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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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a risk which is now even more acute the court's orders created international legal obligations binding on his row to change his conduct and go to the court made clear and february that those obligations require is what is val quotes to ensure the safety and security of the palestinians in the gaza strip and quote, is around manifestly, cannot insure the safety and security of the palestinian population in gaza for the see jane, the main starving, torturing and executing them. and it's march orders. the court took note of united nations assessments, united nations assessments that that can catastrophic humanitarian situation, can only be addressed if the minutes the operations in the gaza strip are suspended . yet israel has ratcheted up its gender genocide or military campaigns entering rafa. the last refuge for so many displays,
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palestinians in gaza. israel has in power allow reports, should lead justified its continuing minute see up a patients on the searching faces that quote, there is no order for bidding us from doing something we're doing today on the pricing will continue as usual. indeed, israel has gone so far as to claim that the court orders are a significant success on the grounds that the court, i quote, rejected south african sent for requests to stop the fighting engagement. the courts reluctance to date to order directly and explicitly. that is ralph c sits ministry, opperation, and guys, in order to give effect to the provisional measures indicated by the court. relying instead on necessary implication has cynically been used by his wrath, as cover for its conduct to israel continues to killing harm palestinians in gaza in violation of the court's orders. while it searches and political leaders are
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like continued to publicly express, clear genocide and intent towards them, it is self evident that the provisional measures indication in the course previous orders, quotes do not fully address the consequences arising from the changes in the situation that now pertain the severity of the situation involving her risk, human suffering, non dates that the court make explicit that which was interested in his previous orders. and that's now or to is rather to cease it, submit it to the opperation in unequivocal express times. nothing else will suffice. and it's marked georgia in light of what the court found to be quotes, the worsening conditions of life faced by palestinians in guise at the quote place to hyphened obligation on his ro, not telling me to enable the provision to put him on to terry and assistance but to
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insure it and like to visit as an abject failure to even meet the lower threshold of a neighboring age. and the ever worsening conditions of life faced by palestinians . and guys, the following is ro, seizure of the rafa crossing the court must at least mount defiance provisional measures. in order to leave no doubt as to what is required of his route and to give full effect to his previous provisional measures. as it was to program has made clear, i quote, the united nations on his partners have the means to scale up to 2200000 people in gas it. but only if a humanitarian ceasefire happens. the further given is does manifest failure to ensure the preservation of evidence in gaza. the recent repeated lim, discoveries of mass graves and what the united nations is, coach quotes, the prevailing climates of impunity in israel. israel must be ordered to
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immediately take on effective measures to ensure the access of persons able to investigate ongoing atrocities. the measure is critical, not just to preserving the rights of palestinians in south africa in these proceedings, or in due to the courts ability to exercise its own judicial functions appropriately . rather, as folks present to the united nations office of the high commissioner for human rights recently stated, these violations should not get forgotten about. they need to be recorded. they need to be reported widely by the media. they need to result in pressure from member states that do have leverage over the parties to the conflict, to bring such violations, to an end. they need to be recorded so that investigations can do take place. and ultimately there's accountability and the cycle of impunity does not continue over and over and over again. for the court has the power to modify,
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try or make an explicit order for is route to cease its military operations in russia and gas and more broadly on to withdrawal from the guys. the strip as the course is in power to end. indeed some toads given the prevailing catastrophic situation in gaza to order and express and to is rather submitted to activities. such as the only measure now capable of preventing a proof of prejudice to the fundamental rights and issue of ensuring compliance with the court to advise the fact that such an order would be directed as well. alone is no bar to the court ordering. it gotcha is for at least 3 reasons. one are sca $41.00 is the court statute empowers the court to indicate any provisional measures that folks ought to be taken to preserve the respective rights to be the party if it considers that the circumstances. so require oscar 41 does not require
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reciprocity. there is no need for an order to be made against both parties to the genocide convention itself has no bar to one sided cessation order on the country. the absolute prohibition on genocide applies and both non international arm complete slicks as indeed the tablet of examples of rwanda and are for make clear just as an international law, i'm conflict between 2 states. it supplies for only one belligerence is a part to, to the genocide convention, just as it is, it supplies where all of them are. it supplies, regardless of any claims of self defense which can never constitute a justification for genocide. and indeed it took place and peace just as much as and more. and that's just because the prohibition on genocide is focused on the absolute in a, in the bill of rights, of groups of people to be protected from genocide know much of the underlying circumstances or putative justifications. it makes no sense whatsoever to suggest
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that the court could not toward restate party to the genocide convention, to suspend it, submit it to your probations against a non state doctor in order to prevent genocide unless the non state tacked or was itself designed. indeed, it would be country to the very objectives of the genocide convention, which the court described over 70 years ago as having been adopted for a purely humanitarian and civilizing practice. it would similarly be nonsense code, isn't it claim under the genocide convention, the court could order one partridge. so you should submit it to the opperation, but not potty was not even alleged to be committing genocide as a new crane in russia, but could not hear from the court has itself determined a read an imminent risk to the right to the national or racial or ethnic or group not to be subjected to acts of genocide. the evidence before the court indicates that the extent of the carnage in gaza is a much greater magnitude than not that pertain to new crane and russia. indeed,
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the carnage and gaza is of a knowledge of which exceeds by far the necessities of war and the limits imposed by the laws of war. a states by the united nations high commissioner for no i commissioner for human rights. but israel is doing is quote beyond warfare. no, certainly is. the court empowered to closer it to end. it is duty bound to do so. search the fact that the united nations security council could itself for the association of facilities in gaza is no bar to the courts exercise of its own powers. in this regard, notably the distinct invito arose. the court was intended to play in preventing genocide with pointedly, foreshadowed by the united nations delegation to the negotiations leading to the very creation of the genocide convention. the united states states delegate con commented that if the cases of genocide were booked before the security council, the whole question of the veto would be involved. states might try to avoid
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submitting their disputes to the international court of justice where they would be set for them to leave the grounds. and like you said, submit them to the security council for they would be such as on political grounds . in circumstances such as this for the veto powers and we are judge such devastating effect against the palestinian people, the indispensable road of a court and ensuring the universal application of the genocide convention is prohibitions and its protections. tools, peoples equally, cannot be overstated. as noted by the court and indication provisional measures in march, the security council has been operative, cease fire resolution quotes, demanded an immediate cease fire. for the month of ramadan, prospected by all parties, leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire. as underscored by the president of the court, the march provisional measures could i quote, only take full effect and quote, if the cease fire was suspected,
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no such resolution is in place. the court must itself, therefore create the circumstances necessary for its provisional measures to take full effect, it must order is ready to cease it, submit it to you operations. 5th and finally, shed humanity compose the indication of further or modified explicit provisional measures. as recently staged by the united nations assistant generally secretary general for humanitarian affairs, quotes, the war and gaza has entered yet another horrifying phase. garza is now a ho scape for me, instruct on during session bombardment, for those who have escaped death and injury, and i risk losing their lives because of a lack of food, safe water medicine and have care. guys that has in her words, become a moral stain on the conscience of our collective humanity. i conclude with a slide. it reports an account of a doctor's recent experience in
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a hospital in gaza, following his departure from the school district. he says that is describing one of the patients that there was a man in his fifties. forgotten in the room, having had both legs amputated. he had lost his kids, his grandkids, his home. and he's alone in the corner of this dark hospital. now gets going out of his wounds and he was screaming the worms eating me alive, please help me. that was just run out of i don't know. i just stopped counting because those are the people i think of because they're still there. that sums up put guys, is today, is people severely wounded with life or thing, disabling injuries, bereaved, of their entire families, homeless alone tracked without electricity or even basic health care? 7 months later, after 2 or just from this court,
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they are still there. enjoying this are they are crying out for health and order for an immediate cessation division as minutes. the operations in gaza is now the only hope enough is enough. so it's not for to cannot reiterate it's respectful and humble court on this court to do for it is in its power to do for the drafters of the genocide convention called on it to do what are shared humanity compose it to do to listen to that desperate cry for help from gaza on to order israel to withdrawal from gaza and to cease fire. missing the prize, you don't meet them as soon as you wish to move a mass seat of us have you ever you wanted to atone soon as you please? i would like to ask the agent to start with if i get to take the flow to present his concluding submissions, i thank god for the shipment and got
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a final statement. i know the phone about who was the best you have before you have the product. is the president to distinguish members of the quote it is my own i to deliver to your excellencies, to find out a provision that amazes that's of african requests from this quote present to this quote from for all right, we're listening in that to the hearings going on, at the international court of justice, square, south africa is presenting its case. let's listen now to the final submission by i'm by. so the, the assume is the mind doing this. so, just probation of the managers expecting with complete impunity in casa escalating hostilities in a final wave of
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a politic description from which there is no 10 days of danger. which stems from the form of a major denial by former colonial powers indignation to the crimes associated with colonial violence perpetrated against indigenous peoples. this includes the denial of genocide. this denial is clearly at play in palestine. is right, is that set colonial a particular gene? and the kind of government is now being accused of engaging in genocide. this accusation is not being leveled at any people based on the if necessary, nationality or compressed our preference. but it is being leveled at those political and military leaders who have to humanize the punish dean and
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people through genocide or rhetoric as human any most encouraging that killing destruction is leveled against estates whose leaders are open. the calling for a 2nd not bar showed it by international impunity, which has enabled zip pitch ration of decades of generation of violent and symmetrical pressure against the front of the team and people to maintain the donation. and the expansion of the set to the colonial states as a method of interest to imagine c, south africa as a states policy to the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. respectfully request the quotes to indicate the following provisional mattress. the textbook which has been amended to reflect to the ever increasing grab it to you of the situation. so if i freaked out respectfully request the quote to the state of the as a, as a state farm to, to the genocide convention. and as
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a project to these proceedings to one immediately and further took his publications under the quotes previous orders of 26, january 202428. march trench 24. seas gets minutes, had an operation, and the governor stick, including in draft file cabinet and withdrawal from the roof of crossing and immediately totally unconditionally withdrawal design. i mean, from the entirety of because a strict to, to immediately then further to this publication under the provision of major full of the quotes kind of 6 general attend to 24 order and probation managers to a and to be of the quotes. the decision of march 2024,
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take them all defective managers to ensure that facilitates unimpeded access to gaza, of united nations and a piece of engage a piece of engage in the provision of humans at an aid and assistance to the population of casa, as well as finding permissions internationally, mondays at bodies, and o officials, investigators and 10 others in order to access and record conditions on the ground . and does that enable and enable the effective preservation and attention of evidence and then show that it's mandatory. it does not ex, to prevent such excess provision preservation. owed attention. 3, supplements, an open report to the quote, based on autumn as taken to give defects to these preventive measures within one
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week, as from the date of this florida. and be an old man who has taken to defect to our approval a previous produce are made as indicated by the court within one month. as from the dates of this folder, mister president, distinguished members of the court. this concludes up because i thank you for your kind of attention. i also think the registry it's, it's uh, the interpreters for the incredible assistance. finally, my things also go to the south african to thank you very much. i think the agent of south africa who states when things to an end, the think it down to florida the arguments of south africa as well as this afternoon. the 15 the quotes would meet again tomorrow, friday may 17th at 10 am. 3 of the state prison present, it seems that on the floor of the sitting cetera,
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israel must be stopped. this cool thing is required to order and express and to israel is offensive. some of the statements we've been hearing from councils representing south africa as another hearing at the international court of justice is they make they, as they made the case for the call to once again intervene an issue, provision no root things. i said, previous professional orders did not address changes in the situation and garza, the recent discovery of repeated mass graves and what view and is referred to as impunity. who require this quote's attention and intervention. let's go over to our correspondence. we've got for me, the miller giving us the view from south africa in november. first. let's go live to step vast and outside the i. c. j in the hagen step. this was quite an a
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passionate appeal by south africa at times. even emotional, take us through south africa's presentation today of what really struck me listening to today's arguments compared to the, to the beginning of the case in january is that the tone is so much more urgent and, and, and the end. the wording is so much more strong because uh, one of the lawyers. so john, to god said the court actually failed to protect the people and guys from china side, it was very much directed towards the court. because at that time in january, the i, c j, the international court of justice did not order it's relative, stopped it's military operation. there was no uh, order for an seas fire, and that of course has no change. 4 months later, south africa is again a requesting urgently the core to, to impose to or the dis,
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station of hostilities and withdrawal completes withdrawal from guys. and specifically is alpha calling. it's an end came from israel bite is route to nearly 8 the palestinian people and destroyed god for wrap it. so it is a fairy urgent appeal now to the court to use its powers. that's what the lawyers also said. the court has the powers. it should use them now because they also failed that it otherwise could be too late. one of the lawyers also said is the last chance basically to rescue the palace senior people in ga. so from this genocide, so very strong words here in the hague code today and step. so we've reached the conclusion of day one of oral arguments take us through the process. what happens next? i spoke tomorrow on friday as well can respond that it was very striking. to look at the empty chairs today where the throat is really
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t was sitting only sweet representative of the legal team. we're a president compared to a larger, much larger team in january. and we don't know at this stage what this means. does this mean that they didn't have enough time to prepare, or maybe they just simply didn't care enough to send a full team? so, but anyway, we're going to here tomorrow. what is sort of has to respond to these very strong allegations today. we know of course, until now they have called this whole case of baseless and have been defending themselves saying this was all because we have a right to defend ourselves so, but the pressure definitely has increased coming from so that i forgot this time. so we're very curious to hear how they're going to respond. all right, that's that. keeping an eye on things at the i c. j in the hague. let's go over them out to somebody the minute she joins us now live from johannesburg. so it was quite clear to me that south africa felt previous provisional orders wasn't being
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respected by as well. are they more helpful? but any further provisional, all those will be to well, certainly i think they return to the court would indicate that they do have faith in the court and indeed hopeful of new provisional measures of being implemented, or at least that order coming through to make the changes necessarily necessary and this one garza to keep people there, protected and ensure that the rights upheld. so that's the good continues to be quite shocked by what it seeing in gauze us specifically rough. uh it said to that as well as military of operations. there is what's built on this latest application going on to cooling, what is happening, the apocalyptic conditions and saying that what is happening in a rough law in gaza to be quite a roof leak?
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south africa has in the possible use of legal and diplomatic means to bring a ceasefire in gaza and at the very least to protect people they. so this is again, another instance of south africa using whatever channels it can to achieve the ceasefire that it's looking for. and south africa has now made several pleadings to the i, c j. just explain why this case is so important. the south africa as well the case and also the stance in south africa. that's a question we've put to various government officials and members of the public. and every time they respond, referring to south africa's own a par tate history and saying that they are compelled to act with regard to what is happening in gauze of this war and gaza, what they call a genocide because of south africa's history of oppression. subjugation the lack of rights with specific groups of people forced removals. and they say they seen this
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happen in gaza. we previously when before his presidency, the prisoner, nelson mandela told africans would not be truly free until palestinians are free. we know we had a very good relationship with us. i thought the president of the polo at the time. and so the africans often refer to palestinian standing in solidarity with all the africans and all these saying they are returning that just show that they are compelled to act and stand up for the rights of palestinians. because the lack of rights and what they call a genocide is inexcusable. and that's for me, the miller keeping an eye on the situation from south africa for us. thanks so much . oh jeffrey nice is a human rights virus. the who lives the prosecution of form a sub in li the some of them will also reach out to you and international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia joins us live now from canterbury in the united
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kingdom. good to have you with us. so looking through the statements, we heard from counsels to south africa. the reference is 2 additional measures, the references to israel fighting to abide by previous provisional orders. what exactly if you could summarize for us is south africa then asking the quote to do now. one of your earlier contributions made the point that occurred to me to begin with is south africa allowed. so those you might have doubts about is ratios. intention not to be too hard, refined by the orders it was eventually obtained. and that order didn't know who does the cessation of fighting. it ordered protection knows the cause of people in respect to the right. not to suffer general saw that you will have noticed that
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this time the language is much, much stronger. now, there are many in the mountains and, and immediate feet and with the drawer of fighting forces. partly this is quite clearly that there is genocidal intent on the positive is right and the desire to see off causes and citizens altogether. and by having wasted some time before it puts this argument at the top of its case to show respect to the quote and to some degree expense, respect even to israel, given what is right along dr. duty supplement. on the 7th of october. so now it is making it quite clear that which many of the common cases of the phone is being the case. namely the evidence that is right and really has genocidal intent to destroy the gauze and people in gaza altogether. that's a big change. now it's
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a big change, so definitely if i could jump in, it is basically does this mean that if the i c j rules in favor of south africa's pleading at this point, that it would be basically agreeing that that is genocide list intent and it would be ordering an end to the entire war and gaza. is that right? it won't do the 1st thing because it comp make a determination of genocide really until all the evidence is to the end of the room case. but what it may do is identify a fos, stronger risk of genocide against which it needs to give its protection. and it may say, the only way i can give its protection is by granting the protective measures that south africa repeats and asks full. and what's interesting, of course, is that as things develop over time,
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desperately sad that it has to happen that way. tragic visit has to happen that way when lives are lost in the intervening periods. but it is, it does that, then it's actually to some extent in step with the changing political approach not least by the united states of america, but also other countries who is saying that the attack on reference should not go ahead saying that um should not be used for that tactical and graphic and so on. and so for that and it was this whole thing. but that's an important point. i want to jump in again though and getting on something you mentioned. if, if the quotes cannot make that the finding of genocidal intent, obviously one assumes that it's got to wait for the major case to be finalized the main case to be finalized. what was the value of south africa introducing that to and it's pleading today, is it to build up the grounds slowly towards that finding of genocidal intent?
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i think it does that of course, but it's also to establish the evidence in the words is those who it says has spoken with the genocidal intent to justify the protective measures to say as a result of what you heard see and observed on the potential pictures you cannot be sure that the risk of causing people suffering, genocide is really great, and therefore you must do mo, i'm what you must do is this is also a very interesting contra, the element from one of the speaker, one of the accounts. and i can't remember which one spoke of the desire. some countries to have seems result politically in the security council rather than by rule. the magic pro choose one that i think the general public to over informed about these matters. we find deeply concerning and distasteful. it is politicians
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for decades in the security council and around the world. the responsibility for what has happened here. what has happened to you was full seeable from the beginning of the 20th century. when the 1st developments towards the creation of the state of israel were taking place, everybody knew how things might end and it needed real clever, international, political goodwill in action to say, what has happened from happening. so the idea that this law, which was introduced the genocide convention to save people from the sort of thing that he said is now happening to be overwritten by the works of politicians. when it is, they who bear responsibility, what is happening is a pretty total or isn't it? and i think the public now who are becoming increasingly well aware of the law and
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hard interact with congress to choose to go to school. i think that is public will now begin to see they will draw the little what is the politicians did not work. i think this a plenty of sentiment around the world that will probably agree with the idea that this doubt in politicians certainly ultimately, jeffrey, do you think it's likely this quote is going to ground south africa's request when it order an end to the will i try not to 2nd guess what a cool to size. i'm not the judge. they are, but i think it's was having in mind as we wait for the decision. as it is, they don't cross the request. then it will be seen by israel as a green light to do that to which many countries around the world well,
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so not to do so to the extent that the international court of justice is politically sensitive. and of course, it is all international quotes are particularly sensitive, sometimes subject to political influence, to the extent that it's politically sensitivity, maybe rather easier for it to do that which south africa was no. then it wouldn't being 5 months ago. all right, thank you so much for your analysis of these proceedings. oral statements being made today, jeffrey nice work or the south african lawyer i've had a has seen spoke at the quotes, she outlined the devastating impact as well as was had on children and gone. so more than 14000 has been killed. thousands who have been injured or lost family members.
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violent estimated, $17000.00 children, unaccompanied or separate. nearly all of guys as children have been exposed to traumatic experiences. the consequences of which will last a lifetime. and i'm enough, m klein is a professor of political science. so body line university joins us live now from west jerusalem. good to have you with us. i'm sure you are following as many of us saw the proceedings going on at the international court of justice today. but to what extent do you think these way the government is paying attention to what's happening today? the i c. j according to, to,
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to people who are covering it said those only 3. so a rather low level of is really a representation that, that the quote today compared to areas sessions. hey, yes, sam, is that the is where the government is downgrading the whole discussion in the, in the court. but let, let me say something just for that wrinkled as a human being as a group and this re fi. i would like the war to and now, regardless of the discussion, you know, they have the war less stop. okay. do you think is i think it's fair to say not many unless well, think that's likely to be is arouse next steps. so in terms of these, right, the government deciding what to do, listening to what's happening in the i c j, right? yeah, it's a,
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it's run has its own policy and its own operation of the mold, regardless of what's going on. okay, it was a hey, and a very, very, the american restaurant is really good on, is read as we saw, you can tell us the exchange of this of telephone calls and messages between washington and enjoys. and that the american pressure is very, very limited. and we've not strong enough for this read to impose will need to stop . is it more the same goals are so for west to european countries? do you think these causes right to government has about the shift going on and public opinion and all that in global public opinion, but within the us in particular, it's closest ally. the light is gallop poll,
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found the majority of americans disapprove, of israel's actions in gaza. is really government has it can interest to continue doing more in order to prevent the elections, the commission that we study, what happens to be 7? that's what related to october 7 disaster, this is one second. i apologize mis, mister climb. i apologize. we must have house of you is back to the hague, where the by so the sound advocate, impassive. the assume was the my don't say that is speaking. let's listen then. otherwise, this is not my day job, but i'm a company by that director general of the department of the international relations . i'm a corporation of data public upside and it's the same dongle and mr. oman, to jersey, from the policy and approach. um,
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i'm going to give a mr. dunn with the 1st opportunity to speak with you after that i will give me such as to do the same and after that you will then have the opportunity to ask some few questions. thank you. thank you. mostly. so i wouldn't be long, i think it's important just to spell out of why we can use this is now the 3rd time to come and asking for provisional, what is, i mean asking for provision orders be close the situation in there full of goes up, but in particular, info fast changed drastically since the last time we came to the court, what we see is speech and the set of x intensifying. we seen the king's intent to 5 and i'll leave this team to demonstrate that the facts on these changing circumstances, including the gym to saddle at some both but alpha and him because a feeling of tgm specifically pointed out to be on the bait and killing since we
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came in january and pointed out that at least $15000.00 people died since we can is in january. and obviously these provisional orders, what you're asking for is the quote to use each far was to stop this college because they use each policy in unambiguous way to stop this. so if you do not need the quote to provide language that infers what is it, l must do that. the court test explicitly state that is that all my stuff, it's genocidal x in the alpha that is messed up in suicide or x in guys. and that includes an unambiguous quote to see this military operations in there are for the whole class or the quote. this previously said that it's quotes for humanitarian aid to, to be provided early ended can only be done if the he's a c spy in place. what our legal team is flipping out is we should not depend on such a seas for you to come through a political negotiations because it's not happening well through some action of the
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security cards. so because it's not happening, we're asking that the quote to use use of expo is that is being conferred upon through the genocide of a convention or to the acts of genocide to end. and that includes an explicit order for the sufficient of us till it is to end. we also are asking the court to ensure that the order is, is we have to respect the previous provision that was including the very minute orders regarding the earned him to the access to the amendment to him. so in essence, we've argued that all the conditions, the legal conditions prevail for prevail for justifying. i'll call for new provisional orders, because not only of the conditions change, click on the change recipe and up to 2 days after the march should have more rapidly since the last quote described the situation of spitters. so we, we hope that the quote will come and give us a little sit and give us
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a v v v v v. or does we ask to drive? it has to be because it is urgent. thank you miss that. you know, give the opportunity to mr. johnson allow me 1st to express, so it doesn't. i'm glad to, to, to south africa for taking the more the legal and political stance to come for the humanity and defensive for the city and people in the darkest chapter of the city under this ongoing neck. the that has been that, but you waited for the last 7 to 6 years is now with assume a new heights, which is a very dangerous sense. that's the existence and the continuation of the police to me and people on the line. today i think south africa made it clear that the court needs to us it's forwarded to you in relation to the genocide, the lights, and the completes of this respect and content that is really showing towards
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the orders that the court has issued. but furthermore, to the whole international system that stands on laws on the international system that is based on, on legal order. today, south africa with this action is defending this order is protecting this or the in the face of countries that are turning that back to disorder. and try to play a semantics in order to observe, is there a, you know, if it's responsibility, we believe that's what south africa is asking, is the bare minimum of what is required of humanity today to end this college and this genocide that's taking place in palestine against defenseless videos, children, women, literally who have done nothing to face this all to disregard to their lives,
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except that they are living in guys and that they are. but this thing is of this. they also extends furthermore to the south of the buys. but let's see instead of $3.00 and $4.00 that again with the rate that we auditory, we got the view to the south africa for instance. thank you. thank you very much. do you now have the opportunity to, to ask questions. let us piece before denise. so that everybody gets a chance to ask the question and hopefully be responded to your raise your hand. i pointed to these integers, they media how as you come from and then post your questions and really mean the number of questions to, to at this day supposed to be how stuck with you know, some guy. so the question is, in the previous orders, the court ordered the israeli government to provide support and those reports were
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not able to your access would be some guard exclusive access where you'd be able to any kind of for the next access or like some of these actions was providing do some monitoring assistance or a given game and for some piece by the previous you possibly be able to any kind of have a name, access, or any kind of implied from this report. so somebody in terms of the reports of israel has what's required to submit for black with regards to the last provision. what is that happy that i'm put in a report we are responding to that before the effective date was the deadline for us to something like we have submitted today. and so we hope that based on that the quote and use some of that reports also to, to adjudicate in terms of on us in terms of our nuclear regional. this isn't,
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it has not responded to the original will disappear under discussion today. i'm so wait to hear what they do present tomorrow. thank you very much. so the same reviews and we will be using these changes. what we believe is that isabel is doing what he's doing because of the institution right. decades. it is not disco responding with respecting your in security council resolutions that i'm finding that we've seen over the last 7 months, ignoring the binding orders of this quote. what are we saying?
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use them as my colleagues on this page are these pointed out, we believe that this quote should play that are already discussed it up to play, to ensure that he has it on desk, comply. we also hope that counter measures will now become a reality to the teams or the institutions of the united nations system. this is the a big score of your own surviving institutions of united immune system that can compel either to to meet these obligations. and we hope that these kinds of condemnation, it'll be a soft and explicit. and this time we're asking for, for, because the for original measures got the quote has to be explicit. not implicit, not for people to infer that the court is saying they must be a ceasefire. if this is happening, we saying that the suspicion of a still it is, must happen. and as one of our lawyers pointed out into meetings today, the court has the powers to do that. and under the genocide conventions,
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it does not have to require all parties to do the state parties to force these 5 to the order. that's a spect involved in what the dispute, what is being the only the, the clips of possible genocide, kindly order to seize those activities. we are, we are hoping that the school does this and that piece of stuff comply because we have, we have seen that the institutions of global governance and particularly disagree fix, core, easy, respected for global government and the court to become the victim of the, of global justice that they always can but how much faith is still happening and the national stuff is only up for months the situation and how it is now. let me start to move. oh my goodness. okay. look, i, i think this new stuff you last question for the step i think, but agent with the age of joining is important that you have
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a major power in the region. i'm joining, okay. this is a signal that this institutionalized infinity is coming to an end. a do use that the political level of, of, of, of egypt is joining us. any legal action is equally important because it also profiling the fact that we are trying to use the institutions of global governance prefect, we've always wanted to do if it's mostly a piece in the short term, but also a long adjusting piece um through ending the occupation um for negotiations, um, but full of that to happen, the sense of colonial activities and the genocidal actions that a company that must and i'm hoping that the institutions of global governance will this time be more explicit. and that all the countries that are currently supporting is out of extras explicitly or through mental action. now act with a lot more vigorous to ensure that the allied stuff is getting this out of it. if you allow me to also the to we have faces,
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you might have and humanity has produced these norms. in order to avoid a going back to, to the, to the crime is that we have come with the previous day. humanity is showing gets to face in relation to palestine with the students taking in the universities with the joining the swat paying their lives today in order to cover what's happening doesn't with adult. so there's a lot of being buddies with also the funding humanity is, is also standing up for palestine. it has certain governments that have decided on to the, the, the, the position of defending visiting this is a thin line that they are walking in. and we should not allow them to give them the space to continue walking. and this is why we need to clarify the disorders and leave load room for anyone to interpret that. it's the way they want to, to, to expose those media outlets and everyone who tries to of skewed or to hide the
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crimes. that is really, this is what we have faith in. and this is what we would continue to fight for. and we hope that we would have been a lot then, not only for the sake of palestine, but for the sake of each and every one with its own. because if we leave, what is read is doing today to the city of people to pass without any accountability, if we come to the beach and everyone living on this. thank you very much with the said, oh no. we are optimistic. i think the fact that the the opportunity to, to come and give autopay eating was done with a level of urgency by the court. so that's
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a good agreed to it almost immediately. because we felt that we've made the application give them the vincy and we made sure that we despite the short notice about 2 days from the quote that we made or where you have to ensure that we, we provide the kind of argument as well and able to click and make that decision. so we hope based on the very detail, factual explanation of about leaving team today that the corporate make a decision and make that decision. but for us, the course itself, the cloth. and so that by you, by calling for the see heating swift. so we expect this with this falls, which is aligned with, with the loans and bends and obligations faith of the genocide overage. thank you. yeah, i will look it over to you on file. as do you think this is a 100 percent legal battle or there's been some kind of brush up with them, you can reach saying that quick. okay, is it just the price of that being for accordance with the international law,
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where the court or other faxes are being. and so if, if he likes political pressure on the government's maybe on my home by certain parts these, by, like states, by the us to force otherwise, right. and is there is plenty elements and it's fully legal you know, the way i understand you question, i mean, stuck in the politics come into play, but here in front of the for, to not present that single of what has been presented today is that some politics are being dealt with, i swear the negotiations for ceasefire, which is also get involved by, by egypt and others. so that out of the politically the track that is taking place on so far, it has not succeeded the money that is on just because it's very easy to use is to abide by any standards, including in relation to its causes a life. but today, here we are presenting that
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and this course has been very well known and solve the whole awards for it. stanley was low enough by the way, i just tried to do and to add to that. so from outside approaching the for this purely because we believe the quote has a duty to use his powers to us in the, under the falls of virginia in the genocidal acts. so we're using the legal avenue what of course, as a diploma. we also engage in political discussions, we engage in the un security council or the general assembly. you'd have seen those statements that we engage in dialogue as part of the stakeholders in the agent, including the directions and the competitors and the us and others. so we believe that when it comes to the crime of crimes, the fact that this kind of brands and other crimes of being committed with impunity over decades, then this is the correct for them to make a put
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a last lint on what he believes. israel must be at the stuff for genocide. x one last question please. any jacobs it looks like you've made your 1st saturday. thank you very much. thank you very much bye. we are asking the cold to use this palace to stop the cottage. so would that of miss design done go? he's the director general of the department of international relations and corporations of the state of south africa referencing south africa's case it's pleading before the international court of justice today where it made oral arguments asking for the i c j to issue another provisional ruling saying the unabated killing since january the decades of institution and punitive, the changing situation since the calls provisional ruling in january and assess the
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type of the south africa to us for quote, measures to be issued and to be explicit and not implicit. allowed to 0 senior political analyst model on the shot of joins us here in the studio. so basically what we've seen today, model one is south africa saying time is running out the quotes. last rulings have made no difference. and we want you quote, to use your powers to end this war, right? that's what it boils down to fair look into the quote. now when the will well, did it say now or never. and on the line, the facts that affects the evidence that they are increasing and the damage is reputable. and hence, the court must take action on
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a number of measures that there are mention 4 of them, at least what, why it is made clear, at least on day me just terms in terms of anything that's all probation i guess, so far. but eventually, also ending the occupation of gaza. so it's a really one is, is right out and they, you on or in go. so that's basically what they are now. whether the court would accept the measures as, as the south african let them out or make up their own measures were meant to be seen last time around. if you remember, the court sort of revise and created his own measures what it felt, it was what was necessary to address the situation. right? because it's, it's, it is, you know, as i say it's on the one hand, it's very simple. there's a dropping genocide in thing site and as the south african side,
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it's got worse over the past 4 or 5 months since the since the court issue it's provisional. imagine in fact that starts out for kind of a good, i thought eloquently, convincingly, that is not only defied the court orders as in double zone. and while a thing both orders meetings not only does not take the extra effort in order to, to make sure that it does implement those orders infected, double bound on making sure that it, it increases the entire incitement that goes to people and gaza, increases the destruction and goes the desk, the firm in the start patients with that in mind. then how likely is it any further orders might be respected and implemented? i, i mean it on like all are the people. we're just listen to the politicians as it where i don't think the court can do much of the event issue orders. provisional orders
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cannot do much more than be a model. voice, legal voice, a voice to be respected and honored. so it comes down to will power is i the us in particular go actually with the politicians because i think you're really, i guess jeffrey really put his finger on the pain that the last thing the world needs now is to go back to the politicians and with that to repair the situation that they have commitments they've created what's his point on. but once the court issues, it's whatever orders at the end of the day, it's going to take states, it's going to take politicians to implement them. so what about square one, and that's why it's not so much whether this is the 4th issues, the order's been guys going to be safe? no, it's just going going to be certainly a clear our model, legal voice to guy for additions and certainly to guide those who are now on defense to make sure that they do take actions as everyone else. i me, i mean,
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to people, i think universities, the people is in the public squares. the people in the mid nissan elsewhere will probably take this thing very seriously. the other side of the point is the worst of all. again, you're fairly a guest jeffrey auto, but the u. k. i think on the line. that's very, very uh, you know, precisely if the court does not take any measures since is right. is going to see is that it's can cool on double down, take on drop off and create even a greater catastrophe than the one that has over the past 78 months. so let's talk a little bit about what might be going on outside of the quote. we do know that we'll pals have a history of trying to pressure international quotes in september. the 2nd 2020 the us impose sanctions on the i c. c, not the i, c j, but on the i c. c, prosecutor,
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another quote, officials in a situation like this, how much pressure would be bearing down on some of the i, c, j officials. you know, the last person of the court was american. but this time is lebanese, and there's already a talk in some parts of the american media that the american was pro. is there any that have any, is this pro palestinian? i don't think that's going to wait and as much as people think, i think the court has proven to be a respectable body of judges. i think there are too many charges for anyone judge to be bribed. the pressure though, what have you. and i think the united states stuck in the end of the day, it's myself not joined the i c. c. but it is part of the so many days if it does it this part of the genocide convention. and i think this court will have its task made made up for the problem. the complexity of this issue in front of the court is that it all it has to be done on the previous.


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