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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the, the news line from bone in the us president condemns reason to unrest as pro palestinian demonstrations. sweep across college campuses. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. job. i just demonstrated to avoid violence after police re, the protests compet use. yeah, they make more than a 100 arrest. the chief of those who left on the line, the office level, a 1000000000. you're
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a package to help stem. the flow of syrian migrants into you the i'm so glad you're welcome to the program. police of cleared a pro palestinian encampment times arrested more than a 100 demonstrations of the university of california. los angeles offices moved in overnight and dismantled barricades and classes between opposing groups. of protest, us findings flat on wednesday after a group of people, some of whom were carrying is raving flags, attacked to pro palestinian camp. people have been demonstrating against israel's actions in gaza. us president joe biden has condemned the unrest. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education right to getting a degree right to walk across campus safely without fear of being attacked. let's
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be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for enter semitism or threats of violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's and i summit as a, from a phobia or discrimination against arab americans or problems, sending americans simply wrong. there's no place for racism in america. they w correspondent, benjamin, as well as group in new york, told me more about what the president said, a yeah, emphasized importance of peaceful protests in the us and said that there are 2 american principles that are put to the test here on one side and freedom of expression and also if a peaceful protest on the other side and the rule of law saying that both of them need to be upheld when he finished this remarks and was about to leave the oval office where he gave his remarks. he was asked if the approaches that ecologist across the country would lead to changes the policies in the region. he said no, and he was also ask if a national guard should intervene something for example,
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speaker of the house. and mike johnson ask for when he visited columbia university a few days ago, something the president biden also is said, no saying that he would not ask a national guard to intervene on his this presidential intervention likely to have any effect. students are allowed to continue their protest as i say, the many of the administrations of the university. so i know the best thing from is rarely a companies that according to them, are profiting from israel's war in gaza. we have commencement coming up huge events at the university, so we can expect and protest to continue then in the end, it's also a problem when it comes to public resources that we will look at columbia university for example. we have police officers, several of them on security guards, guarding the or intern system. the question is how long that will continue. also, you see a lady in los angeles where police entered interested in many of those where and being company, it's a matter of resources to for how long that can be. it police officers on college
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campuses. but we can expect this protest also to continue brown university as a private institution in the state of rhode island. when it's students demonstrations against israel's actions in gaza and called on the university to divest from israel university or thursday said let's talk about task. bought 12 is a professor of holocaust and genocide, studies at brown. and he explained to me how the administration convinced the students to and that protest as well. thank you for support for having me. and i am glad that the bronze university of administration reached an agreement with the students. it generally agreed that so representative of the students would be allowed to present the case for the investment to the university corporation to the board. there is no commitment by the 1st the of
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a say to good friends to or to bring this to necessarily a vote. but this is improvement on previous policies by the university. and it did mean that the students agreed to dismantle the and kept mind on doing 1st degree. right. i'm president biden today and said that should be no place on any campus for anti semitism. i know you've talked about what you call the weaponized ation of anti semitism. i'm just explain to us what you meant by that. a look. i mean, as i said, it is a is a, is a vile sentiment that has led to not only to hate but also to violence. and indeed to genocide. but it has been used over such a recent decades by various elements not least the right wing. politicians are natural, especially led by benjamin antonio, the crime prime minister as
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a tool to silence. a product of a case is ready, policies and the argument has been goods. any criticism of this role can be interpreted that's on the 7th as i'm i think that is wrong. that's false. and i think that in large part what we have seen on american campus since with a few exceptions, is that students, young people who are followed by what they saw happening a garza and they protested against that. they have a range of opinions about this variety policies, but in launch pod, these are not anti semitic protests. these a protest against expanding policies in gaza, which would lead to over $34000.00 people killed in the divine station of the time . part of the country, so representative using a sub that sounds very reasonable except for that we have increasing reports from
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jewish students on universities that they feel unsafe on university campuses. i mean, this is a very interesting question. parts of it is um uh, subjectivity. so a lot of, uh, jewish through some of which i've spoken with and some of which also influenced by the sea, by what they see a natural when they see students, other students matching with kind of sending flux or quoting for an end to the occupation, according for an empty font that, that is for an uprising against the occupation, they proceed to the sense i send that to us and that's how they see things. that's not the objective reality with most of the students, according for, for if this is an end of the corporation with 7000000 jews occupying 7000000 of sentience, there is nothing anti semitic about being gay. so occupation. part of it is also
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that we have a generation of students, many of whom feel that when they feel unsafe, when they feel challenged about their own opinions, then that is a threat. okay. should not be perceived, this different man, just like a squeezing more or less the best question. what do you think it is about based issue that has so laser fire and these young people? so let me say 2 things. first of all, of the main violent event that we saw the real violent event. you say a was attack by right wing, chief gland t's. it appears that there were a number of it's related to 2 against people who demonstrate t o o. when camping on, on the, on the you sell a campus, that is where we so real yvonne and secondly, we saw it coming from the police routing l. a and in new york. massive police, for honest, it gave students who were protesting, i think,
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but students have the rights of protests as long as they stick to the rules that would destroy the property and those rep in other people. and i think that the use of the, of the striving them is that they submit thing is large and attend to this to, to, to under my criticism, always for any policies. i think that, that professor, i've been talking to thank you so much for joining us. professor over boss off from brown university. thank you very much. media report suggested to k has blocked all imports and exports to i'm from israel. israel's foreign ministers responded by accusing tucker's president ventured time of the month of breaking trade agreements. israel kat suppose to the statement on the social media network x say this is how a dictator behaves. disregarding the interest of attackers, people are businessman and ignoring international trade agreements is the console. so side
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a has instructed officials to create alternatives to trade with tacky. your commission to present as it will fall into life as an honest and economic package for them. and on aimed at covering irregular migration into the you speaking in bainbridge, she said the you provide a 1000000000 euros in a including health with timing and have it on board as meetings with the prime minister, nat geo. mccarthy was accompanied by the president of cyprus of cyprus, which isn't a member states has been dealing with a shop increase in the number of sylvia refugees arriving by boat from lebanon. and has been loving the ego for months to extend aid to that battle. 11 on in fact, host more than 2000000 syrians over half of who entered the country illegally. evidently, itself is in the middle of its worst ever. economic crises, and many lebanese,
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say the high number of syrians in that country is making the situation was very bureau chief mohammed china take a report, and you may find some of the images in his report. distressing the fresh wave of fury at celia's in liberty on this time it looks much more serious. the recent mother of lucas christian party official, allegedly at the hands of the court jacking gang of syria nationalists passed through goods violence and victory. all that syrians independent, including displaced, refugees, a sled war torn syria, 10 years ago. now he feels as being displaced again, this time from living on the model that we are afraid and barely sleep at night and above is ahead of us. every time someone knocks at the door and we fear that someone has come to attack us, you do not. i'm unable to go to work or to the supermarket did after not lose. i
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can't leave home nonsense and i've been there. i've been receiving threats, demanding. i leave the neighborhood within 5 days. that was where should i go to manage all? that's what comes to you, margaret. okay, so i can't go back to cereal box with him. i'm wanted and would it be immediately drafted into the military? i'm a clubhouse rec, oscar. none of buttons are, that's what i'm headed back to as our phone. to old syrians and bows have moved. you must leave your shops and residences by friday at the latest. you've been warned. for tens, a few assyrians have lived in this neighborhood together with the minis, mainly christians. but now the city and shops have been shut down. and many serious companies have left their rent as homes. they took over our businesses and replaced this. they come into 11 and illegally and are increasingly committed crimes and murders undermine move. hello. so you might want them out in any way possible. i mean,
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i just want them out. i element even though they took our jobs and disrupted our lives that the lecture like that but like how you like to live? i don't. those who have a legal status can stay, but those are here illegally should leave for the attacking them is not acceptable under pressure by independence, economy collapse and the countries politically paralysis utilities are echoing the sentiments that does not political edge the security closest and the police to family and strictly implemented lebanese low on the syrian refugees to depend on hosts, the greatest number of pressure to use per capita of any country into what more than 2000000 students in lebanon formed 45 percent of the population. this would be equivalence of nearly 38000000 refugees in germany. and some 163000000 refugees in the united states of america. the sort of numbers are very significant in the
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context of depend on security and power shedding. most of the vast majority of that i could use are sunni muslims. that has been viewing fears of a huge demographic imbalance in a country with christians and muslims chad power equally. in new jersey, you know, political unity, why the political parties are calling for the quotation of the syrian refugees. pushing many of them towards choices that is making udall very nervous. i'm not ahead of a long icon. stay here against the wind locally beneath my water sewer down when i don't know what to do, but honestly the fun. yeah. as i like that, but i hate going. i may try to leave for another country the way i'm on. no bucks a month. i know i have no other choice, but has it go through in the go to migrant focus on, on the with on word migration for you to roots out of reach the dangerous c journeys to you will only increase that's it you up to date. so i'll have whole
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world news at the top of the hour of next year on the w. i should germans work more and retire laser or for that to the had the one of the world's 2nd largest industry association is next year on dw good. the words people have to say that's why we listen to every weekend on d w. the