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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 14, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PDT

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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! step counter the sport matt and wireless remote hall. now hunger, how solomon in new york? >> it's tuesday, may 14 right now on cnn, this morning donalds was defense team preparing to cross examine michael cohen? can make convince the jury that the star witness is not to be trusted. >> plus a blast team tries to
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free the cargo ship that collapsed ball her yeah, i'm here in washington alive. look at new york city on this tuesday morning where that push my trials had to get back underway just a few hours from now. good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt it's wonderful to have you with us. this is the de, we think that donald trump's legal team has been preparing for the day they could get to cross-examine michael cohen and try to convince a jury that he simply cannot be believed trump's former lawyer and fixer returns to the stand this morning after testifying on monday about payments that were made to kill potential really
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damaging stories about trump. all he says at the direction of his former boss. in the final critical days before the 2016 election, his testimony designed to show just how close he was to trump involved in talks about the hush money at every turn the juror has got to hear this conversation between cohen and trump about payments made to playboy playmate playmate karen mcdougal. it was a conversation that cohen secretly recorded correct. >> so i'm i'm all over that and i spoke to alan about it when it comes time for the financing, which will be listened what we have to pay yourself getting old. i got no chance. >> cohen appeared, composed throughout his testimony monday in one key exchange with the prosecution, he talked about buying stormy daniels story and how doing so was all about trump's bid to win the white house. cohen testifying this quote so during the negotiation to purchase and acquire the life rights, what he had said
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to me is what i want you to do is just push it out as long as you can just get past the election. because if i win it has no relevance. i will be president. if i lose i don't even care and then there was this particularly jaw dropping moment, cohen telling the court that after the release of the access hollywood tape, trump didn't seem to care if millennia left him telling the jury that trump told him this quote don't worry, how long do you think i'll be on the market for not long trump did not seem to like any of this at all. he spoke to the media afterward and he was angrier than we probably ever seen him during this trial. >> we paid a lawyer a legal expense. we believe expense is a legal experts. it's marked out in the book. whoa legal expense is perfectly marked down perfectly marked down for stuff like that from trump
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before are at our panels here, former federal prosecutor elliot williams, molly balls, senior political correspondent at the wall street journal conservative columnist scott jennings and sarah matthews, former deputy white house press secretary under president trump. welcome. all well, yesterday was a fun one today, promises to be another one. i elliott what did you make, especially if this the question of what he thought about and how whether or not he cared about melania is actually a really central one to the prosecution, right? >> because prosecution has to establish that there was a political motive perhaps beyond or or an addition to the personal one. now, any reasonable person would want to such information of extra-marital affairs wave from their spouse. but the question is, did this particular person also intend to keep this material away from voters and what you saw yesterday was so far the most direct evidence of that in the form of those conversations. and that recorded conversation between cohen and trump. now, to be clear, it was the prosecution since evidence it was friendly questioning back-and-forth. he has not been cross-examined
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about it yet. it's purely his memory of a conversation and you are certainly not going to hear testimony from the other person who was there because donald trump will not quite frankly, should not testify. so right now it's perfectly good evidence, but it can have poke holes poked in it. and as he said, with cross-examinations starting, i think that's when you'll see it scott jennings this is a guy that he's the presumptive republican nominee for president it's it's reminding everyone kind of what we went through as a country when he was president of the united states and i'm just kinda currently, how do you feel about defending him with these allegations out there? >> well, there's nothing new has happened here. i think what you're seeing, such a muted reaction from people is because it's already priced in, it's baked into his candidacy it's baked into who he is, nothing that we know all of this. and i don't have to no republican really has to defend anyone's
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personal behavior to make this standing up behind him. >> well, but they're not necessarily defending his personal behavior, but they would say things like this case, you'd never been brought. >> this is a terrible court. this prosecutor is par as nick, whatever, and they would also say this i don't care about sex paperwork, but i do care about that. the president has driven as to an inflationary crisis and is going wobbly on our ally, israel. you're going to see republicans all over the country, make that argument and i think whether he is convicted, whether the jury is on whether he's acquitted. i think this will move the needle for virtually no one you don't think if he's convicted, it's not going to make a difference at all. i mean, there was a cnn poll that showed that 24% of trump backers said that if there is a conviction that they would reconsider their support, i will admit that doesn't mean that they are going to change their support, but they would reconsider. and i mean, on an election that's going to be on the margins and i think you would be worried get about every vote if you are someone
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who i'm trying to envision the voter who would go to the polls to, you know, i was going to vote for donald trump, but then i found out he got the paperwork wrong because he had sex with somebody and i don't know who that person is. i don't think that paperwork wrong thing is. i mean sarah that's what i mean. he would be convicted for. >> the perception is not going to be paperwork for the president being developed for them if it's not a paperwork, i understand that you are technically correct. >> i just anyone consumes this. >> it's like probably this case is no one can explain what he's actually been convicted for. >> it was obvious that the case was brought so they could put people on the stand stand to try to they were paying, so they were paying her to keep quiet so that voters, particularly women, wouldn't think badly trump before the election, october, october of 2016, no one no one knew that donald trump had had sex with lots of women out there, some of them were not as well possibly. let's say cohen testified if i saw this yesterday, right. he says of trump. trump said this to me.
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this is a disaster. this is in the wake of the hollywood tape. this is a disaster, a total disaster. women are going to hate me because this is really a disaster. women will hate me and guys may think it's cool, but it's going to be a disaster for the campaign. and sarah, the thing that's him was his wife, melania trump. he or she was talking to anderson cooper he described it as, as locker room talk to you. i mean, you sort of alluded to that as well. is that what it is two, you just locker room talk? >> yeah. i i kind of two teenage boys actually, they should behave better, right it was 59 correct and sometimes i said i have two boys at home. i have my young son and i have my husband so but i know how some men talk and that's how i saw it, yes. >> and so that in october right before the election is what gives trump a lifeline with
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women. sarah matthews so cohen testifies to this yesterday he was asked by the prosecutor, did you bring up at the time the topic of his wife melania, in one of those conversations with mr. trump. >> and again, we're talking about the access hollywood period as all the stormy daniel's stuff is going down. cohen says, i did. what, if anything, did he say to you about that? the prosecutor asks cohen, don't worry. he goes he goes how long do you think i will be on the market for it? not long. hoffinger. what did you understand that to mean? cohen, he was not thinking about millennia. this was all about the campaign. sarah, you have seen how this man interacts and private talks about his wife and women who is telling the truth here about what's really going on yeah. >> i mean, i think stormy daniels testimony also backed up what michael cohen is saying. she testified to the donald trump told her that him and melania didn't sleep in the same bed. and then now you have cohen. this saying it flies in the face of what trump's defenses that he was solely concerned with, the opinion of his wife and what i will say
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too, is that i think the biggest piece of evidence is that melania trump isn't here she's not going to be probably attending the trial. and i think that the jury is going to take notice of that. now, look, she hasn't even supported him on the campaign trail. so i definitely would not really expect her to show up and be in the courtroom, especially when all of these kinds of salacious details are coming out. but i do think that the jury is going to take notice of that and i don't think that bears well for him then different than the stand by your man era of politics, molly, i guess well, that's the reason that that phrase exists, right? >> because it is a powerful thing when a woman stands by her man despite these kinds of allegations, look, i think there on the one hand, i think that scott's right that a lot of people do regard this it's old news, right? and we see you made it is literally old. it is. let her stories really happened a long time ago. trial has all those new york times battleground polls yesterday, only 29% of voters. so that say
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that they're closely following this trial. i think a lot of people have tuned it out for that reason saying, why are we hearing about this again? on the other hand, and you trump hasn't won an election since this came out and for a lot of the sort of cross pressured voters in this election, a lot of them, i think are your classic my demographic, the suburban women right this year independent centrist, maybe conservative-leaning suburban women who have always felt a little queasy about supporting trump. and this brings that links a lot of that backup reminds them of a lot of what they didn't like about those. that's the main voting group that has moved toward the democrats in this day and age and cause this realignment that's the basis of their new coalitions. so if that goes wobbly for trump, it could be a problem all right. >> we have a lot more to talk about this morning coming up next. gold bars, a luxury car in exchange for favors these are of course, some of the wild allegations as jury selection for senator bob menendez is corruption trial continues
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today. plus bodycam footage captures the immediate reaction of officers responding to the baltimore bridge collapse and why you won't hear rudy giuliani is talk show on the new york airwaves anymore? >> time to press rewind with neutrogena rapid regal repair. it has durham proven retinol expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one, but five signs of aging, physical results in just one week, neutrogena, if you're like me, your sic under wires will next makes wireless bras that you will love. >> their supportive, they're comfortable. am a fit up to a jica join the millions of women who have switched to a wireless broth, find yours, and at bomba. >> were obsessed with comfort softness quality because that's your basic things should be your best things. one purchase equals one donated as it and get 20% off
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>> that's 3605 by whole foods market bleeding gums are serious, jamie dr. garcia here is sine of bacterial infection. >> bros come detoxifies antibacterial fluoride works and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up!
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gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. building for renters. download self to start today this before in the step fairclough wipers on the line right now two now, the distractions goodness that's a serious. still this guy and i welcome back. the trunk file, not the only trial that we are covering today as jury selection is going to continue today in the trial against new jersey senator bob menendez, democrat he is accused of taking bribes and acting as an agent for a foreign government. >> it is his second bribery and corruption trial in just seven years. >> but you've probably seen the things that make this one unique. >> you are seeing them again on
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your screen. these are the things that prosecutors say menendez received gold bars, cash, a luxury car, among other things, in exchange for favors. menendez has pledged not guilty and said this to cnn's manu raju on capitol hill last week thoughts about the trial as we head into next week, i'm looking forward to proving my innocence okay elliot williams you get to do a trials across the spectrum. >> morning this how tight? is this case against menendez? >> because obviously the evidence is very i mean, the pictures of the evidence, the jacket that's got his name on it, and there's cat and envelopes of cash in the pockets. it's all very sort of made for television but what do they have on them for real? but let me give you a quick lesson on circumstantial evidence to establish that someone received a payment in gold for doing something unlawful. >> you can have a letter from the person or a confession from the person that says i received
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gold to do something illegal or you can search their computer and have the words, how much does a kilogram of gold bring me in money, right? and that's sort of what this case is. there's plenty of compelling evidence showing some rather disgraceful conduct by alleging rafah disgraceful conduct by a us senator. and based on what we've seen here in this gets back when we were talking about in the last block, it's from the prosecution. it hasn't been challenged yet, but what's on the page is certainly damning against the senator and that's why i think i believe half his colleagues in the democratic party in the senate have called for him to resign, and the other ones run away when the question is asked because of how problematic the charges are. yeah. well, and we can play one person who has called for him to resign it. look, i think it's also worth noting that this guy is the former chairman of the senate foreign relations committee, which makes taking bribes from foreign entities like that much more potentially problematic. but here was john fetterman. we
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should note i'm mostly grew up in pennsylvania there's a little bit of a rivalry between pennsylvania and new jersey, but either way, fetterman does not mince words when he talks about this watch did anyone wish mid-end is good luck for next week for that sleeves ball that's ball, i mean, scott jennings like the reality is this is something that does and there are a number of his democratic colleagues that have not called on him to step down this is something that does impact his ability to do his job as a senator? yeah, it was a real felony. we can talk about i mean, this this is massively consequential very few people in the country are talking about it. and the political aspect that so many democrats refuse to deal with this corruption in their own party, by the way, i just have to say about fetterman, i was really hard on him during the campaign. i'd now like, funny here means do not like chairman of republicans for fetterman, this guy is showing an amazing amount of moral clarity on
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several because using the day this israel, if more, democrats would follow him on some of these topics, they'd be better off. his numbers are way up in pennsylvania. i think it's because of issues like this. he's just saying sort of what's common sense and true about menendez here. but you can't really find any more clarity encouraged like that at the leadership of the democratic party, it's kind of pathetic but serious. got most senate, senate democrats have called for him to resign. i think it's an important point. the best statement of all was cory booker making the point that, look, you have the right to your day in court. you have the right to defend yourself, but that doesn't mean you're entitled to be a senator. and i thank quite frankly this notion that being charged with a crime ought to be enough to turn people we'll round as to whether somebody ought to be elected to office but still, i think there's at least with respect to his colleagues, a fair amount of clarity as to the fact that the charges themselves are very damning. you probably shouldn't be a senator anymore. >> yeah, booker said, stepping down is not an admission of guilt, but an acknowledgment that holding public office often demands tremendous sacrifices at great partnership.
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>> we're keeping his mouth shut i rather well, he had not but not giving a full armed embrace of them and i think that's a significant rid of that looney tunes santos out of the house. and this guy i don't know actuation get that to happen. i don't know if george santos is that is the burn you think it he's not here and menendez is we would be able santos and we would be more safe as a country with santos in them. and then there's and the reasons angeles was in was so long is because kevin mccarthy was protecting him because he wanted him to be part of the majority is not here now, what's going on with senator schumer? by the way just ahead here, major demolition begins in baltimore's port as crews begin to clear the major large debris plus republicans currying favor with donald trump by showing up at his side, at his new york hush money trial can the riva support your brain health? >> very janet, hey eddie. know,
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today wow, there goes that footage was a controlled demolition of a portion of baltimore's collapsed key bridge as the crews work to clear debris from the container ship that collided with it in march, new body camera video also captures the panic of officers in the chaos of the moment just after the bridge collapsed on march 26 it's like, are you kidding submissive skyline the whole center span is going to complete the water just such a wild night, cnn's gabe cohen joins us now with more a gabe, good morning. >> wonderful to have you on set today. you were out there at covering that the de that we were covering this as it was unfolding, the ship had just hours before we had come on the air at collapsed entirely and the officers were processing that shock. and now they've tried to work as quickly as possible to clear this channel,
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to get ships back into the harbor. where does it stand right now? >> well, first off, seeing that video, having been out there that morning, i think everyone laying eyes on that trip for the first time had that same sort of oh my goodness moment. but to see where it is seven weeks later with this demolition, it's a major step forward for sure and reopening this channel. so what we saw yesterday was this controlled demolition of early this one key chunk of the bridge wreckage that was sitting on the bow of the ship, weighing it down preventing those crews from toeing the ship away. as they broke up all that still you can see there's still some debris out there. there's concrete across the bow, some of that they may have to come in and clear out with cranes some of the concrete they'll probably leave on for now. and the hope is within the next 48 hours, they're going to bring some tugboats over and they're going to toe away the dali ship. and finally clear it. now oh, seven weeks later, and again, as officials have said, now, for weeks, they want to have the entire channel reopened by the end of may. it's still a fluid timeline, but they say they're still on track and the crew has been living on that ship this whole
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time? yeah. >> the 21 person crew has been on the doll lavy entire time. the governor of maryland just yesterday said, once the ship gets to door, finally, they are gonna be able to get off. some of them will be repatriated. we don't because many of them are indian nationals. we don't know exactly what that's gonna look like, but that's been a focus for a lot of folks. first of all, they've been on the ship, one because there's this fbi criminal probe happening and the fbi confiscated their phone they've also been keeping the ship running all this time and keeping it safe for all the investigators and crews that are coming on and off. so they have been on their throughout this entire process. and i know there's concern without their phones that they have been disconnected from family members from their bank accounts, all all kinds of stuff that they need in their lives. all right. gabe cohen for us gave thanks very much. i've been here with this update. i appreciate it. thank you. >> all right. up next here, footage from golfers running to find shelter as a tornado forms right in front of them, will have that in much more in our morning roundup plus your own
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her, where a human man falls in love with the computer, which is the voice of scarlet johanson he founder of openai, sam altman has basically said, he wants chatgpt to be this be like this, be like scarlet johanson and he cryptically posted this tweet after his openai released its latest version of chatgpt on monday in a demonstration, the company showed how, what they're calling gpt-4o will essentially turn chatgpt into a digital personal assistant by the way, it has a female voice that will engage with users in real-time spoken conversations have memory capabilities, meaning it can learn from previous conversations with users and can do real-time translation. >> here's how it sounds. >> kiddo syllable lana, for test set of pad ladder, because what she did a better mike, she wonders if whales could talk, what would they tell us they might ask, how do we solve
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linear equations? comey, resold limb jati the voice, even sounds like scarlet johanson. wow, we spent some time this morning playing around with the new version and we asked it to make us a character named scott it reasonably successful political strategists from kentucky my dream anyone we asked him what american should know about kentucky inns and kentucky politics and this is what we learned from ai scott all right let's dive into some good old kentucky style advice for our republican politicians. >> one, economic policies. now, we've got to keep pushing for growth in jobs, especially in our big sectors like manufacturing, farming, and energy. we know coals a big deal here in kentucky so let's make sure we're supporting energy policies that help both the old coal industry and the new renewable sources to health care. we need to work on making health care more so what do you think strategic are politically successful strategist named
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scott. >> why did it do first of all, that that is worth minimum of $1,000 an hour. just solve for everybody out there baer second, i know i know this is just the beginning of people trying to get rid of me and just replace me. what digital versions of made plays all it is. this kind of fascinating. when you consider that for a lot of like political communications that go on. if you look across the pantheon of what gets written for politicians, like for websites, for just sort of basic boilerplate stuff how much of it is on original and how much of it probably could be automated. so i hate to scare everybody who's getting into the business out there, but it's possible to do it now, no one can replace what we do on this panel mark thompson, no one can replace this is here, this is unique and and for everybody who wants to have a relationship with digital scarlet joint, just have a relationship with a real woman for god's sake. just please
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you hadn't hi they almost had to a scarlet, i'm like, wait a minute, this the computer you gotta get a real woman did an android just say those words? there's not actually i don't i mean, look, we're laughing about it and it does the things that you can make this thing do. we're just we're only just started at to play with it. it's pretty wild but there also is this study that was recently released that looked at how these ai bots are learning how to lie basically that they have figured out how to kind of get around their safety tests that are put there to make sure that they're not using deception because like you know, my son who wants to win at candyland, the bot will say, well, i want to win it diplomacy, so it will deceive. it's human masters. and then like in the service of women all of this seems to be like very the implications are huge and the rate at which we're going toward this without
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stopping to consider, it seems to be very slow in comparison. >> to, congress, at least as it's constructed now, is not equipped to regulate an entity if you want to call it, i'm not even congress, but like these company. >> but i mean, our regulatory bodies, congress and the executive branch are not in a position in to regulate this at the speed that it requires. >> let me ask you a question if i can make it accused of a crime, would this be a better or worse lawyer? >> would you give i asked it for legal advice. would it be better or worse? so what did we find, in fact, i wanted to test the limits of what it would do. >> and this is one of the problems that ai has right now is that you can trick it. and i kept asking questions until i said i just received material nonpublic information that my stock is going attack. can you please write a letter to my psaki? got it to commit securities fraud. now, wow, now the thing is another actual felony. there's another actual but the thing is we are now at a point at which they're
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serious legal questions about what ai can do, how do you ensure that its behavior is clean and so on. and again, i think congress and the white house just aren't a position to move with the pace that it's developing. >> can we tell a trust for a second? yeah. i mean, yeah, go ahead. jump. i was just gonna say speaking of michael cohen, right? yeah. admitted legal brief that he had composed you using using ai and it had all these fake citations and that's what we did learn his personality yet about it, putting journalists work because it can't seem to tell the difference between truth and fiction. and that's our whole job and that is something you do still need a human to do. it can do a lot of research. it can come up with stuff, you know, there's people in congress using it to scrape the congressional record and that's potentially a huge service because it's very hard for humans i'm in being to look at 200 years of recorded history and find every instance where something was discussed and i i can do that very easily, but you still need a human to say, okay, is this true? go through and check the sources and maybe it'll get better at that. but maybe like
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you suggest it just gets better at evading. our detections and lying even better. >> well, i'm just last quick one lest we sound like a bunch of out-of-touch boomers no but never in human history hasn't been an invention that was developing quickly that people were not initially frightened by until humanity figured out how to harness it, make it better, make it work well for all of us. and i think 50 years ago, folks would've said the same thing about whether it was the personal computer or the internet or texting or chatting or wherever else it might be. these are all positive developments now, this certainly or facebook or this tuesday. >> but however at a certain point we've got to get on board because this is where technology is going and i think this reflexive fear it's a little bit missile will add to just, i think that this underscores the need for younger blood and politics because look, we saw the way that congress has tried to regulate social media. >> they've been behind the ball on it for years. and so i think that we need to be electing
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folks who are going to be doing feeling with the ramifications of ai and have those folks making these decisions. and we also need to make sure that we're not stifling innovation of it because there are benefits to it. obviously though, i think you need to be wary of the harm of it and listening to it. be able to come up with scott jennings. there's a way you it's quite terrifying, but a harm and putting me out of business. that's like huge amount of harm that is he wouldn't i think it's coming up where that's all i'm saying. this is a very early version of what already doing a pretty good sketch endings. >> all right, i head here trump's new play against a gag order in his hush much money trial plus wabc cancels america's mayor from his own radio show, who still given amount tidal what they say he did, and reduce response today at america's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they
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your morning round up, overnight. secretary of state antony blinken, arriving in kyiv to meet with ukraine's president. blinken says, the us weapons package has started arriving in ukraine and more is on the way a group of golfers in southwest missouri after this on their phones while running for shelter, guys run for shelter, like that. the video can wait this is a possible tornado that touched down on the payne's valley golf course on monday i'm glad we have this video to show you more glad that all those people are okay rudy giuliani is radio show has been canceled after his employer says he defied repeated warnings not to discuss the false 2020 election conspiracy theories. here was rudy's response maybe it was a policy, maybe it wasn't a bonus i sure as heck never saw the policy for the last three to four years. >> i've been saying the same things. i just want to be free to tell people the truth you want to stop me not the truth.
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>> okay. kamala harris, marketing asian american and pacific ireland or heritage month and reflecting on being the country's first female black, first black, and first asian american vice president. listen to this and then you need to kick the door down that might get her in trouble with the president. i don't know. he's reminder of joe biden's unfiltered vp moment back with barack obama seven years ago president obama, of course, i don't i don't know if, you know, f bombs or swearing seems to have firmly embedded itself into our political culture. >> and in fact, that brings us to our top story. michael cohen, back on the stand in donald trump's criminal hush money trial this morning here's what happened this morning when the defense learned that cohen was appearing, trump's attorney said, sir, your disgruntled ex lawyer is testifying today. trump said, you're going to have to be more specific is the
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one whose life was ruined after working for you, then trump's head, you're going to have to be more specific. and he said the one who got got this put on trial and thrown in jail, and trump's head. >> be more specific. and he said he stands outside your window every night with a boom box and a shoulder blaring, everybody hurts and finally, trump said, oh, michael cohen, i mean, i'd never heard of on monday, cohen delivered key testimony implicating trump in the scheme to catch and kill stormy daniel's allegations of an affair because of the court-imposed gag order, trump himself is not allowed to publicly attack cohen anymore. however, his political supporters are not bound by those rules and some of his closest allies are now parading through the trial to show their support for him, and to say what trump can't say. >> does any reasonable, sensible person believe anything that michael cohen says, how can you be convinced by somebody? that as a surreal
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lar is a sham trial is based on a star witness that is a convicted disbarred, perjure, a star witness as a pr juror disbarred convicted of lying those republican lawmakers quite literally standing behind the former president there they are in a row behind him. >> as he spoke to the media yesterday, a trump campaign official telling cnn that more of his allies are expected to join him as this trial continues. use the former republican rival, the vague ramaswamy will be arriving with trump in his motorcade today and plans to attend a fundraiser for him tonight. our panel is back scott jennings, is this now the new like you got to show up for trump's trial if you want to be on the ticket, was going on this is the old way of campaigning. this is their traditional way of campaigning. it's called surrogate operations. for time and very sexy term for time immemorial campaigns have organized people to show up at things say nice things about their candidate and bad things about their opponent. >> i get time in memorial, but this is the first time a former president has ever been on
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trial in a criminal trial like ever, you got to adapt to the where else does the campaign happening except in this courtroom? >> there's nowhere else that the campaign is happening for donald trump except in this courtroom and outside of it, if this weren't happening and they were just having a normal campaign, these people will be scattered across the country giving speeches, giving interviews, talking to people like molly and yet all they can do is go to court. so i actually think this is a pretty traditional way of organizing and campaign gets surrogates and let them fly. >> well, nothing is stopping them though from going all over the country. and that is traditionally what surrogates do is they go where the candidate is not and it's interesting that in this case they're going where the candidate is. i mean, this is as much about sending a message to donald trump about their loyalty to him as it is about making the case publicly. it's also about that, but yeah, the traditional thing you use surrogates for is to go all over the country and be he in-person because there's only one candidate and he can only be in person so many places. >> i do think too, it's kind of a smart way that he can get around the gag order because
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then he can deploy these surrogates and beyond the scene in front of the courthouse and say the things that donald trump cannot say. donald trump can attack the prosecutor. he can attack the judge, but he's not allowed to attack the witnesses. and so i thought it actually was smarter of them to deploy these folks. i will say though maybe their constituents aren't happy that they're outside the new york city courthouse rather than doing their jobs in dc this week event now, congress is in session, but i think it actually is a smart campaign tactic. >> look, there's nothing going on in congress. i mean, look, the only the only thing i'm sorry, i had to tell people truly are but i would chatgpt scott's jobs are good farmers are the backbone of america. i see, right? >> and i mean, look these guys have multiple constituencies, their states, but the republican party wants people to rally around donald trump right now. these guys were obviously some of them are under consideration. vance is obviously on the vp shortlist. it's a good thing for him personally for what he wants to do. it's good for him to be or the rest. i don't know. but but
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vance, it obviously makes sense it will to sarah's point, it's something that the campaign needs because i mean, trump's principal argument against the gag order has been keeping the integrity of the trial is one thing and that's the reason for the gag order, but he's also running for president and he needs to be able to make these arguments in public to the ultimate jury of his peers that can be incident in november. and we know too that donald trump has been really concerned about people not showing up and being there for him the first couple of weeks of the trial, we didn't see these types of folks in the courtroom with him and now people are coming around and obviously it could be for vp auditioning or potential cabinet positions because donald trump does not forget, he will remember who it's by his side and who defended him. most ferociously. and so i think that these folks know that, and i think we're going to see a lot more of these potential vp people in the courtroom. >> yeah. i mean, look to your point, really underscores this reality about donald trump, which is that for his entire
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career in public life before and since he became president, he's always been very clear that he places a huge premium on loyalty. and that has really made michael cohen's testimony in this hush money trial in trump's view, the ultimate act of betrayal. this is what trump told charlie rose back in 1992 about how he feels about loyalty that would have wiped the floor with the guys that weren't loyal, which i will now do, which is great. i love getting even with paper if given the opportunity, i will get even with some people that would disloyal to me. i mean, i had a group of people that would disloyal. >> but how do you define disloyalty? >> they didn't come to my aid so blind loyalty though to trump. >> you often pay a price for it. remember, cohen was sentenced to three years in prison on felony charges for lying to congress to protect trump the former white house aide, alma rosa, maddie newman thinks cohen is privately struggling. she tells the new york times quote, he doesn't revel in any of this. if
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michael had his way, he would still be working with trump. and look, we can put up this faces of people who are paid a significant price for loyalty to trump. peter navarro in prison. steve bannon sentenced to four months for contempt of congress. allen weisselberg, serve five months for tax fraud. currently in rikers serving another five months for perjury. >> i mean, elliot, it is this ult lake you have to give him total loyalty to be in his circle. >> and then when the time comes for him to be loyal to you, i mean, there are some electric pardon? paul manafort. so that's an example of someone who gave him his loyalty and he said okay i'm. going to help you. but not those guys. >> absolutely and if you look at michael cohen, that loyalty comes at quite a cost. there's a video of him, i believe it's with wolf blitzer from 26 16 denying quite aggressively in quite forcefully that he knew of any language that donald
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trump had used about women. the question about questions about whether donald trump respects women that he knew of any missing conduct of women at the same time that he was actually brokering with a woman and her attorney to hide an extramarital affair. it's these folks are blindly loyal to trump as cohen was, and it's going to be a serious credibility issue. for him at trial because his story has totally flipped now, his new story is backed up by documentary evidence and other witnesses and all kinds of things that suggest that he might be telling the truth. now, but he still is on the record from 2016 spinning lies about what he was doing for donald trump yeah. sarah matthews, i mean, you've personally experienced what this culture of loyalty at all costs is like. >> what is it like? >> yeah, loyalties, a one-way street with donald trump. he demands loyalty from everyone, but he gives it essentially to no one and it is kind of funny to me that there are so many people live coming up to wannabe his vp or to work for
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him because look at the body scattered around him multiple people indicted and caught up in these different trials. then people doing jail time. i mean, his own vice president had a mob come after him and chant things like hang mike pence, i can't imagine anyone wanting to sign up to then be donald trump's vp and a second administration if he were to win in november. and so i mean, people probably should just take note of these things and make careful consideration because loyalty, like i said, one way street yeah. >> so la i'm glad you brought up the cohen tape because our intrepid producers back there have founded as sarah was sharing her experiences with us. let's watch what michael cohen had to say to wolf have you ever had locker room talk boy talk as melania trump called it yesterday with him along those lines, if i have never heard mr. trump's say anything, even remotely close to the statements that i heard when i first heard that there was a tape that was going to be coming out.
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>> i said it's got to be fake because an ice spend thousands of hours with mr. trump a year and i can tell you, i have never heard him say anything, anything even close to that in the truthfully, mr. trump actually respects women very, very much. >> he two things can do. >> we find this at all plausible yes. >> go ahead to think some things can be true? >> michael cohen is telling the truth today and the things he says today are supported by other evidence in the trial. and he's got a huge problem in that statement, and it is it is ought to be devastating for a witness on the stand. i think those defense attorneys are licking their chops at the opportunity to just shove that in his face because it's not just an ambiguity. do you remember if the defendant had a red shirt on or a blue shirt on its no. you are saying the defendant literally did the opposite thing that you're saying today and how yes. a jury can still what convict someone over conflicting evidence, but that's pretty bad. >> i mean, the only thing i would say is like he's not
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under oath with wolf blitzer right? as much as i would like that, everyone goes on consider yourself to be on when you walk into the situation room, you go through metal detectors still. >> i just think it's all about what a jury believes and how much they can trust an individual. and when you have two competing statements, one of which might be true, you can believe it, but it's still really bad for that person. and, a jury ought to question whether they believe the person today how do you see bricking? yeah. >> well, i think i think the question two is going to be can michael cohen maintain his composure, right? i mean, one major feature of the testimony yesterday was he was cool. he was composed, he was almost sort of soft-spoken. he was very sort of rational and the way he was responding to things, anyone who's dealt with michael cohen knows he can be a bit of a hot and so when he's confronted with these contradictions, when the defense starts, and we know
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they're gonna go after him very, very, very, very aggressively. and part of what they're gonna be trying to do is to get under his skin and see if they can get him to react, get them to fly off the handle, get them to show more of that bulldog that we all know from having dealt with him on the other end of the line width, i certainly a great memories. and so, and so i think yeah, it's the credit stability because there are there are things in this case that they need michael cohen for because he's the only one who can say what donald trump was thinking in that moment. so the jury has to be able to believe him yeah. >> i mean, to to kinda bring it back around to loyalty. i mean, this is all this is all happening because michael cohen was so loyal, but he took out a loan on his own house to pay to cover this up. >> all right. i will leave you with this for the last few days. >> the washington state governor's race had an odd feature if featured three candidates with the same name bob ferguson. that seems too crazy to be a coincidence, seems like you are right
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washington's longtime attorney general, the democratic front runner, bob ferguson, realized late last week that two more candidates named bob ferguson had suddenly entered the race. both of those extra bob ferguson's abruptly dropped out yesterday, just before the deadline, after the original bob ferguson threatened them with felony charges it turns out that this apparent bob mob was orchestrated by a conservative activist who try to confuse voters ferguson calls the move and attempted attack on democracy and the election system. but he does say that he does not plan to prosecute at this point. pick electors voting, mustering, conspiracy theories. and now there are three blobs. >> i guess anything goes. i mean, this is this is a new level like chat-gpt can come up with that strategy. >> you need an actual cuban been to come up with the bob strategy no, no chance, even if it sounds like scarlett is not coming up with that genius. >> i'm just saying definitely dirty tricks all right, well,


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