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tv   Dying Earth The Last Shark  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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in the course, the quite the quote within that, it's all the on the request for the integration and what's the patient information and measures as soon as possible. the process would be advised in due course as to the date on which the court listed, but it's or the as the public setting. since the court has no other business before, it was a decision district that goes through 930 g m t. you want to, i'll just say we're english here on the proceedings of the international court of justice of the hague. have just ended as israel submitted its presentation to the cold in rebuttal to south africa's on thursday as to whether it provisional metric measures were required. in rough and across the goal is a strict with the ongoing israel will on garza, of course, of the slights interruption in the final comments of the representative of the ministry of foreign affairs. in the last few minutes of the call,
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talked to kill the feed. so not quite sure what happened that the extra and unusual question was asked by one of the judge is judge george notes that he's from jam. and he's been a member of the court since february 2021, asking about the situation of the wasi. and of course those individuals, palestinians who are evacuating from rafa are apparently going to the safe side of elm wasi that we'd be reporting on here. i'll just over the past few days and he wants that updated answer to whether they are safe and what the conditions that like that, that he's given. he is riley's, the president of the court till 6 o'clock on saturday evening to respond to that. so we will be following that line of questioning, very closely listening to this was all correspondence at the hague step fast. and who's this ready to both sides of the argument step and both presentations. a very different picture that is rarely painting from the one that south africa did on thursday. absolutely,
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a totally different parallel universe. so you could say, as well as saying that's what the south africa was telling the court yesterday were basically old lives. it was a misrepresentation of the truth um, especially looking at the humanitarian a south africa yesterday said that there is a very limited excess of course of humanitarian aid. and that is sort of has cause a close the border crossings, which is definitely hampering the excess of 8. well, if i was just telling the court at the legs that they did everything at the moment to get you monetary, an aide. and it was actually an exceptional operation, as they call it, they have spent millions of dollars to make sure it is a comes in, and if these border crossings were close and when they were close, it was the folds of how much attacks. that's what israel sat,
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it also had really harsh words for south africa, even filing this case on based on the genocide convention against as well as saying that to, of course it was no base at all for this. and that's a, it's actually exploiting the courts here, the international court of justice, a sort of a really, really harsh words. and instead of calling out for the last refuge for people, it got to us. so africa sat, it's ro side is actually a ha, ha, about stronghold the tunnels via the military coordination center staff. so that's the reason why it's rouse as it has to continue this operation and rough fine. it's, as the court has no authority to pay to decide on this because it's an internal matter. it's a matter of 2 parties and an armed conflict, and that's not something the court should get involved in. it is interesting the way that the a 's, right? he's put forward the case that has to be said that, you know,
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while they talked about hospitals in other areas being re taken by have us and use this. the control area is a to they talked about the 60 totals heading towards egypt, but still provide no physical or fight through traffic evidence. all of that. what is interesting, i thought, at the end of those proceedings, step was the additional question from the job and judge, asking about all velocity because that is the focus right now, isn't it? it's about people moving from rasa. a moving to alba wasi, apparently a site. so an, an either make you a very long journey or, or dying along the way, either through exhausted, install vacation or being hit by is right each night because they will. it's an answer on that day by tomorrow. 630. how unusual is that request? generally, in sort of the proceedings of the i c. j. very unusual. we haven't seen that in this case at all in the last couple of months and
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with the hearings that we've been attending to has never been an additional question. and this of course means that the charges were not satisfied to until this moment with the presentation of israel a didn't provide enough answers. and it's also interesting to know that the israel said that south africa was given all of these arguments without having any access. a on the ground, which is of course it's quite ironic because that's exactly what the south africa it's asking for that there will be access on the ground. international observers should be less than 2 to investigate what exactly is going on, and it's hold on for gas call. these evacuation zones, extermination zones. and that's something that israel was very upset about, actually referring even to the hollow calls. but that's exactly what you said. it's the very important for some question. we're going to really wait and see what it is, right? let's going to and so by 6 pm, tomorrow evening to invest in the, in the hague. as thanks folks will conduct to step past throughout the day. some
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more analysis of what was said in court, that's close over to the topic i because the ma correspondent in the above, in central gaza. while that presentation tirade was happening by the israelis we've also showed he lies pictures of what's going on across garza right now. these really is a talking about crossings being open age going in, and everything's just fine. yet the huge black plumes of smoke painting because of strip as the presentation was under way at the hague. just bring us up to speed on what was getting on this last hour. well, what is, what has said was completely contradictory to the realities on the ground. you have been contacting with members and rough crossing. they have big concerns that nothing has entered because of strep from a rough on current, i will send them across the board as in terms of humanitarian aid. only what gets
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into the territory just before the east, very ministry, encouraging to rough. i was one to talk to the owner. what had been delivered, done that's absolutely reflects how much is what is working to a face to send to even, to change facts from the ground as we they continue the unrelenting secular abutment. of course, rough uh and then the know things about the refugee come now, united nations have been responsible for getting all kinds of agent the previous periods. that's what we're completely pre the in the agent or brought by and we have been insisting on the fact that any potential military and cajun of rough will be a big blow for whole humanitarian efforts being made on the ground to mitigate the aggravating humanitarian crisis within the past couple of hours more intensification of abutment by the isabel ministry in the north of this trip. inter valley a refugee camp, as by twos did not wish to miss any calling, defend it till now. as it is very minute, 3 is demolishing complete residential neighborhoods. one after the other,
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in light of their own going efforts to seize, all kinds of military controls in the notes of this trip as to now these really minute treat tanks are still surrounding the entrance of brake tunnel in town and the nose as the bottom and continued as will and big glass house in the far northern western costs of the notes of the strip um its own going hold frequently just wait a minute to chose as you can hear right now with the becky ground endeavors. but this is what kind of city is happening to seek refuge and it's going to be a safe place for them yet no casualties amongst if you're not getting into alongside of getting to our locks the hospital from different parts of the middle regions as well. button and that continued as well. the topic, a israel gives the impression that this is a voluntary move of those that have been ross, i but this is really full of displacement, isn't it? that warning people you need to move or you're going to die as well. it's not only related to the controversial evacuation or just being passed by
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the used by the military. the have been using this on the intensive quiet pilot means that it's sending a clear reminder for palestinians. if you did not lead, you will be killed. no, you're going to die only because that is the military approach that being used by these, by the military, in the initial months of, to when they invaded the north district. now they've been expanding the pointing to reach connie was and right now ending up in a rough families and civilians in the north of the and the eastern portion of brooklyn district have been receiving warning stiffly. they managed to flee. we're talking about more than 100 ups or more than 600 pounds of palestinians fled rough office since the beginning of the operation. that under the same time the ours to thousands of people in rough like in the middle and even in the western areas. busy are roughly district which is a close to milwaukee and that's absolutely a very devastating scenario. if isabel isn't showing things mostly expands the military inclusion of roughly city, especially in light of me growing even mornings for people in the middle area.
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specifically in the vicinity of a way to hospital them, additional neighborhoods as minutes. so it's been happening to funding before that they have been receiving calls by these, by the offices to leave the area because hospitals will no longer be safe places, even full medical workers covering briefly, i just want to ask you one final question because we know that is right, east of island zone is in your vicinity. and based on what we've just heard at the, hey, i just want you to clarify for all of us, all the crossings open or closed has, has any age come in. is israel in your opinion, and the soul says that you're talking to on the ground, a biting by humanitarian international law. and looking as to the palestinians in gaza. and the field hospitals, immobile clinics because radius just talked about to have a fully staffed and have lots of medicine. can you do is briefly tell us what your opinion of that statement is.
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well, to make it clear as to him now both. com, i will send him on rough crossing off clothes now from the palestinian. so like the east very military is taking full control as egypt to accuse that is what would be responsible for conducting and wanting a rough pressing of the are cooling for an independent palestinian entity to run the buddha. and to allow for the aid to get into the gaza strip. now turned upside of the 1st thing is under the east valley control initially. and they have been also challenged by decent lives at tack on april boys that are getting into the gaza strip. free roof ration spot since the beginning of the operation, new age gets into the dogs a strip. so we saw the ring pushing board as of this trip in the notes, there was a new point that is one has made an order to allow for 8 to get into the strip. and since the stablish been to that point, only a very limited number of troops gets to the people in the north. and since the expands and of the fighting and the new operation being blowing into ballier,
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richard the account, no a get to the people in the north. so what is what it has been saying? and the international court of justice hearings is completely contradictory to what we have been going through. i'm feeling on the ground. we did not see and a get into the golf to start there was a growing appeal for them to united nations about the importance of a free opening, old pressing buddhist to avoid any kind of funding could be looming at the horizon . and mainly palestinians ruffling. now to get food, what only get into the goal is a strip off $52.00 commercial trucks that were in to inside to, to the territory includes the nation with the east very side, the well done to the private sector. i'm. they are right now sold in the palace, the new market with this call drops in prices. so that's the reality on the ground as palestinians to discovery moments are struggling in order to get the basics like saving supplies. and the are say is that then you marry time, i'm floating, don't to not be appropriate to fix, to alternative for non groups. that could be more helpful than the maritime one
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that was recently established in the mid area. so it covers the, the force in general by that with that to is ready surveillance right above his head. that thanks very much time, right. cool. checking with you later in the day as well. joining us since you did get his motto in jones, associate professor of at least studies. that's how it's been police university. you will also listening in to what was being said so that the german sounds like you're right. yeah. right on your yeah. yeah, it's pretty i don't think and disconcerting as well. every time we hear it without correspondents on the ground, there's a lot to discuss, i suppose. ready. but for me just about the contradictions that we just had. yeah. i'd like to start with a lot know who talked about age coming into this, into the area. these trucks uncovered voice all protected by the israeli. so we just saw images that on the tv of settlers destroying all of the aid that's going in and does going, i'd like to do with protection is where the where they get those back since it goes from. and but he was very clear that the crossings open that he thinks, okay, i, i,
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i was lost for words when they heard him say about, know, well, i think it's pretty clear that trust me, that the, the, the is ready defense of the i, c, j is essentially a propaganda attack, right. it's they using it as a platform to get out as well as talking points, right? as we've just mentioned, that aids going and find the medical trucks that well, well kind of stuff. and they've turned it into an ad hominem attack. on south africa breaking the case, right. so i think that using that as a platform which explains why a lot of what they side it comes across is completely dishonest because it is completely different on this right. as taught except that and gaza, there is a difference in the reality on the ground on what is well, trying to present to the international community. and i think, you know, it would be example of the age trucks going into guys are being attacked by settlers as an interesting one. probably because they actually mentioned it in the i c j hearing. right. they said, oh, that event that happened on may 13th, we are investigating it. so the trying to give this illusion of this being an
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exceptional event, not part of the norm, but actually what's really interesting, if you look at what happened on that day, where they this, that was pulled, pull done of these and destroyed the supplies you had, is really peace activist that f, one of whom i mentioned earlier, was slaps by a subtler and she went to a and is there any place minutes that i want to press charges against a settler who slapped me? what did the policeman to? he protected the settler by shielding the settler from her being able to take photos of him. so it actually shows that the police are not only protecting the setlist, but they would not intervening in a substantial way to actually help that a go through. so it's all fine to say, oh, we're going to launch this investigation. that's what is always do with these cases . something that happens whether it's the, that the motive shall be in a class, whether it's a bombing, they say, well, they've got to investigate to give this illusion and respect that you process. but the reality is always something different. in terms of what you've heard from south africa or on thursday to what we've heard today. yeah. i think we've discussion is
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being with all of us unless it contributes as well. just as trying to, we're trying to find the pivots, the pivot point, right? the actually proves to the judge is that special measures come be implemented? do you think the threshold has to be maxine, anything that you've heard so far? well, i think that has been, i mean, i think, i think the fact is that the, one of the key mentions was in the previous hearings was that that needs to be better access to aid and humanitarian aid. and as we've seen, the very existence of this american peer in the mediterranean to get aiden, the closure of the board is, remember, since the escalation and rough and none of the board has have been opened, really, this is all indicating the fact that there is not enough done being to provide humanitarian aid. not only that, we've seen some phenomenal events in the past couple of weeks or months, including, for example, the separate individual targeting of the weld central kitchen workers. right. so we've seen these very deliberate attacks on a workers. in addition to prevention of aid being access, in addition to,
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for example, hospitals, people being told that packet from the hospital right here, are we seeing an improvement of that situation, which is what the i, c j had one to do, right? if anything, i would say the tipping point has been reached here simply because it's months later and the aid situation is desperate and numerous people from the world try to help the organization a to you and have said that famine is imminent. the funding is we've been on the board of funding for a long time. it's immune and it has not come back to me, say pictures of it and the monk stroke the conversation before i come to the question about the judge asking that last question at the end, i just want to bring it in. and that's a contradiction. i mean, i'm no lawyer, but of course, you know, we, let's, we watch these things. the one thing that was startling and miss took a minutes presentation for the ministry of foreign affairs as well as ministry for an offense. she talked about the house and taking control of hospitals again and she specifically mentioned i'll shift and said the how to retake. i'll ship it
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because how much to take the commander can control center. in reality, what we know from also says is that i'll see if it was taken over with, with patients and doctors in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks of the 2 weeks age. no humanitarian aid was allowed to go away. and when he is writing these left, we now seeing this and covering of mass graves and she said very clearly we do not target medical stuff. we know that dr. bush, who's the head of the orthopedic departments and all the shipper is dead. and he's dead because he wasn't in his riley detention facility. so the questions arises, how does a 50 year old professional medic become a threat to the use riley states? well, i think we have to understand that the is rightly is, i've never really defined what they mean by how most, and there's very good evidence to suggest that for them, any palestinian male of quote and quote, fighting age is a potential suspects. and so i think what we're saying is, here is again,
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we have to dismiss what the x rays are saying because a lot of it is a p all and accept the fact that if you are a male like a doctor and you'll seem to be eating a, you know, civilians, you are a target and a legitimate talk it so, and we've seen doctors coming in from the us and u. k, who's gone into guys a temporarily to and said the same things about how is ro treats medical stuff. so these are have explicit treatment or medical stuff is also a big problem. and let's not forget, you know, i mentioned the attacks on a convoys before, but we've seen also, you know, the fact that israel has been attacking the people who are meant to be guarding those a convoys. right? so, you know, i, it does seem that is a deliberate escalation, all the tax on not any aid workers, but also medical professionals. and i think the, the, the medical professional you mentioned is, is one of the several other examples of people who have been targeted for that work . okay, so and the shipper thing i think is particular exception because one also reflects how is ro, despite having said that they, you know,
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a cheap that strategic success in the north have not done so that back in the north now. and so what does that mean? it shows that they are unable to actually get ahold or controller from us. and there's no indication that that is going to be any better in the rough or at the end of the presentation by these really, it was an interruption in the cool and the feed was cut to the international audience. not quite sure what was said that, but what was interesting was this extra question being asked by a judge, a judge. george militates of the german member of the panel and being on the i c, j, cold since what 6 to february 2021 subset. it was a very unusual step to take. oh, do you think it's to get me? we're just going to go to the back to the press conference being held on the steps of the let's just listen to is that what we had today was not really an engagement on the facts. some engagement the facts but not really the buffering. what so actually just trying to us that essentially trying to detract and blame, you know,
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across political excursions on the intentions of south africa. and what we are hoping for is that the judges will actually look at this dance of own cleanings. not only now, but also in terms of our responses to is out of it and report as required by the quotes because we do believe. busy our own intention yeah. hasn't really been to bring to the full key concerns that i need to national crimes and particularly the crimes of crimes which is the genocide in this case. and we are very serious about that from a human rights perspective. and not essentially here as a managed by m israel that where you have to defend to protect from us from destruction. i think that one looks at the evidence verse that's been brought to not just this quote, but all of us through the various means available before generalist when disallowed is the evidence of the mess of destruction of people lives. but also,
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you know, the almost died is a new term emerging, the destruction of homes, hospitals, schools, universities, all the means necessary for a group sustain life. which either seems to have the call of the genocide convention. some of the specificities when we made our 1st application in december and we follow that up with an auto pleadings. we were very clear in how we looked at october 7th. so we were very clear, you know, application that 12 with it could last. busy the beginning of a convention to especially political one of the. busy 1877 geneva convention that oppressed people have the right to use force because a lot of good civilians could think of civilians is a war crime. and this for that reason. shortly after october 7th, we approached the international criminal court to ask for both from us and those
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involved in the tax to be investigated. the 4 firms under the front of the geneva convention protocol one, but also in terms of their own statute. we also asked full of costs for, here's what else to be investigated for crimes. and in the case of use are also because of genocide because of unfolding genocide. so to, i'll give that to you again as they did in january on behalf of how much is completely false. they then refer to a confidence at the place. and so that for good. so the civil side to confidence that civil society conference explicitly invited civil society, people that have nothing to do with government anything. but it did include a civil society formations from palestine, including from defense to me and affinity with as an age restriction, dealing with empty and part of that and then active but to the conference. so to suggest as they did that, this was a government hosting. i'm from us is completely false and we just needed to clearly,
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but fact i want to go back to the geneva protocol and just to, to put the context for house of africa approaches this to the so that the guys could leverage and move and not government that's fine, did you need the protocol of 1970 to 701948. with a that the liberation movement. the subsequent to become the majority governing party and in 1948 they voluntarily signed to adhere to all the pretty scripts of the geneva convention that they will not target civilians. that is something that the script him to how government approaches these things. so we are different, we have cigna based of the geneva conventions. i must point out that there's always not this. they're going to be the same geneva convention. they recognize that they may have some obligations under the international custom of the law. but essentially they, i'm not to edit us to the geneva conventions that we hope that now that they are
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mentioning it will find themselves bound to a given back. international custom below is binding to an important you don't have to go 75 of that convention prohibits. express me as a will cram collective punishment it but a, but explicitly as a will crime, torture and if that happening in the current context. so if they uh, want to point out to the war crimes perpetrated by him, us then clearly they must see that what they doing is a walker amended. it's more fearless in that case because the state and bound by various various obligations as a state, even if they're not a participant, geneva conventions, particularly practical one, a protocol to have 77. so i wanted to clarify that then hopefully the other issue that i think we need to, to touch on is the, the conditional release of hostages on the steps. yeah,
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i'll minister of foreign affairs when the judge beat court made the judgement in january explicitly agreed. i've stated that the hostages must be released unconditionally we have made that explicitly clear in various statements as well because with it could last in terms of the very same geneva conventions, 75 that we hope daily, that hostage taking breeches the geneva convention. but that also then includes the law for the attention of palestinians without the thousands of them which is spent a month or gets taken. so we call for the full that us damian's were listed with out a. m is, will be centrally what we call defense. and without girls that it's essentially tempt them up to us to expecting him to cut in context. so we hope that this will be something that will be effective in as well with regards to the
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a tech on the data. and before i tell it is the use of workshop in, in this report reflects simulate in court interpretations of what you're saying, which as least a statement that it says that it's not reducing its numbers is essentially just blank to verify in a, in a close as possible way, just as a diamond director general of the departments of international relations and cooperation from the south african government speaking that to the assembled press, cool outside of the international to the video and sleep. criminal acts international court of justice day, the hague. we have been following is always presentation to the i c j. this rebuttal of south africa's arguments of the appeal full special measures full roster. and for garza as the ongoing israel and garza continues robust and will be
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here with me on the other side of the break to stay with us here on the to the this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dashboard to use the
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this business uptake the rooftop net bundle dash move forward to use the
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and this is the news i live or from dell, hard coming up in the next 16 minutes. there is a tragic war going on. but there is no genocide, israel argues this case at the international court of justice where science africa is calling on judges to order israel's ministry out of southern gaza. but the


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