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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  May 2, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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your business with freelance ai experts, fiber. >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington in this is cnn welcome to the lead on jake tapper this our president biden finally today with his most direct public comments yet on protests that have erupted on
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proposed to coast on college campuses vandalism trespass breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations. non of this is a peaceful protest threatening people timid at people. it's filling fair and people is not peaceful protests. it's against the law. >> meanwhile, independent senator bernie sanders is expressing concern about the war that the protesters are talking about between israel and hamas. sandra says the war might ultimately prove to be biden's vietnam plus brand-new standoffs between police and protesters at encampments on college campuses coast-to-coast at george washington university so the here in washington, dc, dueling protests with faculty from gw and other areas schools, risking their jobs to try to protect the pro-palestinian anti-war crowd at portland state university police in riot gear showed up trying to clear an encampment, sayyed at the school's library
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and leading this, our donald trump's latest false claim concerning his hush money cover up trial moments ago after the court date ended, the former president was asked whether he was going to testify in his own defense well i'm not allowed to test if i am under again i guess i can testify. >> i don't know. we're gonna be appealing the game. >> i love to mentioned questions have very easy question, the easiest questions so far but i'm not allowed to testify persist, judge, who's totally conflicted as there were unconstitutional gag order. nobody has ever had that before. and we don't like it. and it's not fair so that's not true. >> donald trump is absolutely allowed to testify. the gag order has nothing to do with whether or not he's allowed to testify bizarre claim, quite frankly, let's now get more insight about what went on behind the scenes in the trump trial today. let's bring in the washington post, shannon jacobs, who was inside the courtroom covering it for the post. jane has some of these
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exchanges between trump, attorney emil beauvais and stormy daniels, karen mcdougal, attorney keith davidson, who is a witness on the stand right now. they read the transcript on the reading credibly testi but what was, the actual environment like during that question i think that was right. >> i think the witness was particularly put off by the lines of questioning by beauvais suggesting that he's a shakedown artist and that he's built his career, his legal career on essentially blackmailing celebrities trying to get significant payouts for clients who have salacious stories, whether they're true or false, but clients who have salacious stories that might be a value to celebrities such as donald trump what was the jury doing while trump, attorney hey, beauvais and prosecution witness, davidson, we're going back and forth and the jury seem engaged where they
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following everything the jury has been in my view, engaged the entire hi or time, especially today, there were plenty of exhibits for them to get a firsthand view of what what this part of the defense case is about. there were text messages, there were emails, there was there was real concrete get information for them to see for themselves. so i think that's particularly interesting to them. getting a window into this world where these types of negotiations it's are happening no, it's sort of the underbelly of the legal system the photographs we see a donald trump in court. >> we just showed one where he he looked kind of scowling i'm sure it's not fun to be a defendant and the things he says after cord and before court tend to be rather defiant and angry. what is his demeanor in the courtroom in general? >> he sits there and it ceiling
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pretty pretty. it's pretty frequently what his what his facial expression is. he's just very, very described i'm told is does not like a minute of the fact that he has to be there there are times when he's paying particularly close attention. i think he was sort of locked on beauvais and and his cross-examination of the witness today, there was a point where we heard a recording that michael cohen made between him and donalds trump in 2016. it looked like he was leaning in trying to get the best audio on that recording that he could get. >> trump while he does close his eyes throughout the day. >> i did not appear to be sleeping today, but he did appear to be shifting in his seat and closing his eyes to kind of take it easy as he paid attention to the testimony. >> so before the testimony, before the jury was brought in today, there was another hearing on whether trump violated the judge's gag order. once again, judge merchan did not issue an
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immediate ruling this time, just like he didn't issue an immediate ruling last time. what was your takeaway from the arguments this time pretty similar to the time before the gag order hearing previously judge merchan is not really buying the argument that some of these posts, some of these offensive posts that trump has made since the trial began, and some of these public comments he's made that are in violation of the gag order are not protected political speech and not covered by hit. >> an absolute first amendment right to say these things. judge marchand cut short. todd blanche today when he started getting into another explanation of why some of what trump had discussed some of these for some of these four remaining allegations is a response, a campaign response, political response. he's responding to other people's attacks on him sometimes attacks on him from people involved in the case and judge
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merchan does not seem to find that credible at all. he's already ruled it's not credible. and does not seem to be weighing are reading in trump's favor on this. >> all right. the washington post shayna jacobs. thank you so much. for talking to us today back with me. the former teeth assistant district attorney at the manhattan da karen friedman, agnifilo, also, bill brennan, a former trump payroll corporation attorney. karen moments ago, mr. trump falsely claims he's not allowed to testify because he's under a gag order. that's not right? correct? >> testify is a term of art. it means take the stand in court, raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth and you testified in front of a court in front of the jury. the gag order has nothing to do with that. of course, he can testify as an absolute right to testify and he is not restricted in terms of what he can talk about as long as it's relevant, admissible evidence. so the gag
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order has nothing to do with his testimony at trial perhaps he's confused about that, but it only talks about statements outside of court and bill who do who do you think the prosecutors might call next? do you think keith davidson was a good setup for michael cohen are or might someone else come, come before? >> i think they'll probably sandwich a few more innocuous witnesses in between these two and have cohen he's really the show at this trial but i wanted to say one thing, jay kara made a great point, and the last segment when mr. beauvais cross-examined davidson and it was bought out that well, what he did wasn't illegally was investigated for extortion, but never charged. that jury doesn't check it's common sense at the door. they see everything they hear everything. there's a story in
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the news now about a politician shooting a dog. and it's been said, well, it's not illegal in that particular state. who shoots a puppy, who does that? and the jury is going to get back there. >> and whether he was charged or not charged or it's legal or not. >> legos lawyers, we get too focused on the statutes, the laws, the rules, the codes they're gonna get back there and think who lives like this, who preys on people's misfortunes. >> and they're going to have to tie the defendant to this cd activity. and then even if they do that, they're going to have to show that it was done to commit another crime, namely political campaign violation, or some type of election law it's a far reach this things far from over. >> karen, i want to get your take on trump attorney emil beauvais. his questioning of stormy daniel's former attorney, keith davidson beauvais brought up these controversy involving various celebrities and alleged hush money shakedown extortion, whatever you want to call it, charlie sheen paying $2 million
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to one of davidson's clients, presumably for her silence, how cogen there was a sex tape involving him, tea like a teal. i've teal at tequila. no idea what that was about, but she certainly an interesting character. davidson's connection to them. he said, quote, your memory seems a little fuzzy around some of these issues because bove i was asking him about it and beauvais didn't seem end davidson didn't seem to have a lot of direct information, at least direct responses. how do you think this is all going to land with the jury? >> for him to say he doesn't recall these various celebrities, i think is not credible. of course, you're going to remember, you might not remember every client, but certainly certain certain celebrities you are going to recall. i got the impression that he was thinking that he couldn't answer the question because maybe it was under attorney-client privilege or confidentiality agreements, but then he should have said that. but to say i don't recall because you don't want to answer the question that that's not good for the jury,
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so i didn't love those answers. and if he really doesn't recall because what his answer was, yeah, it did 15 or 1,600 of those back then, so i don't remember who it was if that's the truth i mean, fine. but i don't think the jury is going to like him very much. it is really a cd underbelly of lawyering that make a living out of what many people feel like if feels like extortion, whether it's legal looks torsion or not. so they're not going to love it. it's not great. but i still think at the end of the de, it doesn't matter because these are, this is the circle donald trump traveled in. these are the people he had affairs with. i mess with it prosecution is going to say they're going to say we didn't pick that. we didn't pick these people the people that donald trump frequented with that's what picks these people. the prosecution's gotta length as two, donald trump and i think that recording that they play today with michael cohen and donald trump was one of the critical pieces of evidence in this case. >> karen friedman, agnifilo,
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bill brennan, thanks to both you always good to have you on from the trial to the trail, the jaw comment from donald trump that sets up and if scenario and potential results of the november election plus another day of chaos and confrontations as encampment protests ignite more college campuses stay with us a florida man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax sunday this became the bureau's number one crying to solve how would really happen with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn challenger first is the number one movie in america. >> who's saying i should be flattered 63. >> and hilarious. why many car? because you're stupid. >> stupid. no, i'm just known as disturbed by it as you are do not miss this movie. >> i'll make them suck you in challengers to be dogged outflow jesse loves playing detective, but the real and
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delivered impacts portion for your doc. it's amazing what real food can do i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. >> this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso book if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 as we've been covering these anti-israel protests anti-war protests, whatever you want to call them for weeks now, there has been a lot of criticism thrown. >> president biden for not addressing the nation on these divisive protests that at some points on college campuses have become violent and anti-semitic and unlawful, maybe not in most cases, but in enough. today, president biden finally did address the nation directly on this issue. he tried to strike a balance between competing american imperatives, free speech, and rule of law. take a
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listen we are not an authoritarian nation where we silence. people are squash dissent. do either are we a lawless country where our civil society? an order must prevail. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's anti-semitism, islamophobia or discrimination against arab americans are palestinian americans cnn's kayla tausche, is that the white house boards kayla, there already have been times when these protests turned violent and unlawful. >> i mean i think the columbia university orthodox rabbi told his students two sundays ago that he didn't think it was safer for orthodox jewish kids on campus. why did president biden wait until now to directly address what so many people have been able to see with their own eyes what was described to me, jake is the
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need for a steady drumbeat of law enforcement involved in these protests, not just one-off issues here and there on different campuses, but the repeat and sustained involvement of law enforcement that essentially peaked the president's desire to deliver these remarks, which he has put out written statements in the prior weeks, he said deputized spokespeople on his back have to say what he does and does not support, but really when this reached a fever pitch overnight is when the president felt the need to come out himself and speak to camera and say exactly what type of activity is supported by the constitution. >> here's the president in his own words why would protest is not protected? >> peaceful protest is against the law and violence occurs so there was a couple of things at play here. jake, this senior staffers in the west wing had been monitoring these situations for several weeks through official channels with local government and laundry foresman. >> but then there is also what was described to me, sort of a groundswell of younger staffers who are in touch with their
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contemporaries, either at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, who are on these campuses and providing first-hand accounts that grew in intensity over the coming days. so all of that really taken together yesterday when the president returned from a fundraiser here dc, he instructed his top aides to put together draft remarks. they went back and forth overnight to edit those remarks and he made a final decision this morning. i'm told after seeing the images overnight specifically from ucla, jake and republican critics of the president has certainly weighed in they have waited and certainly that is putting the president in a very difficult position because he has wanted to let these protests play out on their own. >> there was a belief within the white house that the temperature would go down on its own. clearly that hasn't happened but the president has also sought to speak out forcefully in on the topic of january 6. and yesterday, we did see former president trump equate the protests on campus this is to the protesters at the capitol, the rioters at the capitol on january 6 saying
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that, you know, perhaps the protesters on campus are getting off easier. so that put the president a little bit if a difficult position where he had been previously seeking the moral high ground there, jake. >> all right. kayla tausche at the white house for us. thanks so much. a cnn review shows that more than 2000 people have been arrested on college and university campuses since just april 18, among some of the common charges include trespassing and resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. the unrest we've been watching unfold does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon as police and other law enforcement agencies crackdown on these protests and particularly the encampments. three, cnn's camila bernal shows us now some of the most chaotic, intense moments on some campuses across the united states, including at ucla. were more than 130 arrests have been made violent, tense, and chaotic scenes at ucla get more than 130 arrests as hundreds of law enforcement officers using
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flash bangs but, tollens and what appeared to be rubber bullets to disperse more than 200 pro-palestinian protesters from a unit diversity encampment they had fire extinguishers thrown at us, smoke don't let us water bottles. >> in other various items california highway patrol officers moved in at around three in the morning local time police gained ground breaking, makeshift barriers, clearing tents and belongings, and detaining protesters one by one the mostly peaceful encampment let's set up a week ago but violence erupted during counterprotest on sunday and even more tense moments overnight tuesday leaving at least 15 injured last night, protesters attempted to stand
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their ground, linking arms using flashlights on officers spaces shouting, and even throwing items that officers. but despite what chp described as a dangerous operation haitian and almost one-to-one ratio of officers to protesters gave authorities the upper hand. the encampment was cleared, and the protesters that were walked out in zip ties put on buses and take to a detention facility to be processed across the country. similar scenes as officials crack down on encampments police and oregon cleared out the portland state university library. >> we have either zip ties were students have barricaded themselves inside with furniture at dartmouth college in new hampshire. >> a stand off with police afford more than 90 people were arrested on campus including some who were not students that
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mirrored them mass arrest in new york city the night before, we're an nypd official tells cnn roughly half of the nearly 300 people arrested at columbia and city college were not affiliated with hi school and take a look behind me. >> it's hard to believe that these cleanup efforts are underway just hours ago. there was so much trash. i mean, we're talking tents, blankets, food. you name it. we were here and we were able to also find a number of the flashbangs case he thinks they were all over this area here behind me, we also found the rubber bullets that were used to disperse the crowd and moments ago, ucla releasing a statement saying that they decided to clear this encampment because of the violence that they saw this week and said, ultimately, this jake was unlawful all right. >> camila bernal at ucla in los angeles. thanks so much between the actual israel hamas war and
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the campus protests. independent senator bernie sanders suggested that this might be president biden's vietnam. we'll get into that next formula.
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presidents are sort of caught between a rock and a hard place. they've got donor alums, lawmakers all bringing the heat saying, is this free speech? each how do you deal with civil disobedience? and do you have a growing problem with anti-semitism? so i spoke with michel roth. he's from wesleyan university and he gave me a taste of what his life is like these days. >> when someone calls me as they did yesterday and said, i'm upset that the students at wesleyan are chanting from the ravages and see palestine must be free. i'm upset. i said, i'm sorry, you're upset. >> but you're going to have to deal with that or they'll say genocide, you can hide from genocide. >> that's offensive to you as someone who supports israel or has affection for israel but that doesn't mean they can't say those things if they say jews must die, we must kill jews. >> then i'll have them removed from campus. and i should mention that right now the house has actually approved a bill kind of expanding the
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definition of anti-semitism and the ability to go after school through the department of education. so this issue who isn't going to go away i also spoke to a student named cross samir stay cough. who at pomona university. he was one of the students who was arrested for storming the president's office, which the school says, look, that was not civil disobedience, so that was not a peaceful protests here's how he justified it. and i think it's good to hear in the context of these protests, not just what we're seeing, the most violent visuals on air i think that's a bit of a ridiculous claim, frankly, given the history of student organizing on campuses from the 1960s, civil rights movement, anti-vietnam organizing in the late 60s and 70s, anti south african apartheid organizing in the 80s. these were all campaigns where students violated camp this policies, occupied buildings constructed, mock apartheid walls, or tent cities, or shanty towns.
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>> but then when we look at the present day we're suddenly so quick to condemn student organizers for these exact same strategies. >> so i think it was just a moment to also talk to them about the divestment movement because they're not just talking about the end to the war, they're also talking about their universities summing, somehow bringing pressure to bear. and i said, why don't you protests outside of congress or protests outside of boeing or whoever that has dealings with the government of it israel. and he said, you know, at the end of the de, as students, this is our forum, this is our place where we have leverage and as he mentioned, it's proven that student movements can draw attention to complex ideas and make people rethink them and of course, as we're learning, that's not without consequence. >> so david, president biden finally spoke out today about the protests it had been quite some time what do you make of what he had to say? >> well, my takeaway in watching him was he clearly came out for to try and speak
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to a broader swath of the american people to present presidential leadership and come out for law and order. and that there is a way to do this in a way not to do this, not to deny the voice of peaceful protesters, but that you, can't do you can't block people from going to class or you can't do things that are unruly illegal. what have you he wanted to come out and sort of save this. this needs to get under control. however, what i thought so interesting jake was at the end, he clearly waited for question before he got out. and the question are these protests going to do anything to change your policy? and he answered emphatically, no. so while he came out to try and solve one problem with perhaps a broader swath of the middle of the electorate, i think in that one answer of no, he deepen his political problem with key portions of his own base of the progressive left of young people. just with that one emphatic, no, i will say when it comes to comparisons
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with the protests of the 60s and the anti-apartheid in south africa, protests of the 80s. there is a big difference in the fact that those protests were not necessarily making so many students on campus feel as though there was bigotry towards towards them. certainly, i'm sure. are members of the rotc in the 60s probably. there were probably i know there were fights and what squabbles or whatever, but there was nothing we don't like this group of people and there is a lot of, there are a lot of jewish students who feel antisemitism. i do want to get into. there's something that bernie sanders said today to christiane amanpour about what this all might mean for president biden's campaign. let's, let's take a listen i am thinking back and other people are making this reference but this may be biden's vietnam all lyndon johnson in many respects, was a very, very good president domestically brought forth some major pieces of legislation you chose not to run in 68 because of opposition to his views on
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vietnam. >> and i worry very much that president biden is putting himself in a position where he has alienated not just young people, but a lot of the democratic base in terms of his views on israel end this war obviously a lot of differences between vietnam and the israel-hamas war. >> but what did you make of it? >> i understand the political place making, but i do think the differences are actually important. i think that we sometimes get so into this comparison to the un amir, it just it seems to me that comparison only goes too far because that was about sending us troops off to war to fight what was being sold as faulty intelligence and what have you that emerged, j. and i just don't think that comparison to this moment. i get it. >> yes. johnson. this was his political undoing and perhaps sanders believes this will be as political undoing. i'm not sure that that we know that to
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be true. >> body coordinates. david chang and thanks to both of you and of course, it's already corn, it's thursday. so i remind you again, that already is podcast. it's called the assignment authority corners it's fantastic. download it anywhere you get your podcasts, new video just in from the courthouse and the firehouse dhamma problem, making a stop moments ago bringing pizza at a firefighters police officers in manhattan, coming up, could a comment he said yesterday is up a repeat of what happened on january 6, 2020 did you know sling is your favorite news programs for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> faulty dollars a month like favorite news for just $40 a month $40 get your favorite news are $40 a month. sling
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romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn hello, wisconsin. >> how are you hello, michigan it's great to be back in this beautiful state hello, cleveland, former president donald trump briefly back on the campaign trail in the two critical battleground states of wisconsin and michigan. yesterday states that he won in 2016 and lost in 2020 and he continued to repeat his lies in those states that the 2020 election was stolen from him the radical left democrats rig the presidential election in
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2020. >> but we're not going to allow oh, them to rig the presidential election. the most important day of our lives in 2024 as a factual matter not, long governor, including republicans, not won election board including republicans not one state or federal judge, including those report appointed by republicans, not one post election audit, not one found evidence of widespread voter fraud this, according to as well, his former attorney general, bill barr, are republican who is gonna vote for donald trump in 2024. >> but not only is mr. trump still lying about 20:20. now, he seems to be setting the stage to refuse to accept the results of the upcoming election. if he loses, even though as of now he's favorite to win, mr. trump telling the milwaukee journal sentinel quote if everything's honest, i'll gladly accept the results. i don't change on that. if it's not, you have to fight for the right of the country. now, we know what
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donald trump means by if it's honest, it means if he wins and we know what it means when he says you have to fight for the right of the country because he's used that term before. very similar words to what he told his supporters on january 6, 2021. before they stormed the capitol we fight we fight like hell. and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore and many of his supporters listened and they went to the capital and they fought like hell, at least 1,400 of his supporters have been charged for crimes related to breaching the capitol. >> now, in that same speech on january hey, 62021, mr. trump urged then vice president mike pence to reject the certification of the electoral college vote mike pence is going to have to come through for us. >> and then he doesn't that will be a sad day for our country senator j.d. vance,
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republican from ohio, believed to be on trump's shortlist for vice president. >> in an interview with kaitlan collins downplayed what we all saw and heard that de what mike pence and secrets are service agents have testified afterwards about the danger mike pence was in on january 6, 2021 i'm extremely skeptical that mike pence's life was ever in danger. >> i think politics and politics people like to really exaggerate things from time to time. i know a lot of folks and the democratic party a lot of folks that democratic party kaitlan act as if january the 6th was the scariest moment of their lives. i think look, january 6 was a bad day. it was a riot, but the idea that donald trump endangered anyone's lives when he told them to protest peacefully. it's just absurd that's not how law enforcement officers who were there that they see it. and when it comes to mike pence, that's not how the us secret service or vice president pence or his family. >> see you. >> pen said last year, quote, that trump's reckless words
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endangered by family and everyone at the capitol that day and i know history will hold donald trump accountable unquote. just this week and a very revealing interview with time magazine, mr. trump was asked about political violence after this november's election. the reporter quote, you cite that we're going to win and there won't be violence. what if you don't win, sir? trump responds, quote, i think we're going to win. and if we don't win, you know, it depends. it always depends on the fairness of an election. i don't believe they'll be able to do the things that they did last time coming up, what, republican lawmakers are saying and what they're not saying about trump's setting up a scenario to possibly not accept election results. >> once again somebody would, ask or something and she would just walk right past he didn't know they were talking to her i just could not here. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them are nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75
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positive. so there are a lot of people who are concerned that that means that if the election doesn't go his way, we'll see you repeat of january 6, 2021. i want to play a little clip of what republican senator thom tillis of north carolina i said when cnn's manu raju asked him about trump's refusal to say that he's going to accept the 2024 election results at the end of the day if it gets to that point where congress has got to start a fight, we're going to certify it based on the facts and the candidates are going to have to accept those results. >> alice, your reaction, i think many rational republicans agree with what till i said, we can all agree on this set right here, that three things joe biden is a duly elected president, donald trump lost in 2020, and there was no widespread voter fraud and most rational people accept that. >> and i find it interesting donald trump never questioned the results of any of these primaries that he won. he didn't question any election that he won. the problem is when he doesn't win, he
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questions the fairness and the integrity of the election. this is going to be a consistent theme. he mentioned this to the milwaukee newspaper yesterday. he mentioned that last week and then time magazine about but if he sees any evidence of fairness or unfairness, then he'll question it. the problem is this works great with his base. they love this, this is cabinet for his base. the problem is now he needs to appeal to the undecided voters and the late decided voters. and when you're undermining the very process, you want them to participate. you're not going to overwhelm them in participating in the process. you ever just keep that in mind. >> the bigger problem is this is a attack on our democracy. ellis is right about the who cares about the politics of this, this is a, he's doing it again, american jake, this is a direct attack on our democracy, a candidate for president is saying, i will only accept the results if i when he did this again republicans shouldn't be concerned. they should be
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outraged and off about this. paul, is there a way? >> i mean, because joe biden is lose if the election were held today, do you agree that probably donald trump would win? >> yes. okay. so is there a way for donald trump to turn these concerns that the former congressman is addressing into a way for mr. biden to appeal to these voters. >> in the middle and the independent voters, et cetera or is this issue of democracy so far down on the poll when it comes to economy and hey, awesome, whatever that it doesn't matter when we went into the last midterms, president biden gave a remarkable switch. >> i thought it was wonderful. a lot of democrats even thought it was terrible on democracy at independence hall in your hometown of philadelphia. i remember the red lighting, but it's a great speech because it was ten like joe was passionate about our democracy a lot of pundits, even on my side of the aisle say, oh, we should be talking about gas prices. >> it worked politically because the american people do love their democracy and they
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do it. >> so i think by nisan is something this is, it is a huge political loser for trumping alice, right? and joe is right trump's the master brand or you know, he's a great marketer. >> he sold trump wine and from vodka and trump steaks, trump sneakers. now, trump bibles. he'll never saw a trump car because it won't have a windshield and only have a rearview mirror. it won't go forward. i want to go in reverse. he is completely backward looking. i think biden should take that not only the threat to democracy, but that guy is always talking about the past. he's talking about yesterday. elections are about tomorrow. >> so let's talk about tomorrow, which is, and the election not the electoral results. the campus protests that we're seeing president biden finally addressed the chaos that we're seeing on college campuses. some of the protests have turned violence. some of the protests have turned anti-semitic. and here is part of what president biden had to say today we've all seen images and they put to the test two fundamental american principles, excuse me the first is the right to free speech and
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for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard the second is the rule of law both must be upheld congressman walsh your thoughts about time, and i'm glad and i want to see more of this. >> this is an opportunity for biden because what's trump offering? i'm going to be a dictator. and i will stamp this nonsense and this unrest out. we don't do that in america. this is an opportunity for biden to take the high road. and but he's got to go after he's got to go after his left flank, principally. >> so you heard about bernie sanders earlier today talking to christiana amanpour suggesting that hamas the israel war against hamas in gaza, and the result of that leading to all these protests that all of this could be he's drawing the comparison with lbj and vietnam that, is i like bernie person. i really do is not my politics, but i liked him obj from your home state of
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times and lbj was a great president, but it's offensive to compare this to vietnam, 2.7 million americans put on a uniform one half a world away and fought a war that they didn't ask for okay. 304,000 of them were wounded, 58,000 were killed it cost $160 we've 1.5 trillion in today's money damages country for a generation. it to say that this war was not in the vietnam war was started first by kennedy, but mostly by johnson by our president's. >> this war in gaza was started by hamas terrorists came over and raped and slaughtering innocent people. so i'm so offended to hear him compare it to vietnam. it's completely wrong. >> i think the real issue here is what's happening on our nation's campuses. i speak with students across the country all the time is specific typically jewish students in the last several weeks, they're scared, they're frightened of go out on campus. there are certainly frightened to go anywhere near where these protests are and they wanted to see something like this happen a long time ago into the congressman's point what took them so long? i agree with what
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he said descent is an important part of our democracy. but dissent that leads to a disorder and threatening people. there should be no place for that. and this is going to be a political problem for biden because in our recent poll voters under 35, 81% of them disapprove of the way he's handling this situation. it's causing a great deal fight and the democratic party. and that's going to be a liability for president. >> i disagree on that. because that same poll, it's a harvard polls. >> so i think the best poem on young voters think listed 16 issues israel-gaza place 15th, 30 points behind the economy. so not only do i want him to defend those jewish students and defend the free speech right to the protestors. but i don't think it's going to hurt them politically if he stands up and takes a strong stance of both for defending jewish students, but also for free speech of peaceful protests thanks to one and all for being here coming up must-see heartbreaking message from a 12-year-old boy in north carolina. we'll bring that to you next if you have graves
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jesse l. martin sunday's at nine on cnn international lead president biden is in north carolina as we speak his first stop was in charlotte to pay his respects to the families of four law enforcement officer shot and killed monday while attempting to serve a warrant for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, president biden told reporters he offered his prayers to the families and quote, for the recovery three of the brave wounded one of the victims of the north carolina shootings was a police officer named william alden elliott. >> he was an officer with the north carolina department of adult correction he is 12 year-old son, theo wrote an obituary for his dad that ran in the charlotte observer newspaper. let me read it to you if i can quote my daddy is a hero. he died getting the bad guys. that's what he was good at. he is a marine he is a police officer. he is kind and patient. >> he keeps my mom and i safe. >> he is my daddy. the best
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daddy? >> we love playing video games together. he really likes mario zelda and metroid return of sadness. we collect pokemon cards. i have a chares arch that he helped me get graded he and i have watched every star wars movie and series. my daddy loves playing and watching baseball. his favorite team is the dodgers. he is an expert marksman, perfect score. every time from my 12th birthday. he bought me a dirt bike. he bought himself one too, so that we could write together. i will learn how to write it. a we will ride together one day, daddy he was the best man i will ever know. and i hope to be just like him. >> theo theo that obituary was beautiful may your dad's memory via blessing for you always wolf blitzer is up next in the situation room with much more in today's testimony in the trump hush money cover up trial among his guests, former trump impeachment lawyer robert ray. that's next year on cnn