in the parliament and adopted this draft law in the first reading, many people appealed to the fact that we do not have data on the fact that textbooks are used in russian, and it is informal for me there too, a lot of students posted photos of their textbooks, which were issued to them in russian, but formally the state did not have this data, but if people turn to me and say: i
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came to the first course, i they published a textbook on ... mathematics from higher mathematics in russian, i do not understand the terminology and in general what it is, and, that is, it will allow us to appeal there, including to the ministry of finance, to international donors, that we are fixing this the problem, we don’t end it there, we can solve it right away, but at least if the state sees that there are many complaints about the fact that there are textbooks from higher mathematics, conditionally and, i don’t know, from some section of physics there is no ukrainian language, then in this case the state is obliged already... to react and print these textbooks, translate them there, provide them with these textbooks in the ukrainian language, that is, here too it is necessary to understand that sometimes the action will be, let's say, the result will be delayed in time, but that's all it is also worth trying to appeal so that the state sees a more complete picture of these violations, thank you very much ms. inna, inna sofson was with us a people's deputy of ukraine, well , by the way, i want to say that it is also important here that ukrainian patrons, the rich, also invest in education , in science, as many
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ukrainians did in the late 19th, mid-19th, early 20th centuries, even under the conditions of the russian empire, then ukraine was in the russian empire, in the austro-hungarian empire, was divided between empires, but there were still people , who financed financed ukrainian, and this is important, we remember that if it were not for these people, there would not have been, say, khrista alchevska, mykhailo kotsiubynskyi, taras shevchenko, many other people, there simply would not have been artists, poets, writers, so that they would not have been financed by the people who invested money in it, i will remind you that kobzarta... shevchenko was financed by a ukrainian patron, he did not publish it with his own funds and it was not published by the smirdin publishing house, as, say, published pushkin or gogol, therefore this is also important, by the way, i was once interested i say how many ukrainian publishing houses are owned by ukrainian oligarchs, who own tv channels, football clubs, publishing houses that publish ukrainian books, but it turned out that there is no such thing, well, no, it’s not interesting, it can’t be ignored, but it’s necessary to do,
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it must be done, now literally in a moment about the most important news, as of this minute i will tell you in detail, the second hour of the great thero has started, so let's start, good evening, we are from ukraine, the number of victims in the tugs has increased to nine, among them were eight minors, the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office reported that the russians were hitting the city from the air force, in particular , they hit a sports complex. where the children were at classes, others in the private housing sector, seven students were injured, another boy, and an acute reaction to stress, a 76-year-old man was also injured, so something is wrong with me here, now just a second, near the village of glynske in kharkiv region , the tractor blew up on an explosive device,
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fortunately... no one was injured, they informed about it in


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